Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans

Blew up!

by 2greeksocks 4 reviews

Random one-shot funny things!..i think..

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Horror, Humor - Published: 2006-10-25 - Updated: 2006-10-26 - 129 words

One day Neil was walking A guy gave him a free icecream,Neil was such a retard to accept it.He then ate it.

He then felt his stomach hurt."OW"He said.He walked some more and turned into a big baloon and blew up..The end.
"Hi"Said jay

"Bye"Said theresa and she killed Jay.

Archie walked to atlanta."Hi i love you "He said.
Atlanta punched him and blew up his head with a cracker.
Theresa laughed and Atlanta blew up her head to..
"I like chicken"Said Herry.
"I like cheese"Replied odie and they ate till they fell asleep..
"Its penut butter jelly time penut butter jelly time,waya waya penut butter jelly........"Archie sang while eating cookies.

Ill add more things later!
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