Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Failure Is Not An Option

Desperate Times Desperate Measures

by johnobon9 4 reviews

The minister is desperate.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Fudge, Harry - Published: 2006-10-28 - Updated: 2006-10-29 - 1867 words

"I believe the Minister can answer that question better than I," one of the aurors responded.

"Well then we'll have to go speak to him won't we?," Harry said in a perfectly even voice that left no room for argument.

"V-very well I'll set up a m-meeting with him as soon as I can," The healer stuttered.

"There will be no meetings or waiting to speak with him, I will speak to him now or you will get know Lenny very well," Harry said, his voice remaining calm.

"Look here Potter you can't go around threatening ministry officials with this Lenny, I could have you charged," the auror said in as a commanding voice as he could muster.

"The Minister just removed me from Azkaban do you honestly think he's going to throw me back in because some flunky feels threatened" Harry responded in almost bored voice.

That hit a nerve. "Flunky! I'm a highly trained auror and I'll have you know tha" The auror never got to finish his rant and the doors to the ward banged open and 4 more aurors walked into the room.

"Lets go Potter the Minister is ready to see you know the auror on the left stated.

Harry snorted at the mans choice of words but complied anyway and stood and followed the men out of the room.

"Crazy that one, don't know what the Minister is doing letting him anywhere near good people," the healer said as the aurors and Harry left the room.


"Ah Harry my boy good to see you, please have a seat," The Minister said upon Harry and the guards entering the room.

"Are you taking lessons from Dumbledore?" Harry asked.

"What no," the Minister was about to go on when Harry interrupted and said "Well then cut the bull shit and lets get down to the real reason I'm here," Harry replied in that same calm voice.

"I'm the Minister of magic and you can't just waltz in here and talk to me like that" The Minister blustered, the aurors looked ready to pounce should Harry make even the slightest aggressive move towards their esteemed Minister.

It looked like Harry had several scathing retorts for the "esteemed" Minister but settled with "Fine, lets just get on with it"

The Minister had a look on his face that clearly showed he thought he had won. "Excellent, well it seems as though You-Know-Who has returned an." He was interrupted by a very anxious looking Harry. "What did he do to get you to acknowledge it, what happened"

"Well you see he um" The Minster never got to finish again as Harry slammed his fist against the Desk "Jesus Fu" He never go to say it because he was hit by four powerful stunner and slumped into unconsciousness.

"Enervate" Harry faintly heard "Do you think it will work, he could be dead, I'm sure that was a nasty shock to the heart so soon after getting out of Azkaban." Harry tried to move but found he couldn't.

"Mind you he seemed oddly coherent for someone just out of maximum security," "I noticed that too, something's not quite right about this boy I'll tell you that, always thought there was something off about him didn't I tell you Earl, told you he wasn't normal I did,"

Harry was seething, not normal was he, he'll show them not normal, just as soon as I can open my eyes.

"Lets try again, he's not responding"

"Maybe if you 4 weren't sitting there pushing as much magic into your wands as you could while he was talking to the Minister we wouldn't be having this problem."

"No point in taking chances is there Jenkins, you suggest we just be unprepared if this madman snaps"

"Yes, because for regular stunners wouldn't having taken them down would they,"

"If a killing curse can't I don't see why a stunner would," Silence was met after this statement.

"Enervate" Harry felt a shock go through him and grunted but was otherwise unresponsive. "Ener-"

"Not twice in such quick succession you idiot, you want to stop his heart"

"That wouldn't be so bad"

"Just shut up and wait another ten minutes"

Ten minutes later another "Enervate" was performed and this time it got him going. He snapped up and took a swing at the closest person. "Die motherfucker" He almost hissed and jumped at the auror standing by his bed avoiding the stunner that rocketed out of his wand and smashed his elbow into his face and broke his nose. He was about to smash his face in when ropes rapped around him and he was levitated back onto his bed.

"What was that potion they gave me?" He asked in an all to calm voice for the current situation.

The auror replied in a voice that was quickly losing it's calm tone. "It was a muscle relaxant, so that you could actually move, seems like a bad move to give a psycho fuck like you the ability do anything if you ask me, what the fuck were you thinking!"

"I wasn't , instincts" he said simply.

"Well you better quit using your instincts and calm down, the Minister still has to talk to you'll be in chains this time so you don't try anything again." The auror sneered.

"Again, I hit his desk!"

"Well you'd do your best not to do it again"

Two men entered the room and put shackles on his hands and feet and led him through the door.

They entered through a finely polished oak door and They sat Harry down between two aurors and chained his hands to the chair.

"Ah, now that you've calmed down I think we can continue the conversation from before" The Minister said in a condescending voice.

Harry had to bite his tongue to stop from completely losing it. He took a minute to compose himself before replying in as calm a voice as possible. "What did Voldemort do to make you admit return, tell me the truth, not some made up version, not some embellished version, the truth" He put extra emphasis on return.

Fudge fidgeted nervously in his chair before telling Harry that Voldemort captured Sirius Black, who they'd been wrong about all this time and was apparently innocent, and was torturing him in the Department of Mysteries as a plan to lure Order members there and ambush them. Why he chose the Department of Mysteries they had no clue. It worked, Arthur Weasley heard his screams while apparently walking by, Harry could tell Fudge didn't believe this, and called back up. Several members of the Order showed up including Dumbledore and they walked right into the trap. Elphias Dodge and Sirius Black both lost their lives and the death eaters were driven off without casualty.

Upon hearing this Harry's face lost all colour and his whole body fell limp with a rattle of chains. He said nothing for 10 long minutes before he looked up and said. "Who killed him"

Fudge decided there was no point lying to him now, he needed him to trust him if he was going to help him. "Witnesses say Bellatrix Lestrange killed him with the killing curse."

"I'm gonna kill that whore" he said in low dangerous voice"

Fudge heard this and thought this could work greatly to his advantage, "Witnesses said she just laughed and spat on his body before turning around and hitting Remus Lupin with the Cruciatus curse." He said trying hard to keep the excitement from his voice"

Harry was now shaking in anger, and managed to say in shaky voice, "Why did you have me taken from Azkaban, surely you could of told me this in my cell.

Now for the big news, "I'm having you released" Fudge said.

Harry immediately stopped shaking and looked up at him all thoughts of Sirius temporarily banished from his mind "What, why?" was all he said.

"The Wizarding World is in disarray, they need help, having there hero back could be just the thing they need"

"The hero they all think is a deranged murderer, I'm sure.... Hey wait, now that Voldemort is "officially"
back you know I didn't those things so I'm cleared of all charges, it's not that your graciously releasing me but that you have to because this proves I'm innocent." Harry said in an extremely excited voice, all anger leaving him.

Fudge paled at hearing this, this would not do, he needed Harry to think he was releasing him. "Partially, you are being cleared of the Major treason charge, but there is no proof that Voldemort came back when you said or that he killed Cedric Diggory."

Harry began to get angry again after hearing this, Fudge knew he needed to do damage control fast. "You know I would clear you of all charges if I could but I'm afraid the public would just not have it, but I want to release you, there's just a few things you need to do keep the public happy." He said this all very quickly.

Ah the catch, Harry knew it was coming, now he was just waiting to hear it and hoping it wasn't too extreme, after all Fudge could demand pretty much anything of Harry with the bait of being released and Fudge knew it.

"Not much really, just a few formalities." Fudge said in the most cheerful voice Harry had ever heard.

"Stop stalling and lets hear them" Harry said, his temper rising

"Very well, just hear me out first and don't interrupt or say anything until I'm done" Fudge said in his best commanding voice.

Harry merely nodded.

"O.K. The first thing is you will be on probation, you will have to meet with your parole officer, in this case Mr. Dawlish has kindly volunteered to do ir, twice a week on Wensdays and Saturdays. You will have to appear in court and take a Wizards oath. Members of the Wizengnamnot will prepare this for you and you will swear to it on your life and magic. It will probably contain things such as pledging to fight You-Know-Who and protect the public, never touch anyone who's not a death eater and other things like that." Fudge never broke eye contact with Harry when he said this, something that surprised Harry a lot.

"Well, that sounds O.K. but will I be able to look at the Wizards Oath I am saying before I say it?" Harry asked.

Fudge looked but momentarily surprised but knew he needed Harry on his side. "Of course, wouldn't have it any other way."

Harry smirked, "Now that's all fine and dandy but what do you want?" He asked in sly voice.

Fudge was not expecting this but decided he'd do tell him the straight truth, something he'd done more in the last hour than he had in 5 years. Fudge replied with a sigh "I need you to keep me in office"

Harry was expecting this, either potentially doom the Wizarding World to having an idiot in office the most dire of times or be a free man. The answer was obvious of course. "I can do that"

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