Categories > TV > Stargate: SG-1 > Lantash


by Meushell 0 reviews

One fiancé and two “exes.

Category: Stargate: SG-1 - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2024-08-14 - 1512 words

Banner. Frozen flowers.

Narim glances over her, and frowns in concern. "You're injured."

Sam barely makes a nod as she takes a shaky step towards him. "Zar wanted information." She makes another step, and then stops, giving him a look I can't identify.

Narim seems to know. "I am not Goa'uld, nor ever host to one. A couple Tok'ra have been captured here as well. When one was injured, and the host dying, I volunteered to be the next host." He seems to hesitate before continuing. "We have been worried about you."

I don't like the way he said that.

"We?" she responds. "I know this Tok'ra?" She looks worried.

Narim nods, and as his head come back up his eyes flash. I step closer to Sam. I'm not entirely sure who these Tok'ra are, but the last time I saw anyone with flashing eyes, it wasn't good.

Narim's voice gets a whole lot deeper. "Hello Samantha. I am happy to see you again, but not under these circumstances."

Sam frowned slightly, and I wonder if she is trying to identify this Tok'ra.

He continues, "You are injured. You should be resting."

Then her face shows disbelief. "Lantash?"

He hesitated for a millisecond. "Yes." He comes over to her, and puts an arm around her to support her for walking. "Come, both of you."

I help support her on the other side, or try at least. This Narim...Lantash, whoever he is, seems to be a lot stronger than he looks. It's a fairly short walk, and we go into a room with a ragged blanket for a door.

As Narim/Lantash set Sam down on what appears to be rags, I notice another man watching us. Lantash, I believe it's Lantash, starts checking Sam's injuries as I had before. I kneel nearby, but not where I'd get in the way. "Who are you?" he asked, and I realize he is talking to me.

"That's Pete," she answers, and I wish she said something more, like that we were engaged, or at least we were a couple. I feel a tinge of jealously as he, not I, is the one taking care of her injuries. It wasn't just that though. I saw the way Narim looked at her. I see the way Lantash is looking at her now. They like her, I mean they really like her.

It brings memories of her telling me that her previous boyfriends had died. Is this them, now combined into one man?

"What happened to Elliot?" she asks. "How long ago did he die?"

Lantash doesn't answer right away. "His mind died over a year ago, but his body died a few weeks ago." At her look, he continues, "We had been tortured for information as well...Elliot's mind was lost. I did my best to help him, but I failed."

Sam becomes saddened.

"You should rest," Lantash says as he puts a make-shift sprint on her arm. "I'll tell you everything afterwards."

She is tired, and falls asleep as he helps lay her down.

I feel jealous, but he knows more about what is going on than I do, and what injuries she might have. However, I decide it's time we speak, and he learns who I am. "Lantash."

He looks to me.

"Can you explain who's who with you?"

"I am Lantash the symbiote. Narim is the host. We are both curious to who you are."

Good. "Pete. Sam's fiancé."

"What is a fiancé?"

"It means we are engaged." I quickly realize by his look, that he doesn't know the meaning of that either. "We are going to be married."

He looked both surprised and unsure on the same time. "You will be mates?"

I smile. "Yes."

He turns away, and I am pretty sure his eyes flashed as he did.


She is going to be mates with him?! He took her away from us! I refuse to look at him. It helps in resisting telling him why he's not good enough for her. Narim calmly reminds that we know nothing about him... Damn his logic! ...and asks for control.

I give him control, agreeing that it might be best. Pete didn't seem that comfortable with me as it was. Narim glances over at Pete, who seems to have a look of triumph. Grr, I don't like him.

When Narim and I had first joined, it was soon noticed that we both knew and had fallen for the same women. So it became, host and symbiote, jealous of each other.

I was jealous because he and Samantha had met first. Because, in a way, the relationship Martouf and I had her had been tainted by Jolinar. I don't mean any disrespect to Jolinar when I say that. I love Jolinar, and no matter how long I manage to live, and beyond, I always will. However their meeting wasn't exactly one full of friendship. Any feelings that Martouf and I had for Samantha made us have to step back and wonder if it was only because she was Jolinar's last host. Anything she might have felt for us, even friendship, might have been from Jolinar's memories. Months of questioning myself, "Did Jolinar spark the feelings, or is Jolinar all there is?" Then once Martouf and I realized the truth, unlike Narim, we were not brave enough to tell her. Oh, Martouf partly told her. Told her that he was "fond" of her, but that only part of what he felt. As for me, I had Elliot pass on the message. I wasn't brave enough to tell her on my own.

Narim was jealous because she seemed to respond more to Martouf and I. I don't know what he means exactly. A look. A look that she gave Martouf before he died, and a look she gave me before I was suppose to die. Narim insists he never got that look. He's jealous because she once told him things were confusing when he again showed that he cared, and he realized exactly who made it confusing. He's jealous because in some crazy way her memories of Jolinar gave a history between her and I, one he would have never been able to compete with.

All that jealousy of each other quickly disappeared after the words "We are going to be married."

Narim is polite as always, grabs an empty container, and decides to make conversation with the enemy, er, Pete. "I'll show you where we get the water."

Pete looked up from staring at her. "Narim."

"Yes. Since Lantash has been in control, he thought it would be polite to allow me control."

Heh heh. Prison life has made Narim a good liar.

Pete nods, but then looks to Pary.

"Pary will watch over her. You should know where the water is. Now being part of the group, you'll need to get it when we are running low."

Actually, I have so much water stored it would take about six months for it to start running low, but I like to keep the amount always at more-than-I-had-the-day-before.

Pete nods, and follows us outside.

"You do not seem too surprised by the situation, yet also don't seem to know much about certain things, like the Tok'ra," Narim points out after I ask him to.

"She's told me some things about where she works, but not everything."

"You don't work at the SGC?"

"No. We were dating, and then she told me after I saw some things that couldn't otherwise be explained."

"On the surface?" Narim asks, which would be a strange question if you didn't know he's only been on the surface of that planet once.

"Yes. She wouldn't tell me about her work before that."

"So you were curious about her work?" Narim asked as he gets water, then gives me a mental glare for the influence I had in that question.

He seems to hesitate before answering. "Wouldn't you be?"

"And then you just happened to be at a place to see what she did?"

Narim gives me another mental glare. I smirk. He's not really angry, as he found the situation as suspicious as I did.

Pete doesn't answer the question.

He's her stalker now too?

That's rather leaping to accusations, Narim thinks.

I wouldn't be surprised if I was right.

We may not like him, but it's best to be polite.

You can be polite. I'd prefer to nail him to crystals.

A few seconds pass before Narim responds. What?

Learn the truth, and let him know exactly what I think if it's not what I like. I mean it, Narim. He's not under my protection in this prison if he's some stalker to Samantha.

What does that have to do with nails and crystals? Never mind. Narim looks up and sees Pete looking at us. "Lantash and I were talking. I apologize. I am not used to talking with him, and having outside conversations on the same time." He heads back to the room, and Pete follows.

To be continued...
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