Categories > Original > Drama > A story of Courage

Chapter 5

by Sing2009 0 reviews

yeah Chapter 5!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-10-25 - Updated: 2006-10-25 - 678 words

"Ms. Smith will you call your first witness to the stand." "I am calling Gregory James Adams to the stand." "Gregory James Adams do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" "I do" "Greg can you tell me in your own words what happened on the night of June 17?" "Yes I can, It all started like I said I went to Emma's house to pick her up and we left for the party. We got to the party ate and danced like any party. Then we both got tired and we sat down on a couch and we just talked for like a half hour. Then we danced some more I think. Then she asked me to come upstairs with her. I just figured that she wither wanted to talk or just didn't want to make out in front of a bunch of people. Then when we got in the room she told me that she had had some Alcohol, and was a little wasted. Then she shoved me down and well forced me to have sex." "Mr. Adam's if I may interrupt when Emma took herself to that hospital she had no alcohol in her system she took a breathalyzer test and a blood test. And you claim that she forced you to have sex. I think not Mr. Adam's there is photographic proof that none of this was her doing. She had bruising in places that she only could have bruising if you had raped her. You may continue with your version of the story Mr. Adam's" "Alright as I was saying after she finally stopped I went home and didn't talk to her again, until I finally couldn't stand it any longer. I called her one day and asked her to go to lunch with me. I drove her there in my Mustang. We got to the restaurant and she went crazy! She Screamed Greg you Idiot you got me Pregnant! Why me! I'm sorry I don't know where that came from. You know what lets forget lunch lets just go back to your place. So we got the check and left. When we got back she used the bathroom and when she came out she told me that she wanted me to kill her baby she wanted me to hit her. I wouldn't do it so she grabbed my fists and beat her stomach with my fists. I yelled and pulled away from her she still followed me where ever I went around the house. Then she finally gave up and left. I didn't talk or see her until school. I do admit spreading those rumors because they are true. I just wanted her to leave and not come back because everyone in the school hated her." "Mr. Adam's don't you mean you wanted everyone to hate her? Because you spread those rumors so your intent was to make everyone in the school hate her. You wanted to turn her friends against her and with her friends you brought the whole school." Just then there was booing in the court room. The room filled with booing and hissing and people cussing all at Greg. "THERE WILL BE ORDER IN MY COURT ROOM NOW!" screamed the judge. Everything calmed down and Ms. Smith continued with her interrogation. "Mr. Adams why did you really spread those rumors about Emma?" "Well I told everyone that because that was the truth." "Would be willing to take a test to prove that?" "Sure when and where?" just then you should have seen the look upon his Lawyers face! He was like now its all over we loose you idiot. "Okay you can go to this address at any time during the day and take It." she handed him a slip of paper. "Alright but we still need to give Emma her address for her sanity test." Greg's Lawyer got up and gave me a card with the address and time to go. "We will now have Recess until Monday be here by 9 O'clock sharp!"
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