Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Chronicles of The Company We Keep

End of the Road

by Quillian 1 review

Sorry, but I have to do this...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-12-31 - Updated: 2006-12-31 - 147 words

DISCLAIMER: See the first installment of this story collection.

Okay, I hate to say this, but...

I'm ending "The Company We Keep" and its collection of side-stories "Chronicles of The Company We Keep."

I know quite a few people won't be happy with my decision, and this is certainly not a decision which I have made lightly. I figured it was better to end it now rather than just drag it on and on.

As with my fic "The Heir of Gryffindor," I wrote this HP/XME crossover as I went along, and it could be so much better. There is so much to be edited that I may as well start it over. Rest assured, though, that I will get back to this HP/XME crossover and finish it in the end, and it will be worth it.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

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