Categories > Games > Pokemon > The Last Piplup

Chapter 1

by nightwhisper765 0 reviews

If you have not read the prologue, read that first.

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2025-02-14 - 1278 words


I always felt alone. I never had any friends, everyone just ignored me. I’m so different from all the other Pokemon. The only one who ever paid any attention to my existence was Absol.
Absol is cool, and she’s a bit like me. No one ever liked her. They all think she brings doom and disasters to anyone who sees her when she’s just warning them to prepare for what is to come. Of course, I don’t warn of natural disasters, no, I’m just a regular Piplup. Absol has awesome-looking scars from battles she won’t tell me about. But that just makes me more curious about them. She barely talks to me in general, but honestly, anyone who talks to me is fine because I’ve never had anyone else to talk to.
My name is Delta. Everyone else around here is really quiet and mysterious. Absol says that they’re Dark Pokemon. She also says I’m in the wrong camp.
There are a lot of different camps around the world. I think she said there were eighteen, and that’s a pretty big number. Well, not really, because numbers never stop getting higher. I learned that in the school that I go to.
There is a Grass camp, a Water camp, a Fire camp, a Bug camp, a Rock camp, a Ground camp, an Electric camp, a Steel camp, a Ghost camp, a Fairy camp, a Dragon camp, a Flying camp, a Psychic camp, an Ice camp, a Poison camp, a Fighting camp, a Normal camp, and the camp I’m in is Dark camp.
Absol says I should be in the Water camp. She says I’m a water type.
“But why am I here then?” This is a question I asked her many times. But you can probably already imagine that the answer was silence. Either she doesn’t know, or she’s hiding something from me, which she tends to do a lot.
Today, school gave us a day off. I went to a public park to play with all the younger Pokemon around. I did this daily, hoping some Pokemon would come and play with me. But the hope was empty. It would never happen. I just lay on the grass, staring into the sky. Dark clouds were etching closer on the endless blue field, promising rain later. I felt like the only things that understood me were the clouds. It seemed when I was feeling depressed, they would start crying with my soul.
I sat up, knowing that no one would even come to the park if they knew I was there. On the way home, the clouds released their rain. When I got back to the village, I could already hear lightning and the rain was pouring hard on everything.
I spotted a tall, dark tower that I had never noticed before. Or my head was always down, staring at the ground because of my depression so I never saw it. I felt a sort of magnetic pull towards it like it was a friend. Of course, how would I know, I never had one!
I was sure Absol wasn’t expecting me until later, so I had about an hour to spend exploring the strange place.
I started towards the tall tower, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one followed or saw me. Once I was sure that no one was there, I made my way to the tower.
It was farther than I had previously thought, and I was exhausted by the time I reached the door.
How am I going to climb a tower when I have almost no energy left? I thought to myself. I’ll faint if I even try!
But I had to find out what the tower held. Why did I feel I needed to go to it so badly if the effort getting this far was all for nothing?
I reached my wing for the doorknob.
It was locked.
I could feel the heat rising into my head, even through the piercing cold rain drenching my feathers. Why was it locked, after all my work to get here?
What if I try to use a move? I thought. Maybe… But I don’t know any!
I focused as hard as I could, trying to think of the move I wanted to use.
Absol once told me about a move called Hydro Pump, I thought. Maybe I could try that one. Okay. Hydro Pump, Hydro Pump, Hydro Pump, I even opened my mouth hopefully if it worked.
Hmm… So that didn’t work. I swung my wing around and pointed it at the door, hoping something would happen. But nothing happened. I was starting to get extremely frustrated at the stupid door. I was wasting my time.
But as I turned around to leave, a scratching voice echoed from the other side of the door.
Don’t leave… Don’t leave… Come into the Great Tower of Darkness… Come…
I turned back to the door, confused. Did it just talk? I thought.
I began to try a simpler move, called Bubble.
Bubble, Bubble, BUBBLE!
Suddenly, bubbles started forming and floating towards the door. I was hopeful that they would open it.
When they made contact with the door, I heard the voice again.
Well done… Well done… You are more talented than I previously anticipated… Well then, enter my great tower.
I walked through the open door, intrigued. Where was that voice coming from? The first room was empty except for a long spiral flight of stairs leading upward in the middle. I headed towards it, curiosity was the only emotion I felt at that moment.
As I climbed the stairs, I stared into each room in turn. All of them were empty until I reached the top.
I stepped into the cold rain falling upon the top floor. There stood a single box.
The surface was drenched from the rain. It was a dull shade of red, and a yellow lock was chained to the box. A black key stood on the top of the box, sitting there for anyone to grab and find out what was inside it.
I slowly approached the box, nervous but exhilarated. I felt like I was the only one who could open it. It seemed to pull me closer, just like the tower did.
This must be what was calling me. It wants me to open the box. Well, I won’t complain! I’m curious!
I picked up the key, careful not to drop it in case I ruined it. I shoved the key into the lock.
Nothing happened for several extended moments.
Then, the box started to shake. I backed away, and the box started to burn and turned to ash. The dusty gray particles were swept away by the wind.
Then the voice that I had heard before exploded into the silence.
I stared, frozen by fear. What had I done? What was inside that box?
I never should have opened it, I never should have opened it, I never should have opened the box I thought.
A dark wisp of smoke emerged from what seemed to be thin air where the box had once stood, locked in chains. It seemed to grow bigger and bigger until the darkness choked all light, and everything was still.
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