Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > La Timinia

The Servant

by panda_1418 2 reviews

Sequel to "Lurking in the Shadows" - Julius is searching for a way to save Delilah from an eternity of evil.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Published: 2006-10-28 - Updated: 2006-10-28 - 703 words

I miss you
Miss you so bad
I don't forget you
Oh it's so sad
[Kingdom Come]

Delilah stops screaming and goes limp in the Dark One's arms. The old stuffed panda slips from her grasp. As it falls, the Dark One stretches out an arm and mutters something. The toy stops in mid-air.

I hope you can hear me
I remember it clearly

"Here," the demon says, addressing Julius. "You can have it as a memoir of your girlfriend."

Usha the High Queen mutters something in the same language, and the spell freezing Julius is broken. He stumbles forward and grabs the panda, clutching it close to his chest. The Dark One takes a deep, relaxed breath in, and lets Delilah's body slip away from him.

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found
It won't be the same

"No!" Julius cries, reaching. His hand wraps around her wrist, preventing her from falling any further.

The Dark One sniffs disdainfully. "Pathetic, humans and their emotions. They take death so hard. Besides, she's not even really gone."

I didn't get around to kiss you
Goodbye on the hand
I wish that I could see you again
I know that I can't ohhhhh

Julius looks up, confused. Before he can ask what the demon means, a figure begins to materialize beside him. His eyes widen as he recognizes the faint image: Delilah! No, it can't be! He is
holding on to her body right now.

"Delilah, Delilah, Delilah!" he gasps, running to her. He pulls her into a hug. But her reaction shocks him.

She pushes him away from her body, sneering at him. "Run along, mortal, play with your pathetic friends."

I hope you can hear me
Cause I remember it clearly

He looks up at her, his eyes watering. "What are you saying? Delilah, it's me, Julius!"

The Dark One shakes his head. "Humans. You stupid boy, this is not your Delilah. This is her evil counterpart, Haliled. She was always locked inside your friend, waiting for a chance to escape. And now she has."

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found
It won't be the same

Anger, rage and disappointment fills Julius. He stands up and shouts at the demons, "What have you done with Delilah?!"

Usha mutters something, and some unseen force knocks him to the ground. The Dark One steps over him, his arm wrapped around Delilah - or Haliled. The sight makes Julius sick.

"Only one part may exist at once." The Dark One says, as if it is something Julius should know. "Right now your Delilah is trapped inside her body, struggling and fighting to be free. That is how Haliled was for the sixteen years she was alive. But don't look so hopeful; nothing can unleash Delilah. She is doomed to fade away."

I've had my wake up
Won't you wake up
I keep asking why
And I can't take it
It wasn't fake it
It happened you passed by

The buildings of Kingdom Come begin to fade away around Julius. He pulls Delilah's body and the panda close to himself, relieved to see they aren't slipping away. Soon, all of Kingdom Come is gone, and Julius is sitting in Delilah's closet.

Now you're gone
Now you're gone
There you go
There you go
Somewhere I can't bring you back
Now you're gone
Now you're gone
There you go
There you go
Somewhere you're not coming back

The Dark One is lying, that he is sure of. There is a way to save Delilah, and banish Haliled, despite what the Dark One said. Just before Delilah was sacrificed, the demon said something about no one being able to summon la timinia/. Well, whatever /la timinia is, Julius will find it.

The day you slipped away
Was the day I found
It won't be the same
Oh the day you slipped away
Was the day I found
It won't be the same

That he swears.

I miss you

The song is "Slipped Away" by Avril Lavigne. Yes, I know it's Avril but I'm not going to be discriminatory just because its her name. In fact, I very much like this song.
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