Categories > Cartoons > Danny Phantom > New Girl at School

Chapter 1

by head-in-clouds 3 reviews

None just the next chappie.

Category: Danny Phantom - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Published: 2006-10-03 - Updated: 2006-10-03 - 412 words

Chapter 1

Box Ghost: "You cannot contain me with that cylindrical container of doom. I am the Box Ghost."

Danny Phantom smirked as the Box Ghost was sucked into the Fenton Thermos.

Jazz: "Danny, hurry up before mom and dad get here!"

Danny P: "Okay."

Danny flies down and turns back from a boy with white hair, green eyes, wearing a black and white jumpsuit with the symbol DP to a boy with black hair, ice blue eyes, wearing a white and red t - shirt with blue jeans and white tennis shoes. Their parents ran around the corner holding ghost detecting equipment and weapons. The equipment always said that Danny was a ghost but they finally learned to ignore it.

Jack: "Which way did Invisobill and the other ghost go?"
Danny F.: (pointing behind him) "They went that way."

Looking towards the direction their son pointed to, they ran yelling:

Jack + Maddie: "Ghost!!!"

Jazz: "Smart move."

Danny F. "Thanks."

Danny while walking gets lost in thought. After a couple of minutes Jazz notices.
Jazz: "Danny what's wrong?"

Danny: "Nothing.... I just keep wondering when Sam and Tucker are coming back from their vacations.

Tucker: "Then wonder no more for it is I. The one. The only. Tucker Foley!!"

Danny practically jumps 20 feet in the air. (without turning into a ghost)

Danny: "Whoa....jeez Tuck. You scared me."

Sam: "Tucker calm down. Danny good to see you and.......I'm glad you missed us."

Tucker: "He missed us."

Sam: "Yeah, we were gone for practically the whole summer."

Danny: "Do you know what I just realized."

Sam & Tucker: "What?"

Danny: "School starts back up on Monday."

Sam: "Do you guys want to go to my house after I unpack to watch a movie."

Danny: "Sure."

Tucker: "Okay."

Jazz: "Can't, I have to study."

Sam: "Okay, I'll see you guys later.

Mrs. Goldenrod: "Congratulations, Mr. Masters. You are now a parent. I will tell her the good news."
A girl about fifteen is looking at a few photos on her bed. She has brown hair, olive green eyes, wearing a yellow blouse, faded blue jeans, and white tennis shoes.
(A/N: Same girl from the prologue.)
Mrs. Goldenrod: "Melissa Lite?"

Melissa: "Yes?"

Mrs. Goldenrod: "This is Vlad Masters, your new adoptive father."

Melissa: "I've only been here one day."

Mrs. Goldenrod: "All the paperwork has been completed so pack your things; you're going to your new home.

Voice 1: "Everything is going according to plan." (evil laughter)
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