Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Blessing or Burden (Joel & Benji Madden plus others)

pt 47 Something Wicked This Way Comes

by Reign_Madden 5 reviews

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Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Published: 2006-10-12 - Updated: 2006-10-12 - 2123 words

Normal p.ov

'...I was allowed to pick it out myself, they totally spoiled me especially Gerard ' you recall telling Lisa about your 21st birthday and the diamond bracelet they bought you.
'Yeah what's the deal with you and him anyway?' Lisa asks handing you a tissue
'We just have this bond; ever since I saved his life we've been inseparable. The others tell me he needs me around I guess I need him too.' You admit 'Whenever I want something or someone Gerard's always there, he's never too tired or too busy to listen.'
'And the others, what do they do?' she asks
'Well Bob is the watchdog he's sooo protective he's the muscles.' you lsugh' he watches my every move.'
'I totally get that vibe from him.' She says
'Ray is like a mother, he's cool but he doesn't baby me like the others do he always calls me on my bullshit. Mikey and Frankie they're like my brothers its fun with them all the time, they make me laugh a lot. And Gerard well he's...well he's my...'
'Your best friend' she finishes for you.
'Well yeah I guess he's like my guardian.' You say letting silence fall between you.
'So what about you?' you ask closing your eyes and enjoying the heat of the sauna 'What's been happening for you since I've been gone.'
'Well Paul and I got engaged but then fell out so now we're together and not engaged.' She starts
'You got engaged, wow! How did he pop the question?' you ask
'The classic romantic dinner and down on one knee' she says smiling smugly.
'Oh God that's so romantic, so what happened?' you say wrapping the towel tighter around you, getting ready to leave the sauna to go to your massage appointments.
'I don't know we argued about stupid things and decided that it would be better to wait a while.' She explained. 'Speaking of romance, what's happening in your love life?'
'Mine, nothing much' you reply honestly 'I started dating a guy on Valentines Day but we broke up not too long ago.'
'Is that it, you've dated one guy in three years.' She cries in surprise
'What's wrong with that?' you ask
'Nothing it just sounds like your holding out that's all' she says
'I'm not holding out. There's no one to hold out for' you retort quickly pushing thoughts of Benji out of your head
'Sure there isn't.' Lisa says sarcastically

Joel's p.o.v

'Where is it?' I ask Tony.
'Its at a hotel but it's guest list only so if you wanna go I'll put your name down.' He says down the phone.
'Yeah we wanna go, can you do me a favour and add Reign and My Chemical Romance to it?'
'Will do, so I'll see you tomorrow night then man' Tony says confirming.
'Definitely' I reply hanging up.
'Who was that?' Billy asks not looking up from the game he was playing
'Tony, he says there's a rave happening at some hotel tomorrow night in Buffalo NY, he says it's supposed to be hot, so I told him to put our names down.' I tell him.
'Sounds good, I'm in' Billy says.

Normal p.o.v

'Just do it' Lisa urges 'I think it will look nice'
'I don't know, I like having it long' you say curling a strand around your finger 'but it would be a nice change.'
You stare at your reflection in the salon mirror, your hair was very long almost waist length and had no colour in it.
'Ok cut it, colour it and curl it' you hear your self saying.
'Yay' Lisa says clapping her hands 'I love make over's'

By the time you leave the salon it's 7.30pm and you're exhausted and starving. The upside is that you love your hair it looks amazing, you've cut it so it just passes your shoulders and had purple highlights inserted all over. To top it off you got the stylist to curl it.
You and Lisa catch a cab back to the busses, your too tired/ lazy to walk, who knew getting pampered could be so tiring.

Another p.o.v

I was tired and hungry. I had followed Reign everywhere watching her every move. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her, this watching game was getting annoying, but I did enjoy it, it aroused me knowing she had no idea I was following her. I watched them leave the salon in a cab, I didn't need to pursue them I knew she was going back to the buses her "guardians" will be worried about her. I wish I could be there to see their faces when I take her, but I'll be busy doing other things.

Benji's p.o.v

We agreed to have dinner with Reign and MCR I think it's a good idea they can get to know us and vice versa. Plus I can spend time with Reign.
'Thai' Lisa calls out.
'What no way it had to be Indian' Bob says
'Indian, no way we're in a confined area Indian food is definitely a no no' Reign says shaking her head.
'So it either pizza or Chinese.' Joel says 'we may as well vote on it, all those who want pizza raise your hand.'
Bob, myself, Paul, and Billy all raised our hands
'7 against 4 Chinese it is' Gerard says.
'Okay some one write a list and I'll go out and get the food' Reign says standing up and getting her jacket.
'As if' Bob and Frankie cry in unison
'What why not, why can't I go?' Reign says
'You can go just not on your own' Gerard says lighting a cigarette.
'Ok fine well someone needs to come with me.' Reign replies.
'Take Ca$hdogg with you' I say 'that way your safe and he gets his walk.'
'Yeah why not, Billy if you write a list of what these cavemen want I'll go get Ca$h.' Reign says leaving.

Another p.o.v

I could so get her right now. She's jogging over to Good Charlottes bus I could just snatch her up and no one would even know. But not yet everything has to be perfect and right now is not the time, I'm too damn tired to chase after her.

Normal p.o.v

You call out to Ca$h and he obediently allows you to attach his leash.
You jump off the bus locking it behind you and walk/stumble back to your bus as Ca$hdogg pulls you along.
'Billy' you call from the bus steps I'm ready' you scream.
'Going somewhere nice?' a voice says from behind you making you jump.
'Oh You scared me'you say turning around and smiling 'and no I'm just going to get dinner'
'Want some company?' Adam asks
'Yeah you're more then welcome to join me and Ca$hdogg.' You say.

Frankie's p.o.v

I looked out the bus window when I heard Reign call out, I watched her play with Ca$hdogg and I saw the same guy from earlier sneak up on her.
'I hate that guy.' I say to the others
'What guy?' Mikey says joining me at the window
'His names Adam he follows the tour. He's into Reign and I don't like it at all' I admit.
'He looks okay to me.' Mikey shrugs going back to his seat
'You should've seen the way he was staring at her earlier it makes me uneasy.' Joel says glancing out the window.
I feel a presence by my side and I know its Bob.
'See look at the way he's staring at her.' I point out
'Yeah he's into her, he's like 30 or something.' Bob replies.
'Well if he looks dodgy' Gerard says from the couch 'maybe one of us should go with her.'
'I'll do it' Benji offers grabbing his jacket and the list 'see you guys soon.'

Benji's p.o.v

'So what do you say wanna join me?' Reign asks Adam just as I open the door.
'You ready Reign?' I say closing the door behind me
'Yep, Adams coming too' she smiles at him
'Cool, we can get to know you.' I add putting my arm protectively around her shoulders.
'Actually can I take a rain check, I got some things to do before I set out tomorrow.' He says
'Oh okay maybe another time then' Reign replies
'Sound's good.' He says walking back to his RV.

Another p.o.v

She was on the move again, and I was unprepared. I hated to do this but I had to settle with not following her. That annoyed me but what annoyed me the most is that tattoo dick head had his arm around her, he was touching her and it made my skin crawl. I had to have her soon, I couldn't let these fools keep tainting her. Tomorrow is definitley the day.

Normal p.o.v

'Why did you do that?' you chastise Benji
'Do what?' He asks innocently
'Scare him off' you say
'I didn't scare him off, don't be silly' He says taking Ca$hdogg
'Yes you did you're a bully.' You tease
'I'm a bully! This coming from the girl who sexually harassed me this morning' he exclaims
'Oh please you consented,' you say dismissing him
'No I didn't you liar' he cries 'you pounced on me, I was a victim' he says.
'No you wasn't' you argue
'I never consented' he says
'Not verbally you didn't, but your body told me different' you say grinning
'What ever I'm calling the feds when we get back, you pervert' he says smiling at you. 'But I'm sure you can persuade me not too'he finishes grinning at you.
'Now who's perving' you retort pushing him.

By the time you get back it's a lot darker and approaching 9:00pm
'About time' Frankie whines when you guys arrive back
'I'm surprised we haven't wasted away.' Ray adds opening the bag with the food in it and searching through each container.
'Oh please, don't complain you didn't even want to come with me.' You say settling down with your food.
'What took you so long?' Billy questions studying Benji
'Nothing, we went there and came straight back.' Benji replies
'So basically you ordered the food and had a quickie while it was cooking' Paul jokes
'Ew I hope not' Mikey says 'I don't want tainted food.'
'The food isn't tainted Mikey, Paul's just being Paul' you reassure him.
'Reign's right ,everyone here knows that I'm an amazing lover and am incapable of quickies' Benji adds
'Hey me too' Joel and Gerard shout bursting into laughter
'Oh please' you and Lisa say rolling your eyes.
By the time you finished eating your stomach is full and your ribs are aching from all the laughing, the guys thought it would be amusing to tell embarrassing stories, not suprisingly most of them were about you.
'...Shut up Mikey, you're the one who tried to bake a cake in the microwave.' Frankie says, making everyone laugh again.
'Fuck you Frankie that was Gerard' Mikey cries 'you can't even talk you tried to put buttered bread in the toaster. I'm mean honestly.'
'Oh my god that was one time.' Frankie says dashing his shoe at Mikey.
'Twice actually' you say holding your aching stomach
'You can talk London, trying to boil milk in the kettle' Joel says recovering.
'As if. That was your brother, he did it and walked out the room so it looked like me.' You say wiping your eyes.
'That's convenient' Bob says glancing at you.
'It's true' you cry.

Benji's p.o.v

'Reign's telling the truth I'm the milk boiler' I confess raising my hand.
'See he admits it thank you Baby' she says smiling at me.
This was a good idea I haven't felt this relaxed in a while. Frankie was making me laugh the most, he seemed to have 101 stories.
I couldn't take my eyes off of Reign all night she was in her element right now, she hadn't stopped smiling once, and it felt goos to hear her call me baby. In two weeks time or less I'd be waking up to Reign every morning, I couldn't wait.

Another p.o.v

I had been planning this since I first laid eyes on her and its fool proof, I think. I was going over the plan in my head, but it could all change depending on what she would be doing and who she would be with.
Either way tomorrow was the night, tomorrow was our night, just for me and her. I couldn't wait.
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