Categories > Games > Zelda > The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage: Dark Mirror

Chapter Nineteen: The Rehearsal

by LaxyakLovesLoZ 0 reviews

Chapter Nineteen: The Rehearsal

Category: Zelda - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Link,Zelda - Published: 2024-06-27 - 950 words - Complete

Zale and Lila smiled at each other all through lunch. They didn’t look at anyone else while they ate. Ella kept trying to engage them in conversation, but they only gave hums in answer. They had to be reminded to eat several times and were the last ones to finish eating.

Eventually, the party moved to the throne room where several people waited. There was the Royal Choir, which consisted of six members. There were also four guards in heavier armor than usual. One wore red, another green, the third was in blue, and the last wore purple. Each one carried a cushion on which rested a dull rock. Finally, there was an old man dressed in ornate white and gold robes. Zale knew him as his father’s advisor Eugene. Everyone bowed when they caught sight of Zale.

“Please rise,” Zale said uncomfortably. He would have to get used to people bowing to him.

“Now that you have arrived, Prince Zale,” Eugene said cordially, “we may begin the rehearsal.”

Eugene started by arranging everyone into their proper places. The choir went to the back, on the right side of the throne. The four knights mirrored them. The advisor stood in front of the throne, and Zale was in front of him on the steps. Ella was placed in front of the choir, while Lila and Salvatore stood on opposite sides of the throne.

“First will be your performance,” Eugene said. “You will be able to practice that later. Then I put this robe over your shoulders to symbolize the sailcloth…” Eugene pulled out a white robe. When he unfurled it, the Hylian crest adorned the back. He placed the robe over Zale and then continued.

“Next will be the presentation of the Royal Jewels. Knights, come forward.”

The knights took one step forward and then turned abruptly toward Zale. He looked at them curiously.

Eugene said, “They have rocks for now but will have the jewels when the real ceremony commences. Prince Zale, you will take each one as they are presented to you and will name their corresponding element.”

The green knight came forward first. He knelt in front of Zale and held up his cushion. Zale took the rock and said, “Earth.”

The red knight was next, to which Zale declared, “Fire.”

The blue knight, water, was followed by the purple knight, wind.

“Now repeat after me,” Eugene said. “With these four elements, I vow to protect and rule Hyrule with an eye toward peace.”

Zale repeated the words, staring out into the invisible crowd.

“Then the knights will take back the jewels.” One by one, the knights did just that.

“And there’s just one more step to go,” Eugene said. He handed Zale a book. Zale opened it and revealed blank pages.

“Hold that open and repeat after me. I vow to record the history of Hyrule as sacred knowledge to be passed down to my inheritors.”

While Zale said the words, Eugene placed the crown on Zale’s head. Suddenly everything felt heavy, like the crown carried all of the burdens of the entire kingdom. Zale’s breathing became labored and he struggled to get the words out. He thought of his father lying dead in the road and wished he could talk to him once more, despite the final farewell he had been granted. At the last word, Zale dropped the book and collapsed.

Lila was by his side in an instant. She knelt on the steps of the throne and cradled Zale in her lap.

“Zale, what’s wrong? Talk to me!”

His face and lips were pale, but his eyes fluttered open.

“What happened?” he asked wearily.

Lila hugged him to her chest and Salvatore said, “You passed out. Are you alright, sire?”

Zale held a hand to his head. He felt dizzy.

“Perhaps a little something to eat and a glass of water will help,” Eugene suggested.

Salvatore bowed, saying, “Yes, sir,” and left.

Eugene continued, “I’ve seen this before. Your father did the same thing when he received the crown.”

“He did?” Zale asked.

“Oh yes. There was so much on his mind. Grieving the loss of his wife, caring for a young child, and having to rule the kingdom.”

The revelation brought Zale closer to his father. He started to feel the dizziness subside and sat up on his own. Lila kept a hand on his shoulder.

“I think I know some of how he felt,” Zale said. “Thank you for sharing.”

Eugene bowed and said, “You’re welcome, sire.”

Salvatore hurried back into the room holding a piece of bread and a cup of water. He handed the items to Zale.

Zale said, “Thank you, Salvatore,” even though he felt like he didn’t need the sustenance.

While he ate, Eugene said, “You’ll be alright soon enough. Just take your time.”

Zale nodded and finished off the bread. Then he washed it down with the water. He handed the glass back to Salvatore and got to his feet with Lila’s help. He said, “Thank you for the respite. I feel much better.”

Lila squeezed his hand and then went back to her post.

Ella handed the fallen crown to Eugene.

“Thank you, dear. Should we run that part again?”

They practiced each of Zale’s vows until he could say them without prompting, then went through the whole ceremony one more time. Afterward, the choir and Ella got to join in as they played and sang with Zale’s harp. They rehearsed until everyone was satisfied. Though exhausted, Zale invited all of the participants to dinner, after which he gladly went to bed.
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