Categories > TV > Stargate: SG-1 > Lantash


by Meushell 0 reviews

In dating Sam, Pete faces unexpected consequences.

Category: Stargate: SG-1 - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2024-08-14 - 1447 words

banner. Zat gun firing

I've officially gotten a hotel in this city. It's hard to believe I'm engaged to someone so strong, intelligent, and beautiful...a real super hero. Truth is, she took so long to answer I thought for sure she'd say no.

She'll be arriving here soon. I'm making dinner. We thought it would be good to celebrate our engagement. Since she is worried about being in the SGC and being married on the same time, I thought I'd show her that every night she comes home there will be a meal for her.

I hear a knock on the door, and expect it's her. I answer, and instead find a man dressed in a UPS uniform holding a package.

"I got a package for a Pete..." He trails my name as he looks at the package. "Shanahan."

This is suspicious. Why would a package be sent to me here? I just moved in.

"It's from a..." He looks at the package again. "...Mark Carter."

Less suspicious, as he was the one who helped me get this place.

The UPS man looks at me again. "Are you Pete?"

"Yes, that is me."

He nods, and then suddenly pulls out a device I have seen at the SGC. I start to take cover, but electricity hits. As the pain shoots through, my last regret is not staying suspicious.


I wake up, feeling a residue of pain in my body. I blink, realizing I'm in a dark room. I try to get to my feet, and wait for my eyes to adjust to this light. As they do, I realize Sam is near, unconscious, and I immediately check her pulse.

Relieved to find a pulse.

I search the room, trying to find any way out, or anything of use. I believe I searched about five minutes before she wakes up.

"Pete?" Her voice shows concern.

"I'm here. Can you tell me what we were shot with?"

"A zat." She stands, and looks over me. "The pain will be gone soon."

Either she is saying that out of experience or I don't hide my pain well. I continue to look around, and she quickly goes to a panel on the door and starts working on it. However, she stops when we hear the sound of heavy footsteps. She closes the panel, and steps away, facing the door.

"How many times have you been captured," I ask.

She glances to me. "Several times."

I'll have to ask her more about those times later. The door just opened, and what comes through is guys in the most elaborate armor I've ever seen. They are covered in metal and the helmet is shaped like a wolf. They point what I recognize as the staff weapons at us, and speak only to Sam.


I find myself wanting to fight, and knowing I should stay put as she follows a few of them. The others stay, pointing their weapons at me. They leave once she is clear of the room.

I sit back down, feeling guilty, but knowing there was nothing I could have done. She knows more about this than I do.

All I can do is wait, and I believe it was several hours before she was brought back. I get up to help her, but the guards, the Jaffa from what I remember, immediate point their staff weapons at me.

Two of the guards drop her, and I go to her as soon as the guards start to leave. She's unconscious, and I again check for a pulse. It's slightly faster than before. I check for injuries without moving her. A moved broken bone can cause a lot of damage. However, I don't see much sign of injury. Other than the pulse and being a little paler, I find nothing.

I try to make her comfortable without moving her. There could be an injury I missed. I sit down by her, and watch over her. I believe it was only a few hours before she wakes up.

Sam turns over, and looks up at me.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, hoping it's not an incredibly stupid question.

She sits up, still looking sleepy. Sam looks around, and the feeling seems to be wearing off. She starts heading back to the panel when the sound of the heavy footsteps can be heard again.

I approach her, and she looks at me. "I can handle this," she says. "He wants me alive for now, but if you do anything to get in the way, they'll kill you." She leaves my side and approaches the door, and I watch them take her away again.

As we stay, the same procedure repeats. They take her, and bring her back unconscious. They return almost as soon as she wakes. She seems to be gone longer each time, returns with more injuries, and wakes up weaker than before.

I don't think I've ever felt so helpless, and I'm starting to really hate the sound of footsteps.

One day was different though, they come for both of us. I help her walk as we follow the Jaffa. She mutters quietly that she hasn't been this way before. I keep a look out at the surroundings, but everything seems the same. I instead keep track of what halls we pass, and our lefts and rights.

We go to what seems to be a sort of ring on the floor. They center us in it, and squeeze in. I wonder what is going on, when rings suddenly come up, and all I see it white. Suddenly we seem to be on a planet. I make a mental note to ask Sam about that, and hope I don't look as shocked as I feel.

The first thing I notice about this planet is the heat. First time on another planet, and I wish it hadn't been this one. Everything is whiter from light, and it's already burning into skin after a few seconds. The air is thinner, and the gravity is much higher. I realize the sun is closer here than on Earth.

I feel a shove in my back, and I start walking, following two of the Jaffa. We come to a building that seems barely taller than the Jaffa and their helmets, but steps lead downward. It becomes more comfortable as we go down. Even the gravity is becoming normal. Finally we come to a hatch, and one of the Jaffa opens it. He gestures into it. "Go in."

I look at the hatch, but can't see where it goes. One of the Jaffa shoves me closer with his staff weapon. Sam glances to me, and then we step into the hatch, which continues down in steps. However, the steps disappear, and soon turn into a slope to climb down.

I hear the hatch close, and it becomes a little darker. Even though I hate these Jaffa, I feel a shudder pour through at thoughts of where this could be leading us. We continue downward, and the trail becomes less steep. Finally we get to what seems like a dead end.

I frown slightly. "You know what happens next?"

She looks around. "No, perhaps-"

Rings surround us, which makes me jump, and bring us down another level. We've entered our prison, and the worse part is the people surrounding us.

They almost have a look of glee as they approach. Sam turns opposite of me so we stand back to back. Though injured and weakened, I didn't doubt she still had fight in her. As I search for the best place to escape, I stand tall, ready to fight if needed, but then they back away as another man approaches.

The man looks like he's been there for years, underweight and filthy. He has a few scars on his face and neck, and so does his arms. He looks too weak to be a threat, and yet I'm almost certain the other prisoners are afraid of him. He approaches us, looking rather surprised, and it takes a couple seconds to realize he is looking at Sam. He stops in his place, and a look towards the other prisoners sends them scurrying. Then he turns back to her, and nods his head slightly, though I don't know why. "Samantha?"

Sam turns towards his voice, probably wondering why the other prisoners left, as she did not see the effect this man had on them. That worries me. Why are they afraid of him?

For a second, the look on Sam's face is pure shock. She frowns slightly, and takes a step forward. "Narim?

To be continued...
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