Categories > Original > Drama > Diary Of Emilia Miller [English]

Chapter 5

by bazingas_serien 0 reviews

The fifth chapter

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2025-02-07 - 569 words

Dreams. Dreams are quite the interesting thing, are they not? Dreaming can happen in different forms: Dreaming while sleeping, or 'dreaming' while being awake. Whenever I dream while sleeping, my dreams are quite curious. Usually it is the end of the world and/or someone dies. Sometimes my dreams are just a compilation of different things I experienced or have seen recently. Or my dreams are just something really random. Like last night. Last night I dreamed of my partner being protective over me. That was the second time so far that I dreamed about my partner. Well, my first dream about my partner was, well... before my partner was my partner. In that first dream, my not-yet-partner wanted me to pretend to threaten them with an axe. Then, my not-yet-partner and some friends posted a video of that online and I was put as a bad person. I was no longer doing anything on any social media. I was hiding. One day, I was at a basically undercover singing show, no one recognized my voice. When I had to reveal myself, I explained the whole situation about that video. Well, obviously not everyone believed me, but at least I was listened to. That was one hell of a dream. Well, yea. Last night's dream was just my partner being protective of me for whatever reason. I no longer recall the reason. But it does not matter. It was kind of a sweet, yet weird dream. I am not sure if I liked it or not. But anyways. As I said, in my dreams it is usually either the end of the world and/or someone dies. I would say those dreams are rather... questionable. And usually pretty short. I would prefer to not talk about those. I do not want to accidentally jinx one of them. We do not want that. As much as I do not like this world all that much, I would prefer to prevent any type of apocalypse, thank you very much. Wait. Oh, shit. Did I now jinx it by mentioning an apocalypse? Uhm... Can- can we ignore that? Please? Whoever reads or hears this: We do not talk about this. We do not want an apocalypse. I should probably shut my trap. Or, well, I mean I should probably stop writing. But this is so fun! I love yapping in my diary! And surely no one will ever read it, right? R- right? Hello? Haha. This almost feels like the conversations I have with myself. Well, talking to myself is more entertaining than writing. I am more entertaining than words written by my hand in some damn book. Meh. Who cares? Maybe I should become a comedian? I never had such a dream of becoming one. WAIT. I JUST REMEMBERED WHAT THE TOPIC OF TODAY WAS. I FORGOT. Ahem. Let us ignored that. Dreams. Right, that was the topic. I already talked about dreams at night. Let us move forward to dreams at day time. I dream more when it is day time. I dream about being in a cartoon. I dream about being in a movie. I dream about how I might want my future to look like (which is hard by the way). I dream about my ideal way to go out (pills are a must be). But are those actually dreams? Like daydreams? Or is it just imagination stuff?
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