Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

The Nature of Love...

by Emilie_D 1 review

Minerva McGonagall and Molly Weasley consult with Severus about their defensive strategy, while they ponder life's verities.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-10-06 - Updated: 2006-10-06 - 2926 words - Complete

Zelda woke with the dawn as she usually did, but this morning there was a special treat. She found she was held fast against the lean, hard body of her wizard lover.

Severus was fast asleep, but even in sleep, he was aware of her presence... and held her as though he feared to lose her. She wanted nothing more than to keep him safe, but instead she knew that she must watch him go into horrific danger again... and again. She studied his harsh, beloved features, marked with lines of old pain and bitterness. His mouth was relaxed, and she kissed the thin lips tenderly.

He woke slowly, and his mouth smiled even before his eyes were open. "Ah, Zelda," he murmured confidently, feeling her soft body that seemed to fit perfectly against his.

"I want you to rest," she said, kissing his cheek. "Let me go make breakfast before Michael wakes up and does it. It's not fair for him to be our House Elf."

Severus squeezed her hard, eliciting a happy squeak from her. He let her go then and rolled over, still weary enough to know that he should be resting. He drowsed again, wondering at the demon of possessiveness within him. He did not want a weak lover; he respected Zelda's strength and decisiveness, yet at times he realized that he burned to dominate her. Even more surprising to him was the fact that she loved it too. The memory of her adoring submission stayed with him as he gradually returned to sleep, wondering bemusedly at the nature of love.

Zelda was glad that he could sleep longer. She was grateful for every moment that he was with her, but her habit of solitude was deeply ingrained. Summer had always been a quiet time to recharge before the next school year, but this summer was a mad scene of strategy, magic, new people, and the life-changing discovery of Severus. She craved solitude now, knowing that her life was changing irrevocably and wishing to understand it. She slipped her robes over her bare body and left the bedroom.

The small kitchen was empty. She glanced in at the couch and saw Michael snoring there in the dimness. She breathed a prayer of gratitude and went to the kitchen. First, she examined the contents of the refrigerator and discovered that there was enough food to last for days. Then she filled the coffee maker and hit the switch before going out into the cool, fresh air.

A whitetail buck was browsing in the long shadows at the edge of the clearing when she stepped outside. Zelda froze, wanting the creature to stay. They gazed at each other briefly before the animal turned and crashed away through the trees. She was reminded of the magical creatures of the Forbidden Forest. Humans were not used to believing other creatures to be their equals, but she remembered Firenze, with his remarkable beauty and his strange wisdom.

It didn't matter to her that she couldn't do magic, what mattered was that those beautiful, magical creatures survive this war. Then, of course, there were the fascinating people she had met. This brought her thoughts back to Severus.

She sank into the comfortable chair that Severus had conjured the night before, tucked her feet up under her and considered the memories he had shown her. She'd read about Polyjuice, so she knew with that Potion and a piece of someone, you could become that person physically. No wonder Minerva had been appalled at the idea.

Severus was playing a dangerous game; she understood that well... and knew also that he would be pulling strings on both sides. She wondered if Minerva would doubt Severus's loyalty, and - more terrifyingly - how soon it would be before Voldemort himself would decide to test his servant's faithfulness. She'd seen the glimpse of that mad white face with the flaming red eyes and wanted nothing more than to beg Severus to stay away. There was nothing human or sane in those eyes; she felt ill recalling the memory.

The reason he forced himself to show her his memories was terrible. She tried to imagine seeing another soul looking out of his eyes. Her Legilimency had always shown her who a person was inside, and she understood instinctively what he expected. However, it was an awful thought, and once the Polyjuice was ready any of them might be Death Eaters in disguise, Minerva, Ron, even Harry. This was a way that she could help them, but it would be difficult and horrifying.

Zelda went into the kitchen and poured herself some coffee. The aroma was exquisite; she felt she must no longer take any of her life's small delights for granted. At this moment, her situation was wonderful, her friends and acquaintances were safe, Severus was with her, and it was glorious summer. She had a delicious cup of coffee and when she took the first sip she wanted to weep with gratitude. She returned to her chair in the shade. Putting aside the complexities of war and strategies, she relaxed and lazily pondered the nature of love and of magic.

Michael woke from dreamless sleep and lay on the couch pondering the nature of love. Once he had been contented and deeply loved, he thought sardonically. For the rest, he'd accepted who he was long ago, and knew that for all his exploring there would most likely never be another love that lasted. Of course, the exploring was fun, he thought wickedly, but he was over fifty in a culture that valued eternal youth... and there was that ability at what he knew now to be Legilimency.

It was damned hard to fool himself when he could read the truth in his lover's eyes. He envied Zelda because she'd found real love with a real man, not a shallow boy. Nevertheless, she deserved happiness, he thought fondly, and he had long feared she'd never risk loving again. Furthermore, it was obvious to him that Severus not gay, and he was mad about Zelda, so this sexy, powerful guy would never be for him.

Turning his mind to other things, Michael stretched, smiling to himself. This was the most interesting situation he had seen since he'd left the military; he was learning amazing things... and because of that, perhaps, he had another job to do.


"For someone with a sexy man in your bed, you're up early," said Michael, breaking the silence. He joined her, carrying his cup and the full pot of coffee.

Zelda laughed. "Come sit down, it's a beautiful morning. I was going to make breakfast, but both of you were sleeping, so here I am."

He studied her closely. "What do you think of all this?" he asked. "We're in over our heads, you know."

"They can Obliviate us any time we ask," she pointed out. "We can go back to where we were before."

"You won't ask for that, so I won't either," he replied. "Remember, I'm going to drill Minerva McGonagall in Legilimency. How much fun is that?"

"Severus didn't ask me to do it," she said. "Dang! I told you you're amazingly powerful, you idiot."

"She doesn't know about it yet," he admitted, "and she might turn me into that cockroach when she finds out."

They both laughed at that, and refilled their cups.

"I wonder when they'll be back today," Zelda said. "There's no way for us to communicate with them. That bothers me, even though I can't imagine why we'd need to make contact."

"Don't worry about that now," he said, "It's time for breakfast. I'm starving."

"Good plan," she said. "I should see what Muggle clothes I have to wear. It's going to be hot today, so I hope I have some shorts around."

"All your stuff's still here, Severus's too," said Michael. "I thought it'd be easier if I didn't have to constantly invade Jess's space to fetch things from your house."

"That's good," she said, standing and heading for the cabin. "Let's get the cooking started before I go and change. And Michael, I'm glad you're here."

"Thanks, Zel," he said. "I wouldn't miss this for anything."


The smell of breakfast cooking followed Zelda back to the bedroom. She slipped in silently, not wising to disturb Severus, and found the bag she had packed before she went to Hogwarts. As she dressed in denim shorts and a white tank top, she realized she felt quite exposed after the complete coverage of her witch's robes. Finding her hairbrush, she ran it quickly through her curly hair with barely a glance in the mirror. Then, she grabbed her old Red Sox baseball cap and headed for the door.

"Do you expect me to concentrate on anything besides all of that bare skin today?" Severus purred from the bed. He was feeling better rested than he had been in many years, and ready for mischief as well.

"It's going to be about ninety-five degrees today," she replied, changing course and heading for the bed. She yanked the sheets off, exposing his naked body. When he pulled her down on top of him, she laughed. "Do you expect me to concentrate on anything besides all this wonderful bare skin?" she replied, tracing the red mark she had left on his pale neck complacently.

Severus realized that she had marked him, and smugly began to kiss his own love bites on her flesh. "It seems I have branded you too, my pet." He kissed her neck, and added, "Some of these will be visible today if you persist in wearing almost nothing." He ran his hands down her bare arms, and traced the open neck of her shirt with light kisses.

"You could go Muggle today," she suggested tentatively. "Elijah's clothes are in my blue duffel bag and they'd be much cooler than anything else you have."

"I shall consider it," he said repressively. "Now, take yourself away, temptress... before I am forced to delay my breakfast."

She climbed out of his embrace and was gone in a flash of bare legs. The sight made him smile as he rose. He opened the window and realized that it was far hotter here than it ever got at Hogwarts.

Shamefaced, Severus realized that he wanted to shed the black persona for a brief time and wear what felt like a child's play clothes. He rummaged in Zelda's large duffel and found the worn, soft jeans and white undershirt. A flash of green and blue revealed the absurd Hawaiian shirt... and when he was wearing it, he realized that it was indeed far better suited to this baking summer day.

Severus discovered Zelda and Michael putting the finishing touches on the meal. They both looked up as he entered the room silently. Zelda's bright smile caught and held his attention and he did not even notice Michael at first.

"I hardly recognize you out of the black clothes," Michael said dryly. "This way you won't collapse from heat stroke today, but it's quite a shock."

Severus glared at the man. "There is a most convenient pocket for my wand in these jeans, Michael. Do not tempt me."

"Sit down and eat, both of you," Zelda said firmly. "Michael has to leave in a few hours so he can go to work, and I expect that we'll have company from Hogwarts at any time."

"Yes, Ma'am," Severus replied meekly, sitting down and allowing her to serve him. He discovered that he was far hungrier than his normal condition and he found Zelda's fussing over him to be utterly endearing. As they finished breakfast, there was a knock at the door, and Michael opened it to greet Minerva McGonagall and Molly Weasley.

"Good morning," Minerva said. Her mouth dropped open at the sight of Severus Snape dressed in completely non-black clothing. Behind her, Molly's eyes grew wide.

Zelda watched a flush begin to rise on his lined cheek, and said quickly, "Come in and sit down, ladies. Would you like tea or coffee?"

Molly was used to seeing her magical sons wear remarkable things, so she recovered more quickly than Minerva, and said, "I believe tea would be refreshing. Is it always so hot here in the summer?"

"It gets cool here at night, but yes, in July we often have very hot days," Zelda replied. "Unfortunately, this cabin gets very stuffy, so we should probably sit outside in the shade."

Minerva had been studying Severus with a small smirk on her face. He returned her gaze rather sullenly and said defiantly, "Do you have something to say, Minerva?"

Her eyes narrowed as she responded. "I have considered what you told us. Your bloody inventiveness at planning to invade Hogwarts actually made me have doubts about your loyalty. I had thought of hexing you Severus, but this new look, I must admit, has completely distracted me," she said with a wicked chuckle.

Before Severus could respond with something nasty, Zelda said lightly, "I'd be happy to lend you something a bit more seasonal, Minerva." She fixed her eye challengingly on the older witch, adding, "I have some extra shorts with me."

Michael covered his face with his hands but could not conceal his shoulders shaking with mirth. Molly turned away to conceal her giggles, and Severus rolled his eyes in pleased disbelief.

"Thank you, Zelda," Minerva said gently, "but I shall be quite comfortable as I am."

"The offer's still on the table if you should change your mind," she said cheekily. "Why don't you all go outside and I'll wait for the kettle to boil."

Before Severus headed toward the door, he turned to kiss Zelda with a smirk. "Such impudence," he murmured, running his hand up her bare arm.

"You look adorable, my boy," she whispered, stroking the side of his exposed neck, and lingering on the mark left by her love bite. "Go deal with business now, so we'll have some time to play later."

One black eyebrow shot up before he turned and followed Minerva and Michael. Zelda watched until he left, and was startled when she realized that Molly was still with her.

"I'll help you with the tea," she said briskly. "They're going to discuss strategy, and while I must know what they decide, it's not my area of expertise. I would only interfere in the discussion process if I asked right now."

Zelda was pleased by the confidence she heard in Molly's voice. "What's your area of expertise?" she asked curiously.

"People," Molly replied succinctly. "I've seen the members of the Order in ways that Minerva has not, and I believe I can find ways to motivate them. So I should know what the plan is, but it can wait a bit."

"Excellent," Zelda said. "Thanks for not making Severus feel too self-conscious, by the way. It doesn't hurt for him to stretch a bit, you know."

"Where did he get the clothes?" Molly asked, giggling.

Zelda laughed a little. "They were abandoned by my teenage son when he went away to college. They're all he had to wear for a couple of days, and he hated them at first. Now I wonder if there's some nostalgia value to wearing them. He is who he is, Molly, and I know how rare it is for him to relax this much. It won't last either, but for a little while I want him to have a holiday."

Molly was deeply touched. "You're very good to him," she murmured. "Severus is a lucky wizard."

"If your world is to survive, it'll be because he's managed to juggle this whole damn thing. He's so smart and he's more deeply committed to this than anyone," said Zelda. "Hasn't anyone seen who he is? He's an incredibly good man, do you realize that?"

"I'm afraid Dumbledore was the practically the brain of the entire Order," Molly said. "They're really not an introspective lot, and they're used to having someone else manage the big picture. Severus has not allowed anyone close to him, either."

"I've been thinking about Severus playing chess against himself," Zelda said. "Voldemort himself is terrifying, but Severus knows quite well where the Death Eaters are vulnerable. He also knows the strengths and weaknesses of the Order. Do you think Minerva will doubt Severus's loyalty? Do you doubt him?"

"Before meeting you I did doubt him," Molly said frankly. "I had no idea who he was, Zelda, and he wanted it that way. When he's with you now I see the strength of his intentions. Minerva doesn't doubt him and I don't either. Actually, he's the main reason we have to hope, now that Dumbledore is gone."

"Before we go out, have you heard from the kids lately? Are they okay?" Zelda asked nervously. "I worry about them."

"Ronald comes home every night and Hermione is staying with us, they're very good about keeping me informed of their safety," Molly replied. "Harry didn't tell us at first, but he did return to his relatives, and Apparates away every day. He told me he felt guilty about disobeying Dumbledore, so his home is still with the Dursleys, technically."

"That's good," Zelda said. "I mean ... they're awful to him, but it seems he needs to be there. Have they found any more of... you know what?"

Molly shook her head wordlessly. She helped to assemble the tea tray, and when it was done, they went out to join the others.
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