Categories > Cartoons > Care Bears
Cheer walked into the girl's restroom at school while Grumpy said he would wait outside the hall for her. She closed the door and walked over to the toilet.
She pulled down her skirt and sat on the toilet. She took the pregnancy test out and peed on it. When she was finished, she laid it on the sink and waited. She hoped she wasn't positive like the others she took, she was only a teenager and didn't know if she could handle a baby right now, and anyway, if she was pregnant and her parents found out they would not be happy. Saying we raised you better than this. Finally, the test was done, and she picked it up when she looked down at the pregnancy test and noticed it was positive. Tears formed in her eyes. Her parents were going to be angry. She got up, walked towards the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door. Grumpy noticed her and walked over towards her.
"So???" asked Grumpy
"I'm... we're...the test...came back positive," Cheer replied
"Well maybe this was a mistake, I mean pregnancy tests can be wrong, right Cheer?"
"Yes, but Grumpy, this is the tenth one I took and all of them were positive."
"I'm so sorry Cheer, I should have used protection, I should have never asked you to."
Cheer placed a paw on Grumpy's lips silencing the bear.
"I wanted it as much as you did, Grumpy, so we're both to blame."
"So what are we going to do Cheer?"
"I don't know Grumpy, I need a few days to think about everything."
"Okay, Cheer."
A few days later, Grumpy and Cheer were talking.
"So Cheer, what have you decided?"
"I don't know if I want to keep the baby or give it up for adoption."
"If you can't decide, there is the third option?"
"Third.... Grumpy no I'm not having an abortion, I'm keeping the baby."
"Cheer "
"Grumpy, it's my body, my choice," Cheer said as she ran off, tears in her eyes.
"Cheer wait, I" Grumpy started to say but Cheer was already out of sight.
Later at lunch when Grumpy was in line he saw Cheer sitting next to True Heart and True Heart's boyfriend Oopsy.
"Cheer is everything okay between you and Grumpy?" asked True Heart.
"We disagreed on something is all?"
"What happened, what was it about?" asked Oopsy
"OOPSY!" yelled True Heart
"What, I was just asking?"
"It's fine, True Heart, Grumpy said something to me that wasn't nice, was all, but I'm not ready to talk about it yet."
"Oh I see, I'm sorry Cheer," said Oopsy
"Thanks, but it was okay, you just wanted to know what happened, Oopsy," said Cheer
"Are you going to be okay, Cheer? You can come over to my house; my parents won't mind."
"I wish I could come over to True Heart, but my parents want me to come home right away after school. They want me to do some chores when I get home, but maybe another day."
"Okay Cheer"
Grumpy tried to hurry through the lunch line to talk to Cheer but Funshine had other plans.
"Hey, Grumpy!"
"Funshine, I can't talk now, I need to see and talk to Cheer, it's important."
"Funshine, I mean it," Grumpy said as he rushed through the line grabbing food and then walking off, leaving Funshine bewildered. he heard Funshine's girlfriend, Share, greet Funshine, and thought Good, Share will keep him company. He made his way to the table where Cheer, True Heart, and Oopsy were and sat down next to Cheer. When Cheer saw Grumpy, she started to get up, but Grumpy stopped her.
"Cheer, wait. We need to talk. I should have never said what I said earlier. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"
"I...Yes, Grumpy, I forgive you, but please never say anything like that again."
"I promise Cheer, I won't even think about that."
Cheer hugged Grumpy and the group started eating.
"So Cheer, since you're keeping the baby, have you thought of any names yet?"
"Not I've been trying to think of names but I think I see the baby first before naming him or her."
"Sounds good, have you told your parents yet?"
"No, I've been scared and busy."
"Want me to go with you?"
"Yes, Grumpy."
"How about we go see them now?"
"Okay Grumpy, but please don't leave me alone with them until I know everything will be okay."
"Sure Cheer, I'll say as long as I can."
"Thank you Grumpy."
"Anything for my girl."
Cheer looked at the note her parents had left. They had gone to the store to pick up a few items and would be back soon.
Cheer went over to where Grumpy was and let him know.
"Grumpy, my parents aren't here. They would be unhappy if they saw me alone with a boy. Can you drive around for a bit? I'll call you on your cell phone when they get here."
"Sure Cheer."
"Thank you Grumpy."
"You're welcome," Grumpy said.
Not long after Grumpy left, Cheer's parents returned, and Cheer helped put away the items her parents brought home. Afterward, she went to her bedroom and texted Grumpy. When she was finished, she went to open the door, but her father had already answered it.
"Let me guess you're here to see my daughter?" cheer heard her father ask Grumpy.
"Yes and no!" Grumpy said
"It's either a yes or a no."
"Um well.." Grumpy started to say but Cheer came to his rescue.
"Hey Dad, can you go get Mom and meet us in the living room, Grumpy and I have something to tell both of you."
Cheer's father looked at her but then went to get her mom.
When they were all in the living room, her parents wanted to know what was happening.
Cheer took a breath before talking.
"Mom, Dad....I...Grumpy and I....well um you're."
"Cheer, just spit it out, what is going on, what do you and Grumpy need to tell us that is so important, you need to get your homework done?" her father said
Grumpy noticed Cheer and spoke up. "Well, sir, we both wanted to tell you that Cheer is."
Before Grumpy could finish, Cheer blurted out. "I'm pregnant, Mom and Dad."
Cheer's father stood up. "That's not very funny, Cheer. That's nothing to joke about. What do you want to tell me?"
"But Dad, it's true, I'm pregnant."
Cheer's father placed a paw on his face. "You" he pointed at Grumpy, "you forced yourself on my daughter?"
"No Dad he didn't, I wanted it too."
"You're getting rid of it, no daughter of mine is being a mother this young."
"But Dad, I want to keep the baby."
Yes Dad I am,"
"Then get out of my house, you're no longer my daughter."
"No Buts!"
"You heard your father Cheer."
"But Mom, I."
"Cheer, just go and pack so you can leave."
Cheer ran to her bedroom, followed by Grumpy. She packed a suitcase and followed Grumpy out to his Cloud Car.
After Grumpy helped Cheer, tears poured down Cheer's face when they were away from Cheer's house. Grumpy found a spot, stopped the car, and reached over to Cheer, hugging her, while she cried. After calming her down, Grumpy drove to Grams Bear's house and explained what was happening. Grams Bear told Cheer and Grumpy that she could stay as long as she wanted to. When Grams Bear got Cheer settled in, Grumpy went home himself and said he'd see Cheer tomorrow.
In the morning, Cheer woke up feeling nauseous and thought it might have something to do with yesterday. She rolled over trying to get comfortable and got up after feeling like she was going to vomit. She ran to the toilet, just making it, and started vomiting into the toilet. Tears began flowing down her cheeks, and that's how Grams Bear found her when she came to check on her. Grams walked over towards Cheer, rubbing her back.
"I'm...Sorry...Grams...I...don't...know... what'" Cheer said between vomiting.
"No need to apologize Cheer, it's normal for early pregnancy, it's morning sickness."
Grumpy walked in and noticed Cheer leaning over the toilet.
"Cheer, are you okay?" asked Grumpy as he rushed over to Cheer.
"She's fine; it's just morning sickness. It happens in early pregnancy and lasts about a few months," replied Grams Bear.
"A few months!" Cheer groaned
"No need to worry, Cheer. I have remedies for morning sickness. I'll make you something for morning sickness now," replied Grams Bear.
"What are you doing here, Grumpy?" asked Cheer
"I told you yesterday I'll see you today," replied Grumpy.
"Oh yeah!"
"You forgot?"
"I'm sorry Grumpy, I didn't mean to forget, it just slipped."
"Hey Cheer, I'm not upset, I mean after yesterday, you know what I didn't need to ask, after what you're going through."
"Oh, Grumpy!" Cheer said as she hugged Grumpy
"Yeah Yeah!" Grumpy replied
"Hey Grumpy?"
"Yes Cheer?"
"Thank you for staying by my side, I don't know what I would do without you or Grams Bear."
"It's nothing Cheer."
"Grumpy, yes, it is. When we found out about the pregnancy, you didn't leave me, and after yesterday, it meant so much to me. Grumpy, I'm so glad to have you as a boyfriend."
"Yeah Cheer, I'm glad to have you in my life too."
Cheer hugged Grumpy again.
"Come on Cheer, I'm sure Grams Bears has ready that thing for you."
The two walked into the kitchen where Grams Bear was.
"Cheer sweetie, I'm almost finished."
"Thank you Grams Bear."
"Your welcome Cheer, I know morning sickness can kick your butt sometimes. I'll also go to the store to get foods that will be easy on your stomach and also help with the morning sickness as well."
"Well Cheer, I need to get back to school, I'll see you later today okay," Grumpy said after he kissed Cheer on the forehead
"See you later Grumpy"
While Grams Bear went to the store, Cheer pulled the trashcan that Grams Bear had given her closer to her in case she vomited again. She also sipped water.
Not long after, Grams returned with the items for Cheer and made Cheer something to eat and drink.
Afterward, the two watched TV until Grumpy came back after school.
Grumpy knocked on Grams Bear's door and she let him in
"Hey, Cheer and Grams."
"He, Grumpy!" They both said
"So Cheer, since I thought you might be out of school for a few days, I went to all of your classes and got your schoolwork and homework, so you won't fall behind while staying with Grams Bear."
Cheer got up and hugged Grumpy. "Thank you Grumpy, that means so much to me."
"How are you feeling Cheer?"
"I'm still a little nauseous, but I'm better than this morning."
Grumpy kissed Cheer on the forehead. "I need to go home and get started on my homework, but I will try to stop by tomorrow if I can. If you want to, you can video chat with me as well."
"Okay Grumpy"
After Grumpy left, Cheer started on her homework until Grams called her for supper. When supper was over, they went to bed.
Cheer spent the next few days out of school, until Grams helped her manage her morning sickness enough so she could go back to school.
When Cheer returned to school, almost everyone asked how she had been.
"I'm glad you were finally able to return to school, I was worried about you when Grumpy told us you weren't feeling well and had to stay home." True Heart said after hugging Cheer
"Thank you for the gifts, True Heart, that meant so much to me, when Grumpy handed me a basket of items from you and others."
"Well... we...I. um"
"Yeah I know True Heart, I'm so happy to have friends like you." Cheer said as she hugged True Heart back.
True Heart smiled, "I still can't believe you're going to have a baby."
"I know it's a lot to take in, True Heart."
"Yeah, well see you around Cheer, I need to get back to my next class." True Heart said as she waved to Cheer before leaving.
"See ya!" Cheer waved back.
At lunch Cheer, Grumpy, True Heart, and Oopsy sat together, not long after Gentle Heart Lamb, her boyfriend Perfect Panda, Polite Panda, and her boyfriend joined them
Cheer got a whiff of Gentle Heart's lunch, she ran off towards the girl's restroom, and started vomiting. Grumpy, True Heart and Oopsy ran after Cheer.
Grumpy started to go into the girl's restroom but True Heart stopped him. "Grumpy, stop, you can't go into the girl's restroom."
"I'm sorry, I was so worried about Cheer that I forgot where I was for a minute." Grumpy replied.
"I understand but you are lucky nobody else saw you." True Heart said
"Yeah, I'll try to be more careful," Grumpy said
True Heart nodded and walked into the girl's restroom while Grumpy and Oopsy waited outside.
True Heart walked over to Cheer.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's just the morning sickness, Grams Bear gave me something to help manage it, but I still have to be careful because some smells and scents will make me vomit or nauseous."
"Oh hope you feel better. I'm sorry I'm..." True Heart stated to say
"It's fine True Heart, I don't know if I would know what to say either."
When they walked out of the girls' restroom, Grumpy rushed over to Cheer.
"Oh Cheer morning sickness again?" Grumpy asked
"Yeah, I'll be glad when I'm in my second trimester, since that's when it stops," Cheer replied
"I'll be by your side the whole time, Cheer," Grumpy said
"Us too, True Heart said
"Thanks, oh no, my lunch, um, can one of you go take care of it, no offence to Gentle Heart, but I don't know what she was eating, but I don't want to get sick again."
"I do that Cheer," said Grumpy
"Is Cheer okay?" asked Gentle Heart when Grumpy came and cleaned up
"Yeah, she..well.. just don't tell too many about this. Cheer is pregnant, she has been having morning sickness, so certain smells and scents bother her."
"A baby, Cheer is having a baby?" asked Polite Panda
"Yes!" replied Grumpy
"Oh my!" said Gentle Heart.
"Yeah, well, I see you guys around, I want to make sure Cheer is okay," Grumpy said before walking away
"Wow, I can't believe Cheer is going to have a cub," said Perfect Panda
The others nodded in agreement.
Cheer sighed with relief. Her morning sickness was gone, and she even had a small baby bump. She had been feeling tiny flutters now and then. Grams Bear said that was the baby moving, but to Cheer, it didn't feel like a baby moving until one day.
"Grams, Grumpy!" Cheer yelled
"Is everything okay?" they both asked after they rushed to her
"Yes, I felt the baby move. I mean I know I have been feeling those flutters, but until now it didn't feel like a baby moving." Cheer said as she placed a paw on her belly
"Can I feel Cheer?" asked Grumpy
"Sure!" Cheer said
Grumpy placed a paw on Cheer's belly and not long after the cub kicked
"Oh wow, I felt our little boy or little girl, it's amazing."
"Yeah, Grumpy it is." Cheer said
"Well, it looks like I am going to need to get another appointment for Cheer so they can do an ultrasound and check out the cub," said Grams bear
Cheer looked around the waiting room, looking nervous, at the moment she was the only pregnant teen, yes, the only time Grams Bear could get an appointment for her was during school hours, but she had hoped at least there was another pregnant teen so it wouldn't be so awkward. Well, at least she wasn't alone since Grams Bear and Grumpy were with her and were so glad that both were with her. Grumpy noticed her and placed an arm around her.
Grams patted her knee. "It will be okay Cheer sweetie."
Not long after Pink Power Bear called her name.
"Miss Cheer Bear, the doctor will see you now."
She led them to a room and got things ready for the ultrasound when Cheer was ready. Not long after Take Care came in.
"So you're here for an ultrasound, Miss Cheer?"
"Okay then, let's get that ultrasound."
She got everything ready and not long after they could hear the cubs' heartbeat.
"Everything seems fine with the cub, do you want to know the gender of the cub?" Asked Take Care
Cheer looked over at Grumpy, looking for an answer
"Cheer if you want to know the gender of the baby, that's up to you, since you're the one carrying the cub," Grumpy said
Cheer turned back towards Take Care and nodded
"Yes, I would love to know the gender?"
"You're having a girl." Take Care said
Tears of joy came to Cheers' eyes. "Oh Grumpy, a little girl, we're going to have a little girl."
Grumpy Placed a paw on Cheer and smiled, "A little girl."
"You okay with that, you don't mind I'm having a girl?"
"Cheer, Yes a boy would be nice, but I'm happy to have a girl, Cheer, don't worry."
Cheer smiled at Grumpy.
"Do you want a copy of a picture of your little girl?" Asked Take Care
"You can do that?" asked Cheer
"Yes we can?"
"Then yes I would love a copy of a picture of my baby."
"Wait here and I'll get it for you."
Some time later, Take Care brought the picture for Cheer
On the way to school they talked.
"Well now that we know the gender of the baby, we are going to need to come up with a name for her, any ideas, Cheer?" asked Grumpy
"No, not really, I might need to see her after she is born and then think of a name for her, but I guess I can try and think of some names for her."
When they got to school, a few looked at her. Some had even talked about her saying things like they couldn't believe she's going to have a baby, and other things. Grumpy told her not to worry, but she couldn't help it. She couldn't wait for school to be over.
That evening Cheer was sitting on her bed, her little girl was moving, so she placed a paw on her belly feeling her.
"I can't wait to see you my little one. I wish I knew what to call you, but I just don't know, maybe, I don't know, I guess I will come up with a name for you. I wonder how my parents came up with my name. I..."
Tears came to her eyes. Why did her parents have to kick her out?
Grams Bear heard Cheer and walked to her room and knocked on her door, when Cheer didn't reply, Grams opened the door and walked over to Cheer, placing a paw on Cheer. Cheer jumped.
"Sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to scare you, I heard you, so I came to check up on you."
Grams handed her a tissue.
"Thank you Grams."
"You're welcome. How about you try to get some sleep? Worrying too much is bad for you and the baby."
"Okay Grams, I see you in the morning, goodnight Grams."
"Goodnight Cheer."
When Cheer woke up in the morning, she was glad it was Saturday
"Good morning Cheer!" Grams said as Cheer walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Grams.
Grams handed Cheer a book about cubs by one of the doctor care bears, Doctor Bo
"Good morning Grams, What's this Grams?"
"It's a book about cubs by Doctor Bo, I thought you might find some helpful things in it."
"Thanks Grams"
"You're welcome, Cheer. I was thinking, after lunch, you, Grumpy, and I would go do some shopping and get items for the cub."
"That sounds great, can't wait to decorate the baby's room."
"I thought that you would love that. Let's make a list of what you want and need." Replied Grams Bear
Cheer thought for a moment. "Yeah um?"
Grams went over with Cheer on the items they would need.
"Diapers, cot, diaper wipes, bibs, burp cloths, and a few items you'll need for yourself."
"All of these items Grams?"
"Yes, but don't worry it will be okay."
"Thanks so much Grams."
"Think nothing of it dear."
When the time came to go shopping, Cheer couldn't contain herself. They went down aisle after aisle, getting almost everything they needed, they were about to check out
She pulled down her skirt and sat on the toilet. She took the pregnancy test out and peed on it. When she was finished, she laid it on the sink and waited. She hoped she wasn't positive like the others she took, she was only a teenager and didn't know if she could handle a baby right now, and anyway, if she was pregnant and her parents found out they would not be happy. Saying we raised you better than this. Finally, the test was done, and she picked it up when she looked down at the pregnancy test and noticed it was positive. Tears formed in her eyes. Her parents were going to be angry. She got up, walked towards the door, took a deep breath, and opened the door. Grumpy noticed her and walked over towards her.
"So???" asked Grumpy
"I'm... we're...the test...came back positive," Cheer replied
"Well maybe this was a mistake, I mean pregnancy tests can be wrong, right Cheer?"
"Yes, but Grumpy, this is the tenth one I took and all of them were positive."
"I'm so sorry Cheer, I should have used protection, I should have never asked you to."
Cheer placed a paw on Grumpy's lips silencing the bear.
"I wanted it as much as you did, Grumpy, so we're both to blame."
"So what are we going to do Cheer?"
"I don't know Grumpy, I need a few days to think about everything."
"Okay, Cheer."
A few days later, Grumpy and Cheer were talking.
"So Cheer, what have you decided?"
"I don't know if I want to keep the baby or give it up for adoption."
"If you can't decide, there is the third option?"
"Third.... Grumpy no I'm not having an abortion, I'm keeping the baby."
"Cheer "
"Grumpy, it's my body, my choice," Cheer said as she ran off, tears in her eyes.
"Cheer wait, I" Grumpy started to say but Cheer was already out of sight.
Later at lunch when Grumpy was in line he saw Cheer sitting next to True Heart and True Heart's boyfriend Oopsy.
"Cheer is everything okay between you and Grumpy?" asked True Heart.
"We disagreed on something is all?"
"What happened, what was it about?" asked Oopsy
"OOPSY!" yelled True Heart
"What, I was just asking?"
"It's fine, True Heart, Grumpy said something to me that wasn't nice, was all, but I'm not ready to talk about it yet."
"Oh I see, I'm sorry Cheer," said Oopsy
"Thanks, but it was okay, you just wanted to know what happened, Oopsy," said Cheer
"Are you going to be okay, Cheer? You can come over to my house; my parents won't mind."
"I wish I could come over to True Heart, but my parents want me to come home right away after school. They want me to do some chores when I get home, but maybe another day."
"Okay Cheer"
Grumpy tried to hurry through the lunch line to talk to Cheer but Funshine had other plans.
"Hey, Grumpy!"
"Funshine, I can't talk now, I need to see and talk to Cheer, it's important."
"Funshine, I mean it," Grumpy said as he rushed through the line grabbing food and then walking off, leaving Funshine bewildered. he heard Funshine's girlfriend, Share, greet Funshine, and thought Good, Share will keep him company. He made his way to the table where Cheer, True Heart, and Oopsy were and sat down next to Cheer. When Cheer saw Grumpy, she started to get up, but Grumpy stopped her.
"Cheer, wait. We need to talk. I should have never said what I said earlier. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"
"I...Yes, Grumpy, I forgive you, but please never say anything like that again."
"I promise Cheer, I won't even think about that."
Cheer hugged Grumpy and the group started eating.
"So Cheer, since you're keeping the baby, have you thought of any names yet?"
"Not I've been trying to think of names but I think I see the baby first before naming him or her."
"Sounds good, have you told your parents yet?"
"No, I've been scared and busy."
"Want me to go with you?"
"Yes, Grumpy."
"How about we go see them now?"
"Okay Grumpy, but please don't leave me alone with them until I know everything will be okay."
"Sure Cheer, I'll say as long as I can."
"Thank you Grumpy."
"Anything for my girl."
Cheer looked at the note her parents had left. They had gone to the store to pick up a few items and would be back soon.
Cheer went over to where Grumpy was and let him know.
"Grumpy, my parents aren't here. They would be unhappy if they saw me alone with a boy. Can you drive around for a bit? I'll call you on your cell phone when they get here."
"Sure Cheer."
"Thank you Grumpy."
"You're welcome," Grumpy said.
Not long after Grumpy left, Cheer's parents returned, and Cheer helped put away the items her parents brought home. Afterward, she went to her bedroom and texted Grumpy. When she was finished, she went to open the door, but her father had already answered it.
"Let me guess you're here to see my daughter?" cheer heard her father ask Grumpy.
"Yes and no!" Grumpy said
"It's either a yes or a no."
"Um well.." Grumpy started to say but Cheer came to his rescue.
"Hey Dad, can you go get Mom and meet us in the living room, Grumpy and I have something to tell both of you."
Cheer's father looked at her but then went to get her mom.
When they were all in the living room, her parents wanted to know what was happening.
Cheer took a breath before talking.
"Mom, Dad....I...Grumpy and I....well um you're."
"Cheer, just spit it out, what is going on, what do you and Grumpy need to tell us that is so important, you need to get your homework done?" her father said
Grumpy noticed Cheer and spoke up. "Well, sir, we both wanted to tell you that Cheer is."
Before Grumpy could finish, Cheer blurted out. "I'm pregnant, Mom and Dad."
Cheer's father stood up. "That's not very funny, Cheer. That's nothing to joke about. What do you want to tell me?"
"But Dad, it's true, I'm pregnant."
Cheer's father placed a paw on his face. "You" he pointed at Grumpy, "you forced yourself on my daughter?"
"No Dad he didn't, I wanted it too."
"You're getting rid of it, no daughter of mine is being a mother this young."
"But Dad, I want to keep the baby."
Yes Dad I am,"
"Then get out of my house, you're no longer my daughter."
"No Buts!"
"You heard your father Cheer."
"But Mom, I."
"Cheer, just go and pack so you can leave."
Cheer ran to her bedroom, followed by Grumpy. She packed a suitcase and followed Grumpy out to his Cloud Car.
After Grumpy helped Cheer, tears poured down Cheer's face when they were away from Cheer's house. Grumpy found a spot, stopped the car, and reached over to Cheer, hugging her, while she cried. After calming her down, Grumpy drove to Grams Bear's house and explained what was happening. Grams Bear told Cheer and Grumpy that she could stay as long as she wanted to. When Grams Bear got Cheer settled in, Grumpy went home himself and said he'd see Cheer tomorrow.
In the morning, Cheer woke up feeling nauseous and thought it might have something to do with yesterday. She rolled over trying to get comfortable and got up after feeling like she was going to vomit. She ran to the toilet, just making it, and started vomiting into the toilet. Tears began flowing down her cheeks, and that's how Grams Bear found her when she came to check on her. Grams walked over towards Cheer, rubbing her back.
"I'm...Sorry...Grams...I...don't...know... what'" Cheer said between vomiting.
"No need to apologize Cheer, it's normal for early pregnancy, it's morning sickness."
Grumpy walked in and noticed Cheer leaning over the toilet.
"Cheer, are you okay?" asked Grumpy as he rushed over to Cheer.
"She's fine; it's just morning sickness. It happens in early pregnancy and lasts about a few months," replied Grams Bear.
"A few months!" Cheer groaned
"No need to worry, Cheer. I have remedies for morning sickness. I'll make you something for morning sickness now," replied Grams Bear.
"What are you doing here, Grumpy?" asked Cheer
"I told you yesterday I'll see you today," replied Grumpy.
"Oh yeah!"
"You forgot?"
"I'm sorry Grumpy, I didn't mean to forget, it just slipped."
"Hey Cheer, I'm not upset, I mean after yesterday, you know what I didn't need to ask, after what you're going through."
"Oh, Grumpy!" Cheer said as she hugged Grumpy
"Yeah Yeah!" Grumpy replied
"Hey Grumpy?"
"Yes Cheer?"
"Thank you for staying by my side, I don't know what I would do without you or Grams Bear."
"It's nothing Cheer."
"Grumpy, yes, it is. When we found out about the pregnancy, you didn't leave me, and after yesterday, it meant so much to me. Grumpy, I'm so glad to have you as a boyfriend."
"Yeah Cheer, I'm glad to have you in my life too."
Cheer hugged Grumpy again.
"Come on Cheer, I'm sure Grams Bears has ready that thing for you."
The two walked into the kitchen where Grams Bear was.
"Cheer sweetie, I'm almost finished."
"Thank you Grams Bear."
"Your welcome Cheer, I know morning sickness can kick your butt sometimes. I'll also go to the store to get foods that will be easy on your stomach and also help with the morning sickness as well."
"Well Cheer, I need to get back to school, I'll see you later today okay," Grumpy said after he kissed Cheer on the forehead
"See you later Grumpy"
While Grams Bear went to the store, Cheer pulled the trashcan that Grams Bear had given her closer to her in case she vomited again. She also sipped water.
Not long after, Grams returned with the items for Cheer and made Cheer something to eat and drink.
Afterward, the two watched TV until Grumpy came back after school.
Grumpy knocked on Grams Bear's door and she let him in
"Hey, Cheer and Grams."
"He, Grumpy!" They both said
"So Cheer, since I thought you might be out of school for a few days, I went to all of your classes and got your schoolwork and homework, so you won't fall behind while staying with Grams Bear."
Cheer got up and hugged Grumpy. "Thank you Grumpy, that means so much to me."
"How are you feeling Cheer?"
"I'm still a little nauseous, but I'm better than this morning."
Grumpy kissed Cheer on the forehead. "I need to go home and get started on my homework, but I will try to stop by tomorrow if I can. If you want to, you can video chat with me as well."
"Okay Grumpy"
After Grumpy left, Cheer started on her homework until Grams called her for supper. When supper was over, they went to bed.
Cheer spent the next few days out of school, until Grams helped her manage her morning sickness enough so she could go back to school.
When Cheer returned to school, almost everyone asked how she had been.
"I'm glad you were finally able to return to school, I was worried about you when Grumpy told us you weren't feeling well and had to stay home." True Heart said after hugging Cheer
"Thank you for the gifts, True Heart, that meant so much to me, when Grumpy handed me a basket of items from you and others."
"Well... we...I. um"
"Yeah I know True Heart, I'm so happy to have friends like you." Cheer said as she hugged True Heart back.
True Heart smiled, "I still can't believe you're going to have a baby."
"I know it's a lot to take in, True Heart."
"Yeah, well see you around Cheer, I need to get back to my next class." True Heart said as she waved to Cheer before leaving.
"See ya!" Cheer waved back.
At lunch Cheer, Grumpy, True Heart, and Oopsy sat together, not long after Gentle Heart Lamb, her boyfriend Perfect Panda, Polite Panda, and her boyfriend joined them
Cheer got a whiff of Gentle Heart's lunch, she ran off towards the girl's restroom, and started vomiting. Grumpy, True Heart and Oopsy ran after Cheer.
Grumpy started to go into the girl's restroom but True Heart stopped him. "Grumpy, stop, you can't go into the girl's restroom."
"I'm sorry, I was so worried about Cheer that I forgot where I was for a minute." Grumpy replied.
"I understand but you are lucky nobody else saw you." True Heart said
"Yeah, I'll try to be more careful," Grumpy said
True Heart nodded and walked into the girl's restroom while Grumpy and Oopsy waited outside.
True Heart walked over to Cheer.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's just the morning sickness, Grams Bear gave me something to help manage it, but I still have to be careful because some smells and scents will make me vomit or nauseous."
"Oh hope you feel better. I'm sorry I'm..." True Heart stated to say
"It's fine True Heart, I don't know if I would know what to say either."
When they walked out of the girls' restroom, Grumpy rushed over to Cheer.
"Oh Cheer morning sickness again?" Grumpy asked
"Yeah, I'll be glad when I'm in my second trimester, since that's when it stops," Cheer replied
"I'll be by your side the whole time, Cheer," Grumpy said
"Us too, True Heart said
"Thanks, oh no, my lunch, um, can one of you go take care of it, no offence to Gentle Heart, but I don't know what she was eating, but I don't want to get sick again."
"I do that Cheer," said Grumpy
"Is Cheer okay?" asked Gentle Heart when Grumpy came and cleaned up
"Yeah, she..well.. just don't tell too many about this. Cheer is pregnant, she has been having morning sickness, so certain smells and scents bother her."
"A baby, Cheer is having a baby?" asked Polite Panda
"Yes!" replied Grumpy
"Oh my!" said Gentle Heart.
"Yeah, well, I see you guys around, I want to make sure Cheer is okay," Grumpy said before walking away
"Wow, I can't believe Cheer is going to have a cub," said Perfect Panda
The others nodded in agreement.
Cheer sighed with relief. Her morning sickness was gone, and she even had a small baby bump. She had been feeling tiny flutters now and then. Grams Bear said that was the baby moving, but to Cheer, it didn't feel like a baby moving until one day.
"Grams, Grumpy!" Cheer yelled
"Is everything okay?" they both asked after they rushed to her
"Yes, I felt the baby move. I mean I know I have been feeling those flutters, but until now it didn't feel like a baby moving." Cheer said as she placed a paw on her belly
"Can I feel Cheer?" asked Grumpy
"Sure!" Cheer said
Grumpy placed a paw on Cheer's belly and not long after the cub kicked
"Oh wow, I felt our little boy or little girl, it's amazing."
"Yeah, Grumpy it is." Cheer said
"Well, it looks like I am going to need to get another appointment for Cheer so they can do an ultrasound and check out the cub," said Grams bear
Cheer looked around the waiting room, looking nervous, at the moment she was the only pregnant teen, yes, the only time Grams Bear could get an appointment for her was during school hours, but she had hoped at least there was another pregnant teen so it wouldn't be so awkward. Well, at least she wasn't alone since Grams Bear and Grumpy were with her and were so glad that both were with her. Grumpy noticed her and placed an arm around her.
Grams patted her knee. "It will be okay Cheer sweetie."
Not long after Pink Power Bear called her name.
"Miss Cheer Bear, the doctor will see you now."
She led them to a room and got things ready for the ultrasound when Cheer was ready. Not long after Take Care came in.
"So you're here for an ultrasound, Miss Cheer?"
"Okay then, let's get that ultrasound."
She got everything ready and not long after they could hear the cubs' heartbeat.
"Everything seems fine with the cub, do you want to know the gender of the cub?" Asked Take Care
Cheer looked over at Grumpy, looking for an answer
"Cheer if you want to know the gender of the baby, that's up to you, since you're the one carrying the cub," Grumpy said
Cheer turned back towards Take Care and nodded
"Yes, I would love to know the gender?"
"You're having a girl." Take Care said
Tears of joy came to Cheers' eyes. "Oh Grumpy, a little girl, we're going to have a little girl."
Grumpy Placed a paw on Cheer and smiled, "A little girl."
"You okay with that, you don't mind I'm having a girl?"
"Cheer, Yes a boy would be nice, but I'm happy to have a girl, Cheer, don't worry."
Cheer smiled at Grumpy.
"Do you want a copy of a picture of your little girl?" Asked Take Care
"You can do that?" asked Cheer
"Yes we can?"
"Then yes I would love a copy of a picture of my baby."
"Wait here and I'll get it for you."
Some time later, Take Care brought the picture for Cheer
On the way to school they talked.
"Well now that we know the gender of the baby, we are going to need to come up with a name for her, any ideas, Cheer?" asked Grumpy
"No, not really, I might need to see her after she is born and then think of a name for her, but I guess I can try and think of some names for her."
When they got to school, a few looked at her. Some had even talked about her saying things like they couldn't believe she's going to have a baby, and other things. Grumpy told her not to worry, but she couldn't help it. She couldn't wait for school to be over.
That evening Cheer was sitting on her bed, her little girl was moving, so she placed a paw on her belly feeling her.
"I can't wait to see you my little one. I wish I knew what to call you, but I just don't know, maybe, I don't know, I guess I will come up with a name for you. I wonder how my parents came up with my name. I..."
Tears came to her eyes. Why did her parents have to kick her out?
Grams Bear heard Cheer and walked to her room and knocked on her door, when Cheer didn't reply, Grams opened the door and walked over to Cheer, placing a paw on Cheer. Cheer jumped.
"Sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to scare you, I heard you, so I came to check up on you."
Grams handed her a tissue.
"Thank you Grams."
"You're welcome. How about you try to get some sleep? Worrying too much is bad for you and the baby."
"Okay Grams, I see you in the morning, goodnight Grams."
"Goodnight Cheer."
When Cheer woke up in the morning, she was glad it was Saturday
"Good morning Cheer!" Grams said as Cheer walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Grams.
Grams handed Cheer a book about cubs by one of the doctor care bears, Doctor Bo
"Good morning Grams, What's this Grams?"
"It's a book about cubs by Doctor Bo, I thought you might find some helpful things in it."
"Thanks Grams"
"You're welcome, Cheer. I was thinking, after lunch, you, Grumpy, and I would go do some shopping and get items for the cub."
"That sounds great, can't wait to decorate the baby's room."
"I thought that you would love that. Let's make a list of what you want and need." Replied Grams Bear
Cheer thought for a moment. "Yeah um?"
Grams went over with Cheer on the items they would need.
"Diapers, cot, diaper wipes, bibs, burp cloths, and a few items you'll need for yourself."
"All of these items Grams?"
"Yes, but don't worry it will be okay."
"Thanks so much Grams."
"Think nothing of it dear."
When the time came to go shopping, Cheer couldn't contain herself. They went down aisle after aisle, getting almost everything they needed, they were about to check out
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