Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Finders Keepers

Chapter One

by duckapple 5 reviews

Breaking and entering.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-10-14 - Updated: 2006-10-14 - 594 words

Chapter One

Hannah drove down the all too familiar streets of down town Wilmette. Her plan was to extract the information from her father's office. The fun part would be trying to go about it unnoticed. The Wilmette PD loved scavenger hunt night, it usually ended in multiple tickets and a few arrests.

Dr. Burton's office was cold and dark, lit only by the tiny flashlight Mat held tightly in her hand. This wasn't her idea of fun. Breaking and entering, stealing privileged
information, stalking. Matilda was, to say the least, the calmest of all the girls. And
Isabelle was the night to her day, the leader of the pack in a way. It was safe to say
that there was little Izzy found to be afraid of. Hannah was what their mothers? called a
happy medium. Somewhere between Mat's reserve and Izzy's lack thereof. The foursome was rounded of by the completely natural Reggie or Regina as she hated to be called.

Hannah led the others to the records? room. She'd spent most of the summer filing for her
father and uncle. "Here," She said after thumbing through a large drawer marked W and
extracting a bright orange folder.

Izzy snatched it from her hands, "Quick! We have to get there first." Her eyes scanned
the page, "Hah!"

"What? Did you find it?" Mat asked peering over her shoulder from her position at the
window as a look out.

'Yes, and I know when he had his last tetnis shot!" Izzy exclaimed scribbling down the

"You were only supposed to look at the address Isabelle!" Mat said before rolling her
eyes and returning her attention to the window.

"Guys," Reggie hissed, but the bickering continued as though she hadn't even opened her
mouth. "GUYS!" She said again raising her voice.

"What Reg?" Izzy asked slightly annoyed that she'd been pulled out of losing her argument
with Mat.

"Cops." Reggie said flatly, pointing to the window where she'd seen the patrol car pass
by while Mat ignored her post in favor of fighting with Izzy.

"Damn it! Mat cut the light. Hannah, back entrance?"

Hannah thought quickly and nodded at Izzy, "This way. Hold hands, and don't touch
anything." She grabbed Mat's arm dragging her along behind her. The others quickly
attatched themselves to one another and Mat.

Five minutes later the foursome stood in the ally way behind Dr. Burton's office.
"Can we go now? Someone's gonna beat us there!" Izzy whined waving the address in her

"Fine, we're going. Reg- Go check for cops, then we can leave." Hannah ordered, Reggie
nodded before darting off between the buildings.

"Isabelle this is crazy." Mat huffed following the other girls up a drive-way in suburban Wilmette, checking frequently over her shoulder.

"Not crazy Mat, fun!" Izzy whispered excitedly. They were closing in on the house. Hannah sat parked half a block away, poised for a quick get away.

"So Iz, how do we get it?" Reggie asked, surveying the house before her.

"Yeah," Mat said glaring at Izzy, " Not like we knock on the door of a rock star's house and ask to borrow a pair of his boxers."

"Of course not Mat, don't be silly." Izzy said rolling her eyes at her friend in the dark, "No worries. I've a got a plan."

"So let's hear it!" Mat exclaimed in a hushed voice, waving her arms wildly at Izzy, "What is this brilliant master plan?"

"There" Izzy pointed to a basment window, " He totally spilled break in tips on national TV."
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