Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Life of Seto Hatake

Seto Hatake

by DArgonFly101 2 reviews

Seto Hatake is a regular ninja who dreams to be a shinobi one day. The problem is her parents say it is to dangerous. At least her father...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Hinata, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura - Published: 2006-10-26 - Updated: 2006-10-26 - 272 words

The strong wind blew across the sky. Seto Hatake sat on the
edge of a rock that looked over the entire leaf village.
the strands of white hair flowing in the wind. The rest tied tightly in a long ponytail with the ribbon her mother gave her.
" Do you always come up here?" asked a voice from behind her.
" Maybe or maybe not. Why do you ask?" Seto replied turning around to face a smiling Narni. Narni was Seto's best friend and one of her classmates. Probably the only one she had.
" That's just like you, always making jokes. But that always seems to get you in trouble, doesn't it now?" Narni's smile became a smirk.
" Maybe I do joke to much but its so much fun to get in trouble. I don't know why," Seto walked over to her friend and patted her on the back. Almost knocking her to her feet.
" Must you pat that hard. that hurts!" Narni rubbed her back where seto had hit so hard.
" Sorry. Force of habit I guess," Seto give a guilty look. The two friends started to laugh.

The next morning...

Seto got up late and now she had to hurry to get to class. Today was the exams and she didn't want two miss them. She rushed down the stairs. " Hi mom, by mom," she said quickly.
" Where are you going so fast?" her mother Sakura asked.(Yes Sakura)
" School, exams are today. Got to go!" she headed out the door.
" Okay then, good luck.
Seto rushed into the class room. " Am I late?" she asked out of breath.

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