Categories > Cartoons > Daria > Silent Cynic


by DrT 0 reviews

The Amazon Modeling reps visit Lawndale

Category: Daria - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Daria,Jane,Quinn,Sandi - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2024-08-13 - 4046 words - Complete

The Silent Cynic
By Dr. T

Chapter 5 – Amazons

‘You managed to avoid being spotted?’ Daria asked Quinn as they went downstairs to eat lasagna for dinner that evening.

‘So far as I know,’ Quinn signed back, to make certain she was not overheard.

‘I have to drop a pleasant bomb on Mom and Dad; please back me up.’

‘Okay,” Quinn replied, cautiously.

“Hey, Kiddo, how was the school trip?” Jake asked as he tossed the salad.

‘For what it was, it went okay,’ Daria replied. ‘One interesting thing did happen. Mom needs to hear it, too.’

Quinn began to worry; she knew Daria would never rat on her for no reason. The question was, did she have a reason?

Helen, however, was still on the phone to the firm’s partner that was supervising her. Seeing her family stare at her, one with expectation (Daria, which was rare to say the least), encouraged her to wind things up, although that still took a few minutes. She wondered if Quinn had reason to look guilty about something, but there was a gleam in Daria’s eye that did not seem malign. “What is it?”

‘Mom, I know it is somewhat short notice, but I was invited to the Snow Ball….’

Quinn’s ‘scree’ of happiness did not quite overcome Helen’s, “Oh, Sweetie!” Almost instantly though, her face hardened. “Who’s the boy?”

Daria gestured to Quinn. “Troy?” Daria nodded for her to explain. “His name is Troy Loomis, he’s a junior. His father is a foreman at that plant outside of town, you know, the one that makes storm windows and doors? He’s…unfashionable, but nice enough. He’s in the band, he does art, and he’s like some famous chess player.”

‘He is a National Master and twice placed high at the US Open,’ Daria put in. ‘We would just be going as friends, and a friend of his will be taking Jane.’

“So close to the Ball,” Helen muttered.

‘Quinn, have you settled on who is taking you?’ Daria demanded.

“Yes,” Quinn replied without giving a name.

‘So, I did not decide to go to the Ball until I was asked. Quinn decided she would be going before she was asked. Hence the difference in the timing of informing you.’

Helen could hardly argue with that. In fact, she and Daria both were wondering if Quinn had actually decided on who her date would be. Still, “Daria, you cannot wear boots to the Ball.”

‘I believe I can, and might,’ Daria retorted. ‘I just cannot wear my usual boots to the Ball.’

Helen glared at her daughter and then guiltily at her phone.

Daria intervened quickly, knowing her mother would be torn between her need to prove herself at work and wanting to help Daria shop (not that Daria really wanted her mother’s help). ‘Quinn, are you finished looking for your outfit?’

“I think so.”

‘Dad, I know Mom will have to work, so could you drive Quinn, Jane, and me to Cranberry Commons Saturday morning?”

“But Cashman’s is at the Mall!” Quinn protested.

‘I know. That is why we will try the Commons first. Plus, we can go to the driving range behind it after lunch if we are successful.’

Cranberry Commons, the original, smaller mall, had some nice shops, but Cashman’s Junior Department was the current Mecca for Quinn’s crowd. Still, Quinn had to acknowledge that some of the stores at the Commons were more in-line with what Daria might like than Cashman’s. And hitting a driving range would help their father put up with shopping. So, everyone was happy…except Helen. In the end, Helen was content with supplying her credit card.


Jane had found an old formal gown that fit her, which her sister Summer must have worn when she had been around Jane’s age (since Penny had never attended any such function). Still, she was willing to go gown shopping with Daria and her family.

All were surprised when Daria led the group not directly into the small mall, but around to the backside. There, they found that the original anchor store, which had gone bankrupt a few years before, had been subdivided, with a few small shops set aside in the back. One sold ‘formal gowns for all occasions, tailoring available.’ While Daria had been willing to add a few shirts and blouses with regular necklines, so long as she could wear something around her neck, she wanted a high-necked gown. They were the only customers in the store, which had just opened. Even with the direction that she wanted a high-necked gown as well as her color preferences added, it only took the owner a few minutes to set out nine possible gowns. Between the Snow Ball over Christmas and the moderately large local spring Prom season, many stores in the general area of Lawndale stocked a few more teen-sized gowns than many locations normally would.

Daria seriously considered four of the gowns, but in the end went with the one which needed the least altering, just a slight adjustment to the collar and sleeves. To Jake’s amazement and Quinn’s disappointment, they were in at 10:05 and out by 10:50, as it would take a few days to make the alterations. By 11:30, she had also acquired a pair of what Quinn called ‘just stylish enough’ riding boots. Daria had also shot down Quinn’s suggestions of being pierced for earrings, buying any other jewelry, buying any other clothes, getting her hair cut or otherwise styled (even Jane had joined in, trying to persuade Daria to add various red highlights), or a manicure. When she went into the drug store to buy some lip balm, she did agree to buy a brand that incorporated a slight lip gloss, but that was as far as she would go.

By 11:45, they were making their order at a Mexican fast-food place – Helen was the only member of the family who generally avoided Mexican (and never added any extra sauce, not even mild like Daria and Quinn used), and since she was not there, the others were happy to indulge. Jake and Jane of course added as much of the extra spicy salsa as they could.

After lunch, the three Morgendorffers retired to the driving range for an hour of fun, while Jane had fun sketching.


Troy and Paul were sitting across from Daria and Jane at lunch the next Wednesday, each silently contemplating a slightly less-than-usual appetizing meal, when Paul sighed and looked around. “Is it me, or are some of the girls acting….”

“More hyper and nervous than usual?” Jane supplied.

‘Yes,’ Daria added with a nod.

“Why? Is it these modelling people?” Troy asked.

‘Exactly; half the twittering birds expect or at least hope to be chosen for the ‘free lesson,’ which is more of a competition to see who gets the free photo shoot. That would in theory give them a shot at a real modelling contract, assuming this whole thing is not a rip-off scheme.’

“And the other half?” Paul asked.

“All the bird-brains are debating everyone’s chances,” Jane put in.

“Well, they’ll be here tomorrow,” Troy said with a shrug, disinterested.


The two representatives of the modelling agency spent that Thursday visiting classes throughout the High School. While Brittany had been the only girl who had gone so far as to wear an evening gown (under a trench coat until her big reveal in Economics), over sixty other students were far more dressed-up than nearly any ever were. All of the hopefuls had more makeup than usual, with about twenty unknowingly ruining their chances by wearing far too much makeup, clothes that emphasized the wrong thing (or things, in the case of Brittany), or both. When it was learned that the ‘free coaching session’ would be limited to a maximum number of ten, the evil looks and insults amongst many of the obvious competitors intensified.

For nearly all the boys who did not have girlfriends competing, and about a quarter of the girls, none of this really registered. They could not care less, and the near catfights, since they ended in snarling and hissing rather than actual fights, were mostly ignored. Still, a number of students were forced to pay more attention than they wished, as they had friends, family, or girlfriends involved. Quinn was thought to be a likely contender, and so she attracted a fair amount of the hostility. Daria made certain she kept an eye and an ear out for trouble in that direction. Highland had been a sometimes violent town and high school. Daria had been far from the only student with a constant supply of pepper sprays – hers was merely the strongest, and she had used it more than once. Daria had made certain she was packing this morning.

Daria was also at least casual friends with Brittany, Jodie, Tori, and a few others who were interested to some degree in participating. Jane was more openly sardonic, but she liked Quinn, Jodi, and a few others well enough to keep Daria company in surveying the school. Mack stuck close to Jodie. Unconcerned but willing to lend their presence, Troy and Paul also hung around when possible. Kevin, Upchuck, and more than a few other boys mostly just leered at the girls showing the most cleavage and/or best legs.

The invitations would be issued that night, and feelings would no doubt run high the next morning.


“You haven’t said much about these Amazon Modeling people,” Helen said to Daria that evening at dinner, waiting for Quinn to join them. The phone had rung a few moments before, and it had apparently been for Quinn. “That’s most of what Quinn has talked about all week.”

‘I do disapprove, especially because I found out that they are paying the school a fee.’

“The voters haven’t approved a rate hike in some time,” Helen pointed out. “Schools have to do something to make up the shortfall.”

‘But that is not what they are using the money for. Ms. Li admitted they are doing this to pay for new bulletproof skylights, which is insane. The whole thing is enough to turn your stomach.’ Daria thought about that, and added, ‘Which I guess is good if you want to be a model; eases the transition to bulimia.’

Helen wrinkled her nose at that. “From the emphatic gestures, despite not saying much before this, I take it you really feel strongly about the whole thing. Have you spoken to Quinn about it?” Daria knew her mother had tried to do so, but had failed to make much headway.

Daria shook her head. ‘No; I despise the whole concept, but even if I think it is a poor, even bad thing, it is one of Quinn’s dreams.”

“I suppose I have to agree with you,” Helen had to admit. “Now, about that date you have with Troy tomorrow night….”

“Mom! Dad! Guess what?” Quinn nearly shouted, coming into the kitchen. “I've been accepted into that really exclusive modeling class! I knew I would make it!”

Not only did Daria and Helen stare at her, but Jake lowered the newspaper, looking even more stunned. “What?”

“No Quinn, it’s not for you,” Helen stated after a moment of silence.

“What do you mean, ‘no?’ Do you think I'm not the modeling type? Are you talking about my hips?”

“This has nothing to do with your hips, Quinn….”

“It can't be my boobs. Cloud said my boobs are perfect for modeling.”

“Who's Cloud?” Jake demanded. “I'll kill him! If he is a him.”

That made Helen roll her eyes. “You're not killing anyone, Jake.”

“Maybe I could I go upstairs then? This conversation is making me really uncomfortable.”

“Stay where you are, Jake,” Helen commanded. She turned to Quinn. “Quinn, this isn't about your body. I don't think you realize that modeling is an extremely competitive activity....”

“So is dating, if you do it right,” she muttered.

“ which your value as a human being is decided entirely on how you look.”

“When does the bad part come in?”

Daria’s hand slapped down on the table, drawing attention to her. ‘Stop that! I know you know better!’ Daria took a deep breath and toned down the sweep of her gestures. ‘Yes, you think you might like being a model. Maybe you are right, and you would be very good at it. I understand why you want to try. Really, I do. But right now, you are just being competitive with the other girls. Let me guess, Sandi has especially been giving you a hard time.’

Quinn made a face, but could only nod. She turned to her mother. “When they phone back, please agree to let me try!”

At that moment, the phone rang.

Helen sighed, and went to answer it.


That night, after talking again with Quinn, Helen knocked on Daria’s door. Daria rang a little bell, which was one way she signaled when people knocked to come in if she could not come right to the door.

Helen sat on the end of Daria’s bed, and slumped. Daria, who had sat up in bed when Helen had knocked, reached over and touched her mother’s arm, getting her attention. ‘She is still determined?’

Helen sighed. “Yes; as much as I disagree with her, I can’t really say no.” She looked Daria in the eye. “Would you please go keep an eye on the class?” This would be held starting in the afternoon activity period, although it might go at least twenty minutes longer.

Daria made a face, but nodded.

“Could you please bring Jane and maybe some others along. If things go wrong….”

Daria nodded again, knowing she might have a difficult time gaining anyone’s attention by herself. ‘Are you worried about the other girls, or that she might have another flashback to the attack?’ These sometimes happened when Quinn was under stress and in a crowd.

“Mostly the second,” Helen replied.

Daria made the ‘ok’ gesture.

“Thank you, Sweetie.” Helen leaned over and kissed Daria’s forehead. She came to a decision. “Amy called last weekend.” Daria tried to disguise her interest. “I think you know she had been planning on going to some conferences, one between Christmas and New Years’ and one a few days later. Her panel during the one before New Years’ has been cancelled. Are Jane’s parents still…wandering?”

Daria nodded.

“Amy will be coming for Christmas. If Jane can get actual permission to go, she’ll drive you two up to her place in North Jersey. A friend of hers who lives in Manhattan will be out of town. The three of you can visit a museum or two, maybe see a show, and so on, and fly back to DC on the third, or maybe take the train. Interested?”

Daria could not help herself but smiled and nodded. ‘Thank you.’ Daria’s smile went a little towards the teasing side. ‘It could be worse.’

“What could be?”

‘Quinn and Aunt Rita could have bonded instead of Amy and myself.’

Now Helen had the same twisted smile. It was true that she and Amy did not get along, but they were much better together than Helen and Rita, never mind either Helen or Amy with their mother. Amy had spent the summer after the attack sleeping on the Morgendorffer sofa, comforting both girls, taking them to their therapy sessions, and learning signing with Daria, and then helping Daria teach the others. It allowed Jake and Helen to work full days and devote the evenings and weekends to their girls. Quinn liked Amy, but Daria, who had never really responded to anyone, not even her parents, had adored her. To her surprise, Amy, who had come mostly out of a sense of obligation, found herself liking Quinn, but really returning Daria’s feelings. Helen was a little jealous, but she knew that she had never really bonded with Daria as well as she had with Quinn. She had even less time for either of her girls that summer, when they both needed someone more than ever. She had been glad that Daria at least had Amy to take up most of the slack.

Amy, to her shock, had quickly developed a knack that summer. When Quinn had had a flashback or nightmare, one of the adults would quickly comfort her. By the middle of July, Daria had recovered physically enough to do the same. Daria did not have flashbacks while awake like Quinn sometimes did, but she did have nightmares and flashbacks during sleep as often as Quinn. Somehow, Amy always knew first. Daria always quieted down when Amy held her, and when she woke up instead, she would smile, cuddle into Amy, and go quietly back to sleep. Amy knew by instinct when Daria needed an extra hug or needed distance.

South-central Texas is a long way from North Jersey, and the two had not seen each other since, although they wrote and emailed each other regularly. Daria knew they would not have the same magic, if only because she had grown up to a large degree. Still, she hoped their bond would still be strong.


The next morning, by the time they reached the school, Jane was bouncing about even more than Quinn had been that morning. To say she wanted to go to New York did not begin to cover her feelings. Granted, Daria wanted to visit Manhattan, but she mostly wanted to spend time with Amy. Daria did wonder what their time together would be like on this trip. Amy had been the only high spot in Daria’s life, from the time of the attack (if not long before) to her meeting Jane.

Daria stopped Jane from bouncing just before entering the school grounds. “What?” Jane demanded.

‘How many girls wanted to be in the stupid class this afternoon? Sixty or seventy?’

Jane shrugged. “Something like that.”

‘How might they feel towards the four to ten that made it?’

Jane considered that for a moment. “Red or Yellow Alert, Captain?” Jane teased.

‘Yellow Alert, Number One,’ Daria teased back. ‘Sensors on maximum; we need to know who made it to the cattle call, and who might be angry about it.’


One thing was clear all day; Brittany had not been chosen and she was not angry – she was totally devastated. Although they had been rolling their eyes the entire time, even Daria and Jane had taken their turns comforting Brittany during some of her crying jags during lunch. Fortunately, the other Cheerleaders and Jodi did most of the consoling.

It appeared that Brittany was only the most devastated but far from the only one hurt or upset. There were also more than a few grumbling girls. None of the cheerleaders had been chosen. Daria’s comment (made in part because she felt it was true, but mostly to deflect any hostility away from Quinn), quieted most of them: ‘You are all the healthy, pretty, girl-next-door type of model. They only chose the too-thin and proportionally too-tall to be really-waifs type.’ Daria made a face of disdain. ‘It also appears they are only going for the younger girls.’

There had been eight girls chosen, five Freshmen and three Sophomores. All were thin, with legs a tad disproportionally long for their height. Tiffany and Quinn were the two shortest, and Quinn, who was technically about three to five pounds under her optimum weight, was the heaviest, although all but one weighed within three pounds of each other. Sandi, who had lost some weight she really could not afford after the confrontation at the party, was over an inch taller than Quinn but five pounds less. Quinn, not quite a full B-cup, was the bustiest. Quinn was the youngest, Sandi the oldest. Quinn’s friend Stacy, although the girls did not know it, had almost made the cut, but as a very full B-cup was in the end disqualified. Daria knew the other five competitors by sight, but not by name.

There were about thirty students in the audience to watch the class on stage. Some were friends of one or more of the eight on stage. Some were merely curious (especially a few of the braver boys, nearly all juniors) and some were girls hoping that one or more of the model-wannabes would suffer some sort of disaster.

After getting the eight set up and explaining some basics, which took up the first 10 minutes of the 30-minute activities class, the students were coached in basic runway techniques. Daria found the next fifteen minutes rather boring, although on the whole she thought Quinn and one of the girls she did not know were doing the best. It was when Quinn was completing a runway walk and the two coaches were turning towards Tiffany that it happened.

The girls were strutting up and down the apron of the stage rather back and forth. As Quinn approached the group of girls who finished, still strutting and head held high, eyes straight ahead, Sandi simply shoved her off the stage as she started her turn towards the group, confident that the other girls in the group were watching Tiffany at the other side of the stage who was starting her strut, as were Cloud and Romonica.

Sandi had forgotten the thirty students in the audience; Cloud was also sharper and more aware than most would have thought. He was shouting and moving towards Sandi before the screaming Quinn landed in the pit, fourteen feet below stage level.

Daria was also on her feet that fast, shoving the students around her to get them over their surprise at what had happened before their eyes. She sent Jodie to get Ms. Li, as she was the student most likely to convince the principal that there was a problem. She sent Jane, likely the fastest one there except perhaps for Mack, for the Nurse. Mack she dragged after her, as he knew first aid. Troy and Paul trailed after them, while the other students were unsure what they should do. One of the smarter juniors told those remaining, “Sit down! We were witnesses.”

Romonica had come over to take charge of Sandi; the gaunt woman was more than intimidating enough to keep Sandi in line. Cloud had slipped down into the pit and was looking Quinn over by the time Daria and Mack had arrived. “Don’t come down!” he ordered. At a sign from Daria, Mack pipped up, “I’m qualified in first aid.”

“Fine, you come down,” Cloud responded. As he approached, Mack could hear Quinn whimpering. “She doesn’t have a concussion, and her legs are moving. I’m certain she’s at least partially dislocated her right shoulder, and her right arm might be damaged, but there aren’t any compound fractures at least. Help me keep her still.”

Mack looked at the former model with surprise.

“BA in Physical Therapy,” Cloud said with a smirk.

Meanwhile, a very scowling Daria had headed towards the stairs leading up to the apron. Troy grabbed Paul and forced them in front of her. “I know you want to rip Sandi’s head off,” Troy told her, “but that would just get you into trouble and might get her out of some. Trust me, Ms Li has her faults, but she won’t stand for this.”

Troy had put his arms firmly on Daria’s shoulders as he stopped her, and she could not shake him off. She stopped and glared at him. “Please,” Troy told her. “Please try and trust me. I’m on your side.”

The anger drained from Daria’s face, and as the adrenaline wore off, her knees started to buckle. Troy and Paul helped her over to a seat in the first row. At the same time, Jane and the nurse entered one set of auditorium doors, while Ms. Li and Jodie came in another. “WHAT is going on here!” Li demanded.

*Some dialog taken from ‘This Year’s Model’
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