Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > Branches Of A Tree

No Way!!!

by shasta 0 reviews

Something has been unleshed in Katara what happens now...and what happens when Toph reveals her feelings for Sokka.

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Other - Published: 2006-10-07 - Updated: 2006-10-07 - 626 words

Chapter 1
No Way!!!

It was about 8:00 in the morning according to the sun's position on the horizon. Aang along with Katara and Toph were the first ones up packing up camp while Sokka just snored to no end.

"Hey, wake up snoozles we got to move if we don't want anyone to following us." Toph said in a firm yet playful tone. Sokka just rolled over onto his side and mumbled something quietly about kissing her. At this Toph blushed, Katara ignored them both with a glare at her sleeping brother.

"SOKKA!" Katara yelled at him irritably.

"Toph!!" Sokka yelled as he sat up straight quick as a gopher-rabbit with wide eyes and boomerang out ready for a fight, he then noticed Toph who was now blushing red as a tomato.

"Oh...hi Toph." Sokka said awkwardly.

"Hi Sokka." Toph replied dreamily.

"Get up, we need to pack and get going." Katara told Sokka bitterly.

"Why can't anyone just let me sleep peacefully?" Sokka whined.

"You were the one who was up all night being our watchman for the camp." She told him angrily.

"Who better than me to do it, you?" He spat with angry sarcasm. "How about me?" Aang chimed in cheerfully.

"I am so sick of your sexism and your arrogant ego!" Katara yelled with clenched fists.

"No no, you got it wrong Katara." Sokka began timidly.

"Oh do I!" She yelled angrily. Just as she took a step over to where Sokka was standing a pillar of earth shot up through the ground at least twenty feet behind the group.

Aang and Toph were the only two that seemed to notice the giant earthen structure.

"Uhhh, Katara?" Aang asked nervously trying to get the young girl's attention.

"Not now Aang!" the waterbender fumed as she turned back to face Sokka.

"And another thing, what is it with you and trust?" Katara began again at her brother.

"Katara calm down I-." Sokka said defensively.

"CALM DOWN, where do you get the idea that you can tell me to calm down?" Katara then lost complete control and went to punch her brother, just as did a flame shot outward from her fist, the flame barley missing Sokka's cheek.

"Now look what you made me do, I fire...oh my god." Katara suddenly got quiet and just stared down at her hands in horror.

"Duuude" Toph and Aang said in awe simultaneously.

"Whoa...Katara you...can firebend?" Sokka said in disbelief with his mouth hanging open.

"She can apparently can earthbend as well." Toph said pointing behind her to the earthen pillar. Sokka's eyes went as wide as dinner plates as he put two and two together.

"Aang come here a minute." Katara said quietly. Aang went over to where Katara was standing.

"Aang show me the most basic airbending move you know." Katara said plainly.
"Ok." Aang replied plainly. Aang then quickly extended an open palm in front of his body, creating a sharp gust of wind for as long as he held his palm outward.

"Alright I think I got." Suddenly as Katara began to extend her palm, Aang's eyes went wide with fright.

"Katara wait y-!" Aang shouted just as Katara went flying at least forty feet straight up in the air.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Aang rushed into the air after her on his glider, quickly caught her and glided gently to the ground to where Sokka was even more dumbfounded and wide eyed.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" Sokka whined with desperation.

"To put it simply, Katara can bend all four elements." Aang said startled by his own words.

"I think we need Avatar Roku for an explanation.... Katara prepare to enter the spirit world." Aang said looking at her plainly.
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