Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Failure Is Not An Option

Free at Last.

by johnobon9 3 reviews


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Dumbledore, Harry, Moody - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-10-31 - Updated: 2006-10-31 - 2892 words

Harry Potter was bored, extremely bored. He had been waiting for 30 long minutes but no one seemed to want to leave. This was not how he had imagined spending his first half hour of freedom. Deciding it was finally to get a move on he stood up and took a step towards the door. This got the crowd going as there was a rush of people moving to get to the door. Why, Harry did not know but what he did know was that he needed some assistance if he wanted to leave in one piece, "Aurors, escort me out"

The aurors seemed reluctant at first but at a nod from the minister the formed a square around Harry and proceeded to escort him out of the room. There was resistance at first but after the first Elexus Perculsus, which is the magical equivalent of a cattle prod and one of the few spells that required the wand to be in direct contact with the desired target, the crowd gave them a wide berth and the aurors and Harry quickly walked up to the atrium. "My wand?" Harry asked no one in general.

The aurors stuttered uncomfortably, they knew what happened but none wanted to be the one to tell Harry what happened. The eldest auror decided it was time to use his seniority and gave the newbie a nod. "Well, uh.... you see, we um.. didn't expect you to need again... seeing as how you had a life sentence and all... so you see the Minister thought it best to just snap it" There was a long silence "Publicly"

Seeing as how the hard part was now over the aurors seemed a bit more sure of themselves "Made a big show of it he did, in the middle of town square in Diagon Alley, hundreds of people came to see it."

Harry was livid, he couldn't find words to show them just how angry he was. He had always heard actions speak louder than words. He stormed over to the front desk where the wands were kept. He caught the guard completely by surprise and grabbed a wand "REDUCTO" he bellowed and it smashed into the Fountain of Magical Bretheren. The shards of stone scattered everywhere and cut into various ministry workers.

Harry surveyed his work and said "Funny, you think they'd have put an unbreakably charm on it by now" and proceeded to walk out of the ministry, wand in hand, leaving behind a stunned atrium full of people.

Alastor Moody was old, he was crippled, he was borderline insane but he was still dangerous. Everyone knew that, it was common knowledge that you just don't make sudden movements around him. So when he heard an explosion, several screams and saw Potter striding out of the ministry onlookers were surprised to see him merely walk over to Harry and take his hand.

Harry cautiously took the seasoned aurors hand and shook it slowly, as if expecting something to happen. Alastor cracked a lopsided smile and strode away, beckoning Harry to follow him, having nothing better to do Harry walked after him, catching up quickly seeing as how he had 2 legs.

Dumbledore sat heavily down into the chair behind his desk and sighed. He had made a mistake and he knew it, he had stayed silent, hid from his problems, let the government do it's work and sent an innocent boy to Azkaban. He was giving Harry space, hoping that his problems would just fade away and Harry would be grateful towards Dumbledore for not getting involved.

He knew in his heart of hearts that this wouldn't work, he knew he would have to do something to earn Harry's trust back, even it would only be a shadow of what they once had. He would treat Harry like an equal, there would be no more lies or half truths. Albus Dumbledore was a man of action and he would do what needed to be done.

Albus withdrew the phoenix pendant from within his robes and set an order meeting for 7 O'clock that night and silently disappeared from Hogwarts, seemingly ignoring the wards. He was not the only one he ever feared for nothing.

THUNK, THUNK, THUNK "Ron! Quit it" THUNK, THUNK, THUNK "RONALD WEASLEY STOP IT THIS INSTANT" THUNK, THUNK, THUNK. Ron continued to pound his fist into the wall and pointedly ignoring Hermione. THUNK, THUNK, SMACK! Ginny's withdrew her hand and watched contentedly as Ron rubbed his face but said nothing, he didn't want to incur Ginny's wrath.

"Thank you Ginny, I was just about do that myself" Hermione looked to Ron as she said this, she didn't think she would have hit that hard. Ginny sure was a firecracker.

"I want to go to the meeting" Ron whined, "It's about our friend!"

Ginny nodded resolutely "I can't believe he didn't stop to talk to us, or even look for us, he just left and had a hissy fit on his way out"

Hermione rolled her eyes "I'm sure Dumbledore has his reasons for not letting us come, Harry is just angry right now, once Dumbledore gets him to come back here he'll calm down."

The meeting had not gone as planned, no it most certainly had not, Moody had not shown up, Shacklebolt wouldn't say why and everyone else was screaming at Dumbledore to rush off right away and get Harry back so he could be around people who love him. Dumbledore was beginning to see the perks over ruling by fear, no one would call Tom a senile old bat that's for sure.

Albus Dumbledore never had any affinity for the dark arts. People would say just because he didn't use them didn't mean he couldn't. That was not true, Dumbledore was hopeless at the dark arts, he reckoned he had practiced them more than even Tom, traveling the world learning magic before giving up on learning dark arts and focusing on his specialty, battle transfiguration.

He had used this technique to it's full effect in the war against Grindewald, he pulled out his pensieve and dove in.

The ghostly figure of Albus Dumbledore landed on the floor of a large manor and watched himself run his wand across the wall, muttering in a language he doubted anyone but himself and Tom knew.

This was not Dumbledore's first time watching this memory, not by a longshot, he had watched it many times, this was his greatest triumph, this was his claim to fame, this was his final battle against Grindewald.

The auburn haired Dumbledore seemingly finding nothing strode out of the room and turned left up the hallway and stopped in front of a grand oak door that must be 12 feet tall and shrugged off his outer robe to reveal a chain shirt that pulsed with magic and a pair of loose fitting pants. He point his wand at the door Reducto the door splintered and smashed to pieces and Dumbledore rushed in invisible.

There were 12 men in the room including Grindewald who had all snapped to attention and drawn their wands faster then should be possible and had different points of the room covered "Albus, how kind of you to join us" Grindewald smiled and twirled his wand around him, water hitting every wall but showing no indication that Dumbledore was in the room. Grindewald had known this wouldn't work.

"Come now Albus, death is but the next great adventure" If only Grindewald had known.

Not much is known about Grindewald, people know he was a Dark Lord and that Albus defeated him, not many people that were alive during Grindewald's time are still alive, in fact there are only 2 people alive to this day and they both taught at Hogwarts, and they were both taught by the great Mafisto Grindewald. These people were Albus Dumbledore and Filius Flitwick, needles to say both were rather tight lipped about the whole affair.

Albus learned much from Grindewald, including the fine art of manipulation. The sayings and eluding to things, not ever giving away too much, but enough to make people feel that they're involved.
Albus conjured a couch behind Grindewald and flicked his wand as it rocketed forward and swept him off his feet and crashed into the wall. The Devil's Children snapped into action, firing sickly yellow spells all around. Dumbledore knew he couldn't cast any spells lest he give away his position, he would have to settle for attacking them indirectly, he would take it slow.

He knew just summoning a brick on their head wouldn't work, they were too good for that, it was like fighting 11 unspeakable or Auror captains, they don't make mistakes.

Grindewald got back up and laughed at Albus' attempt at provoking him into doing something stupid, after all, he taught Albus this game.

Albus concentrated and pulled his wand back, he flicked his wand out with such strength that the magic in the air was palpable, his mistake 12 curses rocketed towards just as 5 lions came into being and assaulted the Devil's Children. Grindewald, disillusioned himself, Albus was the only person he knew that could become invisible without the aid of a cloak.

The lions opened their massive jaws preparing to rip off the closest red robed figures head only to have a variety of deadly curses unloaded into their awaiting mouths. This was all the time Albus needed, he snapped his wand out and sent a whip of fire from the end of his wand and it wrapped around 2 Devil's Children and severed them in half before it was put out and Albus was bombarded with spells.

"Flamma Letum" Grindewald pulled his wand his wand back at slash it forward while twist it, sending a pillar of fire rocketing towards Dumbledore who dove out of the way, falling into a roll only to be blasted into a wall by an errant banisher, it would appear they were conserving energy.

His back smashed into a wall, Grindewald wasted no time to gloat. "Essum Venter" Dumbledore was still envious of his command over the dark arts but was skilled in defence "Adura ara Contego" a blindingly light shield formed in front of Dumbledore and the spell rocketed it off causing the Devil's Children to scatter.

He flicked his wand and a wave of water thoroughly drenched Grindewalds followers, he twisted out of the way of a deep blue curse and turned the ground beneath the Devil's Children to ice, the water sticking them in place, Dumbledore raised a powerful shield that reflected Grindewald's curse from him, he knew what Grindewald was doing, he was just waiting for Dumbledore to tire out from fighting his followers and then as Albus delivered the finishing blow to his men he would destroy him, Albus had other plans.

The Devil's Children had just freed themselves from the ice when Dumbledore raised his wand over his head and brought it down in a two handed grip bellowing "Defaeco Maleficus Subigo Caeli" some spells could not be cast silently. A wave of light so powerful both Albus and Grindewald were temporarily blinded exploded from the tip of Albus' wand moving with an unimaginable speed and washed over the remaining Devil's Children, forever vanquishing them from the earth.

Albus slumped down to the ground his back against the wall and opened his eyes too see Grindewald attempting to stagger from the room, Albus had just cast the most powerful light spell known as "God's Hand of Judgement" and had nothing left, but it had taken it's toll on Grindewald.

Albus took aim at Grindewald's retreating back and for the first and last time ever cast the darkest of the dark arts, "Avada Kevadra" the green shaft of light erupted from his wand and claimed the life of Mafisto Grindewald.

Albus pulled out of the pensieve and went back to his chair, he still couldn't believe he was able to cast that spell, he could cast the most powerful spell in the world, yet it was Avada Kevadra that amazed him. Avada Kevadra wasn't just an unblock able deadly spell, it wasn't the deadliest spell, there were spells that could kill several people at once in the gruesome ways, no the reason it was unforgivable was that it twisted the victims soul so that no matter what they did while they would suffer eternal damnation. This was the most closely guarded secret in the Department of Mysteries and Albus was the only non-unspeakable that knew of it. It was worse than being kissed by a dementor.

"Welcome to my house Potter" Moody gestured towards nothing with his hands.

"Fidelus?' Harry questioned.

Moody nodded in affirmative and told Harry the location of the house. Harry though "Alastor Moody lives in complete safety in the middle of nowhere" is his head and the house came into view. It was a fair size, 3 stories, not a mansion by any means but Harry assumed it could house 10 people comfortably.

"I thought you couldn't be your own secret keeper?" Harry cast a glance towards Moody, who appeared to be keying Harry into the wards.

"People are stupid, why would you trust someone else to be the secret keeper and have you cast the spell when you could have someone else cast the spell and be your own secret keeper," Alastor looked to Harry to see what his reaction would be.

"That makes sense I guess, why didn't my parents do that?" Harry asked.

"Your parents were trusting fools who thought it wrong to be their own secret keeper" with that Moody stumped into the house.

Harry followed behind him thinking his words over, as much as he didn't like to hear it, he knew it was true. He was still going over this in his head when he entered the house "stupefy" the red spell rocketed towards Harry and connected with his chest.

"Enervate" Harry opened his eyes and looked around, he came face to face with Alastor Moody "IDIOT BOY, HOW DID YOU KNOW I WAS REALLY ALASTOR! NOT ONE QUESTION, NO SUSPICION"

Moody took off his wooden leg and smashed it across Harry's head.

He raised it again and brought it down on his ribs and pulled out his wand "Crucio".

Harry writhed on the ground, twitching madly but not opening his mouth, Moody released the curse and watched as Harry struggled off the ground.

He got to his feet and turned to look at Moody. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" He screamed and lunged forward connecting with an elbow to Moody's nose sending him falling to the ground.

Harry landed on top of him, eyes blazing, saliva dripping from his mouth and pounded his fist into Moody's face. He cocked back and smashed his fist into Moody's head again and again. He shifted on Moody's torso and Alastor took advantage of his opportunity and rolled over onto Harry and smashed his head into Harry's nose.

Moody looked into Harry's wild eyes and reached back to grab his leg and smashed it across Harry's face, breaking his nose.

Harry felt the warm blood flow from his nose and across his face, it was soothing. He stopped struggling, unfortunately it didn't seem like Moody had any intention of stopping and raised his leg above his head again and smashed into Harry's cheek bone with a sickening crack.

The sound of the bone breaking seemed to bring Moody back to the world of sanity and he rolled off Harry, his leg still cocked back ready to swing at a moments notice. Harry sighed and walked over to a chair and sat down while Moody put his leg back.

Harry turned to face Moody "How did you know I was really Harry Potter?"

Moody grunted "I was watching the trial, I saw you give your oath, you give an oath under the wrong name and you wouldn't still be standing here, I never took my eyes off you"

"How do I know your really Alastor Moody?"

"You don't, but you're going to have to trust me." Moody never took his eyes of Harry.

Harry shook his head "I do, this is Alastor Moody's house, the Fidelus charm"

Moody raised his eyebrows "Would Moody trust someone to cast his fidelus charm?" He walked up the clumped up the stairs while running his wand over his face, attempting to heal the damage Harry had inflicted.

Harry snorted, he knew he couldn't leave now, so he'd just have to be careful around this man, he was pretty sure that this was Moody but he guessed you could make whatever phrase you wanted for your secret with the fidelus.

He walked over to the couch, seemingly unbothered by his broken nose and bruised jaw and lay down on it.

Harry reached up to his nose and snapped it into place, he then promptly fell asleep.

A/N: Some action, shed some light on Dumbledore. I apologise for my lack of italics for Articles and Spells in previous chapters, they were italicized on Word but I guess it doesn't carry over to
Ron, Hermione and Ginny are very clichéd for a reason, hopefully what I do with them is different. They won't be like that for long.
Thanks for reading, Flames Welcome, Constructive criticism greatly appreciated, especially on how to improve my combat.
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