Categories > Original > Drama > Diary Of Emilia Miller [English]

Chapter 1

by bazingas_serien 1 review

The first chapter

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2025-01-03 - Updated: 2025-01-03 - 531 words

In school, we were asked whether we think that childhood nowadays is easier or more difficult than in the past. So, I'm going to discuss it now.

Is childhood easier or more difficult than in the past?

Is childhood easier or more difficult than in the past? Maybe you have wondered about that before, or maybe not. I'm going to discuss it a bit in this text though. Personally, I'm undecided, so I'll see it from both sides.
On one hand, childhood nowadays is easier than in the past. Well, of course it depends on how far in the past we'll consider this. Anyways, why is childhood easier now, you may wonder? Nowadays, there are smartphones and Artificial Intelligences, making everything pretty much easier. You have a problem? Just ask Google or an AI, like ChatGPT. There, you get an easy answer for any question. In a time before these things existed, you had to think for yourself or use other resources, like books. Now you can just type it into the internet and have an answer in no time.
On the other hand, childhood became more difficult. Why is that? Didn't the text just say that childhood is easier now? If you're asking yourself that, then you got a point. Yes, I just made a whole paragraph on why childhood is easier now, but this is now the other side of the coin. Technology brings us so much happiness and fortune, yet it can also bring us sadness and misfortune. How can that be, you may ask? How can such a wonderful and life-changing thing be our downfall? Thanks to technology, we have social medias, like Instagram, TikTok and more. Now we have to view different aspects on this. Aspect one, cyber-bullying and hate-speech. You can just post something and there can be thousands of nice comments. But there will be at least one mean comment and that will be all you're focused on. One person can ruin everything. Meanwhile with cyber-bullying, you can just get a text message from someone insulting you without having to see you. Now onto the second aspect. You could be just enjoying your time on social media, scrolling through several posts. Then you see a post of someone looking very beautiful. Now, if you're a person with low self-esteem, then you might want to be like that person. You'll change yourself and try everything to be like that person. It can go as far as develop an eating disorder, like anorexia, or other mental disorders, like depression. I'm not trying to say that there were no mental disorders in the past. But I personally believe that kids nowadays experience such things much more excessive.
To conclude this, there is no actual answer on whether childhood is now easier or more difficult than in the past. It's all about perspective. Some will say kids have it easier now, others will argue and say that the life of today's kids became more difficult these days.

Well, this is my opinion, but my teacher didn't like it. I wasn't supposed to phrase my opinion as my opinion, but rather objective. How idiotic. How dumb. I hate this.
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