Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter & The Final Battle

Apparation Test

by Buff_dogg2 0 reviews

No summary. Just read and find out.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Molly Weasley, Poppy Pomfrey, Ron - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-10-25 - Updated: 2006-10-25 - 3344 words

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Apparation Test

"Harry, Ginny! Are you two in there?! I need you two to get washed up. We're going to Diagon Alley." yelled Mrs. Weasley knocking on the door.

"Harry, wake up. We're going to Diagon Alley today." said Ginny tapping him.

"Diagon Alley?, Oh yeah, I need to take my apparition test."

They got up and took a shower repeating the previous night. And Ginny put on one of the outfits in the closet. They went downstairs for dinner.

"I need you to come into the drawing room with me, Harry, go to the living room." said Mrs. Weasley as they got downstairs.

"What for?" started Ginny.

"Gin, let's have a little peace today ok." pleaded Harry

Ginny sighed in resignation. "Coming."

Ginny followed her mother and Harry went to the living room where he saw Lupin, Mr. Weasley and a scowling Ron already sitting.

"Ah, Harry." smiled Lupin.

"Good morning." said Harry, keeping a wary eye on Ron.

Mr. Weasley noticed the sudden tension in the room. "I know you guys are at odds but at least try to be civil for the moment." Arthur pleaded. "Well, today Molly has insisted that I have 'the talk' with you guys today. But I invited Remus to help."

"Y'know what, I'll go with dad, I don't want to know what you did with my sister." said Ron rising.

"Never you mind, I'll leave, c'mon Moony." Harry said turning to march up the stairs.

"Good luck Arthur" said Lupin as he followed Harry. As they reached Harry's room, Lupin pulled up a chair and plopped down on the bed.

""Well Harry, since your father isn't here it has fallen on me to give you, and I quote "the talk." Molly's wishes of course." said Remus in a most business like fashion. "Well, um... where to start... what I mean to say is err..." there was a long pause.

A bead of sweat came down his face. Harry could see he was not comfortable. "Moony, I-you don't have to go through it with. It's ok"

"What? You mean I'm too late?" ask a wide eyed Remus.

"No, well what I mean to say is that you're not too, too late. But since we're on the subject."

"Oh boy"

"Do you know of a contraceptive potion, or spell, or anything that could. To, um, well, prevent babies." said Harry, he himself becoming sweaty and red in the face.

"Oh, well yeah, all to need to do is point your wand at... well y'know, and say contracepto, with a flick of the wrist like this. We don't have any- ah what am I saying- well anyone to practice on but it's a fairly simple spell and we-you shouldn't have any problem with it." said Lupin wiping his face.

"Well, err, thanks. Allot." said Harry awkwardly.

"If that's all then, let's be off." said Lupin rising and heading for the door closely followed by Harry.

'Gin, you finished?' asked Harry through their mind link.

'No, and I don't think I will be in a while.' she replied, and Harry could hear Mrs. Weasley in the background.

'Ok, I'll be waiting.'

Harry entered the living room and saw Ron, Hermione and Mr. Weasley sitting in conversation.

"Hey, Remus, I was wondering if you could help me with another one of my muggle collections." asked Mr. Weasley as they came into the room.

"Sure thing, see you later Harry."

"Yeah, later." replied Harry turning to go back upstairs.

"Harry, wait!" called Hermione after him. "Ron has something to say." she said looking at him expectantly.

Ron looked from Hermione to Harry, the growled, "I'm sorry."

"For..." Hermione egged on.

"Wanting to protect my-!" blurted Ron

"Ron! We've been through this." yelled Hermione in exasperation.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry for the way I've been acting, I understand that you care about her well-being as much as I do. But I've still got my eye on you."

"Apology accepted." said Harry.

"One thing Harry, don't do anything, at least while I'm around."

"Ok, now let's see a hug, a hand shake at least." urged Hermione.

Harry held out his hand and Ron grudgingly took it.

"Welcome back." said Harry.

"C'mon, It's time to go." said Ginny coming down stairs her face red as her hair.


An hour later, Arthur, Ron and Harry sat at the Ministry of Magic waiting for their name to be called to take their apparition test. There wasn't many wizards there to take the apparition test.

"Harry Potter" a amplified voice called.

"Good luck." Arthur said patting him on the shoulder. Harry felt slightly nervous, although he knew he'd be passing the test.

Harry walked through the door and as taken aback as he found him self on grass. On the other side of the door Harry found himself in a huge clearing in a forest, just like Firenze's classroom..

"Mr. Potter?" asked a wizard dressed in ministry robes.

"Yes sir."

"I like you to apparate in the yellow circle under that tree over there." he said pointing to a tree on the opposite side of the door which Harry had just entered from. Harry, silently appeared in the circle. The wizard frowned and wrote something on his clipboard. "Now go to that red circle over there." once more Harry popped in the circle without so much as a pop. The wizard walked up to Harry, he could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand-up. "Well done lad. Not even a sound, quite impressive. Now ca yougo to these co-ordinates here?" he said Handing Harry a piece of parchment. "Harry nodded and soon was gone. An evil grin escaped the wizard's face and he apparated as well.


"Ahhhh" screamed Harry. He had been cursed as soon as he had appeared. He was surrounded by an army of death-eaters. A while later he was released from the curse and went flying straight into a tree, where he felt his body being tied to the tree by invisible ropes.

"So we meet again Potter." said a all to familiar voice. A voice Harry heard some nights. The nights that weren't filled with Cedric, Sirius and Dumbledore

"Hi, fancy meeting you here. How have things been." he asked, more bravely than he felt.

Voldemort study Harry, like a prey, with a sinister calculating lopsided grin. His red eyes alight. "Ah the usual, torturing, killing, basically gaining power." They stared are each other both without a blink. "So, how would you like to die. There's no escape this time." taunted Voldemort, walking towards Harry.

The closer he got the more Harry's scar seared. He was struggling to keep up his occlumency shields. "I don't think so, I always manage to slip away, this time shouldn't be any different." Harry replied, trying his best for his face to remain expressionless.

Voldemort walked toward Harry. "Crucio!" He writhed in pain, but determinedly did not utter a sound. "C'mon Potter, let me hear you scream, you cannot resist."

Harry felt like he was losing his mind. Although he practiced resisting the crutiatus curse, the time it was important, he could not throw it off. It felt at least thrice as bad as to what he was accustomed. Suddenly Voldemort released him from the curse and he found himself on the ground panting. "That... all... you got?" he asked between each breath.

Voldemort, smiled at him. "A Gryffindor to the end eh? You would've been a worthy accomplice, a worthy servant. Goodbye Pot..."

"Coward." Harry spat.

"What!" demanded Voldemort in a rage.

Harry inwardly smiled to himself "Here I am, a child, wandless and you, supposedly the most powerful dark lord of the century raise a wand with the intention of killing me. Pathetic."

The pale, red eyed being before him laughed, joined by the ring of death eaters. "So Potter, what do you propose I do?"

"We duel." said Harry standing wand now drawn.

Voldemort laughed, "Well, I don't see any portkeys around, so why not." he said closing the distance between them. They stood eye to eye, Harry did not waver but considered puking from the vile putrid breath. "Savour your last breath Potter."

"I will, but it won't be today."

"Diffindo!" started Harry. A rainbow of spells streamed between them, the air stood still, death eaters surrounding them stood in silence, mostly shocked at the battle going on before them. Harry's agility was astounding, what he didn't dodge was deflected or rebounded by a shield. Voldemort's face was a portrait of pure rage and fury, he deflected most spells, few caught him. The battle raged on, a bludgeoning curse shattered the bones in Harry's wand arm, but he simply picked up his fallen wand with his other hand and continued battle. He wasn't as accurate with his left hand and so he received many more injuries. Finally, he fell to the ground, a bloody mess.

"I see you've been studying, well done potter. But it was foolish of you to believe you could defeat the Dark Lord. Well, any last words?"

Harry opened his eyes to look at Voldemort standing before him. "Fawkes, The Burrow." he hissed.

"What's tha-" but before he could finish, a flash of fire appear and disappeared. Harry Potter was gone.


Harry appeared in the living room of the Burrow. Where immediately Fawkes began to treat his wounds. And singing the phoenix song softly to him.

"Harry, Harry!" cried Ginny's voice accompanied by the pounding of the stairs as she ran.

'In here.' he called through their mind link.

She stopped in her tracks as she entered the room. On the floor was Harry, his arm bent in more the one odd angle, his body a bloody mess. "Harry, what happened? You look like a mess. I-I-I'll get Madam Pomfrey." she said turning to go back up the stairs, but Mrs. Weasley, Hermione and Madam Pomfrey were already on their way down.

"Ginerva Molly Weasley, you march right back up those stairs now, Madam Pomfrey wasn't done with you." scolded Mrs. Weasley.

"Madam Pomfrey, it's Harry, in the living room." said Ginny in a panic ignoring her mother.

The three women followed Ginny to the living room and they all froze when they saw Harry, the carpet underneath him was soaked with blood.

"Merlin's beard, what happened to him, where's Ron, and Arthur, are they alright?" asked Molly, Weasley.

"They were still at the Ministry when he last saw them!" Ginny snapped. "Why don't you just be quiet, can't you see that he's in no condition to be interrogated." Tears started to stream down her face just as Harry's hands dropped, and he was unconscious. He had been fiddling with his watch.

"It seems Fawkes already healed most of his cuts and bruises but I'll have to deal with the one's on his back and his broken bones. All the bones in his wand arm has been shattered and one in his left foot. I'd like to take him to Hogwarts. The floo wouldn't be safe in his condition, can any of you make a portkey which can make it through Hogwarts' wards?" asked Madam Pomfrey looking at Hermione and Mrs. Weasley.

"Fawkes can take him." suggested Ginny.

"A phoenix only listens to its familiar." Madam Pomfrey told her.

Ginny sighed. "We can at least try. Fawkes, it's really important that you carry me, Harry and Madam Pomfrey to the Hogwarts' Infirmary, can you take us?" she asked with as pleading a look as she could muster. The bird sang a note and went atop Harry. She smiled, I guess that's a yes "Hold on Madam Pomfrey."

"Ginny, I don't remember asking me if you could go."

"And I don't remember asking you to go." she retorted then turned to Hermione. "You coming Hermione?"

"No, I'll go tell Ron and Mr. Weasley that Harry's alright." she said, and with a crack she was gone.

"I'm coming with y..." started Mrs. Weasley.

"Fawkes, let's go." said Ginny and with a flash they were gone, leaving Molly Weasley in the Burrow living room alone.


Hermione appeared in the Ministry of Magic with a crack and set off at a run for the Department of Magical Transport. It wasn't hard to find Ron and his dad, not because of the telltale red hair but because of Ron's booming voice resounding around the room, and Mr. Weasley throwing in his two knuts here and there. Hermione approached them.

"What do you mean you don't know where he is? This sodding Ministry is going to Voldemort and the bloody deatheaters, what the fuc..." ranted Ron but he was stopped by Hermione.

"Ron, don't say another word." scolded Hermione as she reached him.

"Harry went into that room and never came out, and now they're telling me they don't know where he is!"

"Ron, he's ok." she turned to the horrified looking Ministry official probably scared for his job if Harry Potter really was lost under their watch. "Don't worry sir, I'll take him."

"T-T-Thank you miss." he said turning to go to where-ever he was going.

"Hermione what are you on about?" asked Mr. Weasley.

"He's at Hogwarts infirmary, he showed up at the Burrow a bloody mess. I suspect the others are there with him. I'm going there now."

"I'm coming."

"Oh, did you pass the exam?" she asked.

"Yeah, another guy started giving the test after people started complaining about how long Harry was taking. Said he probably splinched himself."

When they reached the departure lounge, they apparated to Hogsmeade.


In a flash of light three people appeared in the Hogwarts infirmary.

"We're here. Now let's see, we need blood restoration potion and skele-gro." said Madam Pomfrey going off to get the required potions.

Ginny got a bed and pushed it next to Harry's bed then laid next to him. "Don't worry Harry, it'll be alright."

"Ms. Weasley, what are you doing?" asked Madam Pomfrey as she returned with three potions.

"He needs me, he'll get better faster." answered Ginny.

"Nonsense child, I'll allow you to sit at his bedside, not lay next to him, he needs his rest."

"I'm not moving, he'll get better faster if I'm here."

"Madam Pomfrey gave her a stern look. "Ms. Weasley, by the time I'm finished treating him, you had better be in a chair or else." Pomfrey shouted. Ginny didn't budge, she just laid next to him holding his hand. "Let go of his hand please" she sad. Ginny complied and Madam Pomfrey levitation Harry and turned him in midair, the proceeding to clean and heal the cuts. Then lowering him down to the bed Ginny immediately grabbing his hand again. "Peculiar, very peculiar." muttered Madam Pomfrey as she looked him over, then she looked over Ginny. "Ms. Weasley, is there anything you wish to tell me?"

Ginny's heart skipped a beat. "About what Mam?"

"How did your arm get injured?"

"I fell and hit my head when I was shopping with my mom and Hermione." she answered hoping that that was what it looked like.

"Your mother told me that it looked like your had a cramp throughout you body and you fell. After that she took you to the leaky cauldron to get something to drink and sit for a while, then you screamed in pain, Hermione placed a silencing charm on you. You calmed a bit and stared writhing about, and Mrs. Weasley flooed you back home. When I checked you I saw bruises all over your body then your eyes flew open and you started shouting for Mr. Potter here and ran down stairs, where you found him in, quite a state. Now what peaks my interest is that you both have the same injuries, if not the same pattern of injuries. His scars correspond to your bruises and his completely shattered arm corresponds with your fractured arm. And if that isn't enough, just a few days ago, you both had the same head injury, and I still don't know what happen there. My point is that you two seem to be connected somehow, and I've never seen anything like it. I'll have have to send you to St. Mungos to see how serious it is." reasoned Madam Pomfrey.

"No, he doesn't like St. Mungoes." pleaded Ginny.

"Well, are you going to collaborate?"

Ginny sighed, defeated. "I need you to swear a wizards oath."

"Healer's Confidentiality."

"Ok but you can't tell anyone what I'm going to tell you, not my mom, dad, brothers, McGonagall, none of the teachers, nobody." Madam Pomfrey agreed to the terms. Here goes, she thought. "If Harry, gets hurt, I've feel it or I get the same injury, and it's the same thing the other way around. We feel the need to be in constant contact with each other, if the other is hurt contact helps us to heal faster. And if one of us dies, so does the other."

"Are you sure? When did this start? Where did you get this information?" she asked.

"Yes I'm sure, it happened around his birthday and we did some research."

"Why didn't you two tell anyone, at least me so I'd know how to treat you."

"If Voldemort finds out... well its just best that he doesn't."

"Hmm, I understand, ok, you can lay next to him." said Madam Pomfrey. Ginny snorted as if to say, 'as if you could've stopped me.'

Madam Pomfrey gave Harry his potions. "Ms. Weasley, this has been quite a day, I recommend you take some dreamless sleep potion as well." Ginny nodded. Soon she was fast asleep.

"Madam Pomfrey, how's Harry." asked Hermione as she ran into the infirmary with Ron, followed a few steps behind by Mr. Weasley.

"He lost a lot of blood, all the bones in his right arm has been shattered and I had to remove the bone from said arm. He'll be regrowing the bones, I gave him some blood restoring potion, skele-gro and Dreamless sleep potion."

"Where is he?" asked Hermione.

"Right over there." pointed the matron. The three walked over to where she pointed.

"What's Ginny, doing here?" asked Arthur as he saw his daughter next to a slightly scarred Harry and a phoenix nestled between their bodies singing at a whisper.

"She had a little incident in Diagon alley today, you'd better ask Ms. Granger of Mrs. Weasley for the details.

"Did Harry say what happened to him?" asked Ron.

"No, he's been unconscious." answered the matron.

"How's Molly taking it, why isn't she here?" asked Mr. Weasley.

"She and Ms. Weasley had quite a row, never thought I'd see a Weasley child be so hurtful towards their mother. I doubt she took it well."

"Merlin I'd better go see how she is. Thank you for everything." said Arthur leaving the infirmary on his way home.

"No need for you two to stay, they won't be up until morning." she told Ron and Hermione.

"Would it be ok if we spent the night?" asked Ron.

"It shouldn't be a problem staying in Gryffindor tower, but you can go see Professor Dumble... McGonagall just in case."

"Ok let us know when they're up," said Hermione leaving the infirmary.

"Ron, I love you, you read my mind. Let's go see McGonagall."

"Yeah, just think, we'll have all Gryffindor tower for ourselves tonight."

"No silly, Harry and Ginny have been acting a bit odd, and her behavior in Diagon Alley today, plus I've been wanting a proper library for ages."

"Merlin, what have I done."


A/N: The end of another chapter. I didn't get to check it over so you guy can tell me of any error I've made. Hopefully I'll get the another one out soon.
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