Categories > Original > Fantasy > world tour

day one

by taylor 1 review

the tale of a few bands some friends and romance

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2006-10-10 - Updated: 2006-10-11 - 178 words

Dear World Tour Diary,
Well after the concert we stalked Paramore to the buses until they agreed to the tour, in fact they thought it was an awesome idea. So we hopped on thier bus and started to head towards Las Vegas to pick up Panic! On our way there though Melissa became sick with the flu so we had to make a side trip back to her house to drop her off. Looks like she won't be joining us on the tour :] (i mean :[ ). After that was all taking care of Josh and I got into an intense game of pac-man. After Josh lost Taylor and I went and grabbed some pizza, while the rest of Paramore slept. We were so hyper form the concert we didnt' sleep for another 5 hours. By the time we woke up we were right outside of Ryan's house, the boys(including brent not john) were all packed and very exicited for this tour. So now I'm sitting here watching Shaant sleep on our way to New York, to pick up Tom.
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