Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > Bison Chase-Team Water, Earth, Air and then theres Team Fire

Sukee's news...

by HakuRules1424 1 review

Sukee rushes to find Aang and friends to tell them the news of Oppa and Azula...

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor - Characters: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-10-14 - Updated: 2006-10-15 - 471 words

Author's note: Hi ummmm i really like Avatar and this is my first fic about it so please be nice thanx

Epilogue-In my fic Azula and her brother and uncle will try numerous times to capture the avatar and friends but can they do it...


Sukee ran she ran as fast as she could, if she could only get there fast enough to catch the next boat to Ba-Sing-Se then she wouldn't have to go through the serpents pass again and maybe then she could reach Aang in time to tell him her urgent news about Oppa!


She caught the boat just in time and now was already on the monorail in Ba-Sing-Se heading towards the upper ring to find Aang, She found his house and beat on the door until Sokka answered

"Sukee.... what I mean omg Sukee what are you doing here?" Sokka spluttered

"i came to tell Aang something its very urgent where is he?" she said looking over his shoulder

"Oh right Aang ya he's here hold on" he said looking depressed but then Sukee tapped him on the shoulder and h turned around right into a breathtaking kiss with her

"i missed you to Sokka" she said

"Ok now I'm awake i will go get Aang right away" he said cheerfully

She came inside and waited for everyone to wake up then she went on to tell of how she was still helping the relief effort when to her surprise she found Oppa in some desolate cave looking very ragged and unhealthy, Aang at that point was ready to fly out the window and search more for Oppa but listened to Sukee, she went on and told that once they had finished cleaning him and getting him fed the worst possible person showed up Azula (author here-now this whole series of stories is based on my dislike for Azula we will get more to that later)So she explained how her and Azula battled and battled untill finally Azula noticed that Oppa was gone and she fled as well hoping to find you Aang

They where all astonished at this information because it was early and they would never have guessed any of this in a million years except maybe Aang

"What are we all Standing around here for lets go find Oppa!" said Togh and Aang

"Well did Sukee see wich way they went?" said Kitara

"Yes east definitely" she said

"I know where he went, the eastern Air Temples! We have to get there before Azula" Aang Said

"But how we cant just fly like you can Aang!" Sokka said

"Well idk we will have to figure somthing out and quick!" said Aang

"I got it!" shouted Kitara

Next Time-The group encounters Azula and company at the eastern Air Temples, who will win.....
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