Categories > Books > Outsiders > A Ticklish Rumble

Ponyboy and Steve

by Qycommet 0 reviews

Ponyboy and Steve go at it

Category: Outsiders - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2024-08-01 - Updated: 2025-01-28 - 1546 words

Steve Randle strode into the Curtis house, the front door creaking slightly as he stepped inside. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and mock protests, and it didn’t take him long to spot the source—Two-Bit Mathews was sitting triumphantly on a red-faced, tousled Ponyboy Curtis. Steve leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms with a smirk.

“What the hell’s going on in here?” he asked, his voice dripping with mockery. “You two practicing for the World’s Weakest Wrestler competition?”

Ponyboy pushed at Two-Bit’s leg weakly. “Ha-ha, Steve. Very funny.”

Two-Bit, still grinning, ruffled Ponyboy’s already messy hair. “Nah, Steve, I’m just teaching Pony here the art of graceful losing. Kid’s got the longest streak in history, you know.”

Steve laughed, stepping further into the room. “I could’ve told you that. Bet he loses to himself in the mirror.”

Ponyboy rolled his eyes and shoved Two-Bit off him, sitting up. “You’re just jealous ‘cause you’re too chicken to get in on this.”

Steve raised an eyebrow, his grin widening. “Chicken? Curtis, I could pin you with one hand tied behind my back. Don’t kid yourself.”

Two-Bit, intrigued, looked between the two of them. “Now, wait a minute. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you two go at it. That’s something I’d pay to see.”

Steve waved his hand dismissively. “Ponyboy? Nah, it wouldn’t even be a fair fight.”

Ponyboy, his competitive streak flaring up, stood and squared his shoulders. “Is that so? You think you could take me that easily?”

“Absolutely,” Steve replied, his tone dripping with confidence. He crossed his arms and leaned back slightly, sizing Ponyboy up. “But hey, if you wanna embarrass yourself, I’m game.”

Two-Bit clapped his hands, grinning like a kid at Christmas. “Alright, boys, let’s see what you’ve got!” He stepped aside to give them space, then pointed at Steve. “Shoes off, Randle. Pony’s already barefoot.”

Steve gave Two-Bit a look but complied, kicking off his sneakers and pulling off his socks. “Fine, fine. Let’s get this over with.”

Ponyboy and Steve began circling each other, their eyes locked in a mock-serious stare. Two-Bit leaned back against the wall, arms crossed, and watched with amusement as the two squared off like boxers in a ring.

“You’re going down, Curtis,” Steve taunted, his grin never wavering.

“We’ll see about that,” Ponyboy shot back, his voice steady despite the excitement bubbling inside him.

Suddenly, Ponyboy lunged forward, diving low and grabbing Steve’s ankles. Steve yelped in surprise as his feet were swept out from under him, sending him crashing to the floor with a loud thud.

“What the—” Steve started, but Ponyboy didn’t give him a chance to finish. Quick as a flash, Ponyboy grabbed one of Steve’s feet, holding it firmly as he began scribbling his fingers across the sole.

Steve’s reaction was immediate and explosive. His body jerked as he let out a loud, involuntary laugh. “HAHAHA! PONY, YOU LITTLE—STOP THAT!”

Ponyboy grinned triumphantly, his fingers moving faster. “Not so tough now, are you, Steve? Ticklish much?”

Steve twisted and flailed, trying to pull his foot free, but Ponyboy held on, his grip surprisingly strong. “AHAHAHA! CUT IT OUT! PONY—AHAHAHAHA!”

Two-Bit doubled over with laughter from his spot against the wall. “Holy crap, Pony, I didn’t know you had it in you!”

Ponyboy didn’t respond, too focused on his attack. He moved his fingers up to Steve’s toes, wriggling them against the sensitive skin, and Steve howled with laughter, his legs kicking wildly.

“ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!” Steve managed to gasp, though his voice was laced with laughter. “YOU’RE DEAD, CURTIS!”

Summoning his strength, Steve reached out and grabbed Ponyboy’s ankle with one hand, yanking it toward him. Before Ponyboy could react, Steve scribbled his fingers across the sole of Ponyboy’s foot, catching him off guard.

Ponyboy yelped, jerking backward, but Steve held on. “You’re not getting away that easily,” Steve said, his grin returning as he doubled down on his tickling.

“AHAHAHA! NO! STEVE! STAHAHAHAP!” Ponyboy shrieked, his voice rising as he tried to kick free.

Steve laughed, clearly enjoying his revenge. “What’s the matter, Pony? I thought you were tough?”

Ponyboy writhed on the floor, laughing uncontrollably as Steve’s fingers danced across his foot. His free foot kicked out, trying to find purchase, but Steve shifted, pulling Ponyboy down to the floor and pinning him.

With one hand holding Ponyboy’s ankle securely, Steve used his other hand to tickle with ruthless precision. His fingers skittered over Ponyboy’s sole, from the ball of his foot to the arch, then down to his heel.

“PLLEAASEEE! AHAHAHAHAHA! STOP! STEVE!” Ponyboy begged, tears streaming down his face from the relentless tickling.

Two-Bit was in hysterics, clutching his sides as he watched the chaos unfold. “Oh, man, Pony, I think he’s got you beat!”

“I—WON’T—GIVE—UP!” Ponyboy yelled through his laughter, though his resolve was clearly crumbling.

Steve raised an eyebrow, his smirk growing. “Oh, you’re a fighter, huh? Alright, let’s see how long you last.”

He switched tactics, lightly spidering his fingers over the top of Ponyboy’s foot before returning to the sensitive underside. Ponyboy’s laughter grew more frantic, his strength fading as he tried to pull away.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Ponyboy, he couldn’t take it anymore. With a loud, breathless cry, he shouted, “UNCLE! UNCLE! I GIVE UP!”

Steve immediately stopped, releasing Ponyboy’s ankle and sitting back with a triumphant grin. “What’d I tell you? You can’t take me, Curtis.”

Ponyboy lay sprawled on the floor, gasping for air as he wiped tears from his eyes. “You…cheated,” he muttered weakly, though there was no malice in his tone.

“Cheated?” Steve repeated, feigning offense. “That was a fair fight, and you know it. You just couldn’t handle the heat.”

Steve grinned triumphantly as he remained seated on top of Ponyboy, his arms crossed over his chest like a king surveying his kingdom. Ponyboy, still catching his breath from the relentless tickle attack, glared up at him weakly, his cheeks flushed from exertion and embarrassment.

“Well, well, Curtis,” Steve drawled, tilting his head and giving Ponyboy a smug look. “That was quite the fight you put up, but we both know how this turned out, don’t we?”

Ponyboy groaned, turning his head to the side and muttering, “Yeah, yeah, you won. Don’t let it go to your head.”

Steve chuckled, clearly enjoying every second of his victory. “Oh, I don’t think you said that loud enough, Pony. Let’s hear it again. Who won?”

Ponyboy rolled his eyes but didn’t respond, his defiance still flickering despite the loss.

“Alright, have it your way,” Steve said, his grin widening. He reached down and began running his fingers through Ponyboy’s messy hair, smoothing it back in an exaggerated, teasing gesture. “Maybe this will help you think more clearly.”

“Steve, cut it out,” Ponyboy protested, though his voice lacked any real bite as he tried to swat at Steve’s hands.

Steve easily dodged the halfhearted attempt, continuing to comb his fingers through Ponyboy’s hair. “C’mon, Ponyboy, just admit it. I’m the champ, the reigning king of this little wrestling match. You’re not getting up until I hear it.”

Ponyboy huffed, glaring up at Steve, though the effect was somewhat diminished by the way Steve kept fluffing and patting his hair. “You’re so annoying, you know that?”

“That’s not the answer I’m looking for,” Steve replied, smirking as he tousled Pony’s hair again. “Come on, Curtis. Say it. Who’s the winner?”

Ponyboy groaned, letting his head fall back against the floor in defeat. “Fine. You won. Happy now?”

Steve’s grin grew even wider, and he gave Ponyboy’s hair one last playful ruffle before crossing his arms again. “That’s more like it. I gotta say, though, you didn’t make it easy. For a little guy, you’ve got some fight in you.”

Ponyboy muttered something under his breath that Steve couldn’t quite make out, but the way his lips twitched suggested he wasn’t too mad about the whole thing.

Two-Bit, who had been watching the entire exchange from the couch, burst out laughing. “Man, Pony, you look like you just lost a war. Steve’s got you beat in every way today!”

“Shut up, Two-Bit,” Ponyboy shot back, though he couldn’t keep the faint smile from creeping onto his face.

Steve finally climbed off of Ponyboy, offering him a hand to help him up. “You put up a good fight, kid. But you know, I’m always gonna come out on top.”

Ponyboy accepted the hand grudgingly, getting to his feet and brushing himself off. “Yeah, yeah, don’t get used to it. Next time, I’m winning.”

Steve laughed, clapping Ponyboy on the shoulder. “Sure, Curtis. Whatever you say. Just make sure to practice so you don’t end up flat on your back again.”
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