Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Chronicles of The Company We Keep

Suit Malfunction

by Quillian 0 reviews

And now, we see some humor for a change...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2005-07-07 - Updated: 2005-07-07 - 722 words

DISCLAIMER: See the first installment of this story collection.

A/N: I am /SO SORRY/ it took so long for me to get back to the TCWK storyline. I just got caught up with stuff, you know? Anyway...

Here, I provide some comedic relief for a change (as opposed to the angsty stuff from the first three installments). I got the idea for this from that movie /The Incredibles/. If you watch that or already have watched that, then this should make some sense and be even funnier.

/NOTE: This takes place after chapter 14 of TCWK, chronologically./

/"Suit Malfunction"/

It was your typical day at the Xavier Institute when it happened.

Harry (a.k.a. "Mage") was training in the school's Danger Room with the other New Mutants (Iceman, Berserker, Magma, Boom Boom, Sunspot, Cannonball, Jubilee, Wolfsbane, Multiple and Draco) when the cape of his uniform got caught in some of the machinery.

"Uh-oh," Harry muttered as he tried to get himself loose. He tried performing some magic to get himself loose, but none of it seemed to work for some unknown reasons.

As giant razor blades drew ever nearer, Harry tried wrenching himself loose, when all of a sudden...

"ROAR!" A dragon flew in and got Harry out of there, by ripping the cape loose from where it was caught. However, as Harry was dangling by his cape, he was being choked by it. "Ack-! Can't... breathe..."

Draco then not-so-softly dropped Harry onto the ground, transformed back, and apologized profusely.

The next instant, some robotic monstrosity was descending upon both teenage wizards. Boom Boom yelled "I'll take care of it!" and tossed some energy bombs at the target.

Draco got out of the way in time, but Harry was thrown back by the blast, and his cape was now on fire, causing him to run around like a headless chicken.

"I got it!" Iceman yelled, using his powers to put out the flames. However, he also ended up leaving Harry flash-frozen. "Oops..."

"I'll fix that!" Magma said eagerly, melting Harry out of it. Mere seconds later, Harry was thawed, but also soaking wet.

"Whoa! Look out!" Berserker yelled, shooting electricity at another mechanical foe bearing down on Harry.

"No, wait, don't -!" Harry yelled, but too late.

The attacker was defeated, but Harry was also electrocuted, causing him to jerk and twitch sporadically as he screamed.

"Smooth move, bonehead!" Sunspot yelled at his teammate.

"Shut up!" Berserker yelled back.

"No, you shut up!"

"Make me!"

"You bet I will!" Sunspot retorted, picking up a chunk of debris and throwing it at Berserker, using his enhanced strength to do so.

However, it missed Berserker, and went straight at Harry, who was just getting up. "Oh, no..." Harry moaned to himself.

Then his world went black as it hit him in his forehead with surprising accuracy.

Just then, the simulation was terminated, and the mutants all looked around, now very worried.

"Okay," Logan sighed as he walked in, "I can think of at least five or six things that went wrong there... Will someone get him to the infirmary?"

Eager as always to help out, Multiple made some copies of himself and carried Harry out of the Danger Room and to the infirmary.

An hour or so later, Harry was regaining consciousness. As he opened his eyes, he thought he could make out someone standing over him.

"No, Headmaster, I swear I didn't filch your lemon drops..."

"It's not a problem, since I never had any lemon drops to begin with," Professor Xavier said, a trace of humor in his voice.

"Oops. Sorry, Professor."

"That's quite alright, Harry. It seems you had a... suit malfunction."

There was a pause as Harry tried to process this. "Come again?"

"Your cape can cause problems should it get caught in something, as you no doubt remember from earlier."

"Yeah, I remember."

"I was just wondering whether or not you wanted to remove it from your uniform."

"Well... it has its uses as a shield and such, and isn't purely decorative, so... I think I'll keep it."

"Just make sure you never have a repeat of this accident again, Harry."

Harry sighed. "I know, Professor. I know."

A/N: So how was this? This won't be the only funny one-shot in CoTCWK! More will come in the future!
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