Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bullet riddled romance.

lurking in the dark isnt as fun as anticipated

by stained_red_rose 1 review

another thrilling chapter. :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-10-16 - Updated: 2006-10-16 - 2077 words

Chapter 2:

Mikey inattentively drummed his fingers on the granite bench top; his attention seemed to be drawn to the clock on the wall slowly ticking away. Immersed in his thoughts, until a hand vice gripped his shoulder.
"Are you okay man?"
"W...what?" Mikey stuttered snapping back to his surroundings. He tipped back his head slightly to see his older brother looming over.
"Are you okay?" Gerard asked again.
"Yea, Fine." he replied, giving his older brother a reassuring smile, then averted his fixed stare to the coffee Gerard had forced upon him. Twisting his mouth obscurely, he pulled a face. A thought occurred, and he turned to Gerard.
"Gerard, Syrin still lives with you right?"
"She sure does Mikey."
"Where is she?"
Gerard's answer was short and sweet. "With Ray" He said pouring himself the third cup of coffee for the evening. He lent over the bench top, to engage in a closer more confined conversation with his little brother who sat upon a barstool on the opposite side of the counter.
"And where is Ray?" asked Mikey, showing little interest in the whole subject of the conversation, since he assumed that Ray and Syrin had popped out to grab something to eat as Gerard had only a vague plan of cooking tonight.
"Ploughing through industrial waste in search for a mutant"
A little alarmed Mikey responded with a nervous laugh "yea ok whatever." he said a little cynically.
There was a slight pause, and no grin or sign deception from Gerard. Mikey pondered a moment. is he serious?
Mikey put his thought into words. "serious?"
Gerard half nodded "deadly serious."
"Ok..." Mikey trailed off "and why are they searching for a mutant?"
"Uh" Gerard started, partly occupied with winding his wristwatch "because they didn't believe me when I said they existed. I like bet them 50 dollars each that if they went down there they would find it. Oh and you owe me 20, we lost."
Mikey reached into his back pocket and pulled out the tattered thread bearing wallet. He handed Gerard the 20 dollar note, which too had faded markings and the creases of time. "went down where?"
"Thank youp" Gerard said, casually plucking the note from Mikey's hand. "um down some drainpipe"
Mikey nodded slowly, not quite understanding the circumstances. " you've seen this mutant?"
Gerard nodded.
"Is it dangerous?"
Gerard shrugged "If it is I don't think it will hurt them"
" sure?"
Gerard shook his head, and glanced at his watch, then at the clock on the wall. He gave a satisfied hum. "I'm not really worried about them, I mean they're strong capable adults. If I was them I wouldn't worry about the mutant, I would worry about getting caught after curfew."


Ray glanced at his watch, then at Syrin, who was staring out the passenger's window.
"you okay?" he asked.
"yea." she replied turning back to him. Daydreaming was sometimes a casual occurrence for Syrin, in daily routine she would just think whist staring off into the distance, when the girl daydreamed the surrounding world tended to take notice of her; sitting quietly with a blank look spread across her face. The surrounding world would then jump to the conclusion that Syrin was upset, immediately responding with; 'Syrin are you okay? What's wrong? Oh my gosh what's the matter?' Syrin would of course reply with 'no I'm fine, yea I'm okay" which was the truth, but the surrounding world didn't seem to understand that.
"You sure?" Ray inquired again "I mean, you just...I dunno. You can tell me if something's the matter. I can help you fix it."
"" Syrin laughed "everything's reasonably good."
"you're sure, you're sure?"
"defiantly sure" she said nodding.
"Okay. Good. I was just worried that something was up." Ray replied with a grin.
Syrin grinned too. She did appreciate that Ray cared. She just wished he wouldn't dig too deep into things, and make hasty assumptions before reasoning.
The duo sat quietly, staring out into the eerie black mist of the night. The car had halted a little over forty five minutes ago. Stopped on a sloped dirt track leading off the main road, to the left side of the car was an array to tall forestry, the trees beared brown leaves if not none at all. The Grass too was somewhat limited when it came to colouring, to the right was a wall of old housing, with chipped paintwork and splintered picket fences, they cottages carried no warmth or feeling and sent tingles up the spine of Syrin. It was amazing that the cottages were unoccupied, they were real housing, and hadn't been replaced by the contemporary design 30 floor apartments. Cloud cover veiled the moon, creating a diffused blue glow over the landscape, obscuring the shadows and creating opaque movement from the trees. The mist added to the ominous style atmosphere.
Dead. Dead was the life outside the car. Silent. Silent and terrifying. Nothing was to be heard, except for the gentle hum of the cars passing on the main road. Each excelling their speed to reach home before curfew set it, after a night out.
A concerned look crossed Syrin's face.
"You know, there's probably nothing down there." Ray said quietly
Syrin remained silent.
"He said it wasn't recently. It may have been when he was full out if it before you lived with him, in his alcoholic years you know? He probably made the whole thing up. I promise you...there is nothing down there."
Syrin turned to Ray. She wondered how he knew that she was thinking about the worst case scenario confronting a mutant, she guessed that she was easy to read, the circumstances were easy to read.
Syrin smiled appreciatively, "yea I guess."
She found it odd that the subject of mutants and the other alternative bunch of deformed creatures that walked the earth were taken so casually. They were so built into the regular routine of life that the civilians just began to stop paying attention. But sightings of the creatures were rare, it was more the stories and rumours that people had become accustomed to.
"Okay, Sy, you ready to go?" Ray asked
Syrin ran her fingers along the slick surface of the gun holstered to her belt.
"Yea. Let's go."
The duo stepped outside the car, its doors glided down shut soundlessly. Ray Hoisted a small black leather bag of goodies over his shoulder, it contained the necessaries in attack technology such as, small hand weapons, ammo, pepper spray, a map of the area, two torches and a book titled 'how to make destructive weapons, out of everyday objects', Gerard had generously donated that one, though the book was more a gimmick then useful.
Ray and Syrin found themselves walking down a cracked concrete track, stopping they took in their surroundings. To their left was the side walls of the houses Syrin had been examining earlier what separated the track and the yard of the house was a thick rigid wire fence over grown with vegetation. Further up that wire fence was replaced by a large stone wall which continued off in to the distance.
The path on which they stood was damaged, too damaged in fact that large slabs were missing, and the concrete track merged to a dirt one.
A wooden bridge lay up ahead, it lead the path over the other side of the large concreted ditch with vertical walls. It was about 6 meters wide, and its walls 3 meters tall. The manufactured creek's walls were scaled with small circular openings, pipes that lead down from the housing, supplying drainage to their sinks. These pipes provided excellent foot placement.
Ray dropped with a thud; he had with easy conquered descending the wall, managing it with one hand gripped tightly on the bag still hanging loosely over his shoulder.
He watched as Syrin leapt from the top of the wall, obviously she didn't realise that there was a safer way down, or she just decided that she was too cool to play it safe.
Syrin hitting the ground sounded like a slap in the face. Her expression pulled proved she had an instant shot of pain up the back of her calf, and through her feet.
fuck she mouthed, squirming in discomfort.
Ray just chuckled silently.
The pair made their way up the industrially constructed gorge being cautious of the noises and visuals of the night, steering clear from the brown rust coloured mercy water that trickled streamline down the centre of the gorge.
Syrin enjoyed zigzagging across the area, hopping over the copper stream. Impulsively she hurdled herself up the wall on the opposite side to the one they had climbed down from. She peered up, then climbed to ground level, swinging from the safety railing that was put in place purely to prevent stunned walkers from wandering off the path and suffering a nasty fall.
The factory hadn't crossed Siren's mind until now. It stood silhouetted before her, a large black building block against the night's sky. Its doors guarded by a immense perimeter of dead grass and sky scraping mass of flesh ripping thorns and wire making up a fence. So realistically it stood much farther off the path then first anticipated.
Ray clambered up the wall, "what's going on?" he whispered fiercely.
"Nothing" Syrin snapped back, leaping off the wall for the second time.
Ray sensibly lowered himself, and smirked at Syrin who was in frustration shuffling around in pain once again.
"Awe man" He grinned in sympathy.

They eventually reached the circular mouth of the only sustainable size drainpipe where a grown man could stand in without hunching.
"You think this is it?" Ray asked lazily leaning against the pipe's fringe, rummaging through they black bag's contents.
Siren cautiously peered inside then shrugged. Ray handed her a flashlight.
"You want me to go in first?"
Syrin hesitated. She peered in once more, and after a moment of deliberation she shook her head. "Its cool, I'll go first. Its not like there's gonna be anything in there right?" she said confidently placing her hands on her hips, in a rather...peter pan like stance.
Syrin lead the search party of two into the pipe. It was dark. Pitch Black. No city lights to aid their vision.
She flicked on her flashlight. It wasn't too much good. It provided sufficient warm glow, it acted more as a nerve calmer then a light source.
Ray was having trouble with his hair brushing the roof of the pipe, collecting cobwebs and dust.
CLUNK! "Fuck" Syrin expressed, she was again engulfed in darkness she had managed to fumble her flashlight dropping it into the water waste of the city. The impact had caused the flashlight to fail.
"Dodgy piece of shit" she muttered frustrated.
"Ray, can you help me out?"
Dead silence
No reply.
She groped through the darkness, through the slime that had gathered at the bottom of the pipe. Her fingertips eventually hit something that felt like a cylinder made of some sort of heavy plastic.
With a sigh of relief she flicked the switch.
Utter darkness.
She tapped the light on her thigh until, a buzzing noise was generated, and the light hummed with illumination. Feeling quite pleased with herself she turned around, quite prepared to abuse Ray for not lending his assistance.
+ + +
the two were quite deep into the depths of the under city pipe. Ray trailed a fair way behind Syrin, "Sy stop." he said.
He dropped against the interior curved wall of the pipe, flashlight gripped firmly between his teeth. He tugged at the mass of curls that sat on his head, retrieving twigs, dust and other miscellaneous that were causing him to itch with discomfort.
CLANK! Ray sighed and aimed the light up the tunnel. There was no sign of Syrin or the light that she had in possession.
Confused he began to head back to the mouth of the drain. Then decided against it and stopped.
"SY..." he called. "You aren't being very funny!"
no reply
"where are you..?"
There was a moment before a cold hand grasped his shoulder...

that's chapter 2 because I havnt updated in forever and I cant be bothered to write all that I intended. Ignore all the illogical crap that I write because that's the way I am.

thankyou for reading

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