Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Time to Dance

Chapter 4

by danceislife

Still in the hospital, but not for long!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-10-31 - Updated: 2006-11-01 - 1118 words

I awoke again, this time to sunshine streaming in through the gauzy curtains. The room looked a little friendlier in the daylight, and I smiled, remembering the events before I fell asleep. I looked around and I seemed to be alone. Convinced I felt much better, I again tried to leave my bed. This time I noticed the flimsiness of the hospital gown. Gratefully, I noted that instead of having the back open, the gown covered me. I did wish I had regular clothing though. The flooring was not cold like I feared, and I found a robe hanging on a hook by the door. Avoiding the mirror, I stepped outside. The floor seemed empty and seeing what looked to be a desk at the end of the hall, I headed towards it. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Anna!" Breanne shouted.

"Breanne!" I turned around and opened my arms and she raced in for a hug. Pulling away from me, I could see that she looked much better than before.

"So what is going on with the contest?!" I asked her. I didn't even know what day it was.

"Well, err.." she looked at the floor, shifting her weight. "It was sort of cancelled."

"WHAT!" I practically shouted. "This is NOT happening!"

"But I do have good news. They are going to hire you in hopes of avoiding a lawsuit, " She said looking up, a grin on her face.

"Are you serious?!?!" I practically jumped into her arms. "But what about you, Ilana and Jen?"

"Well, they are gonna let you pick who joins you for the four," she said with a hopeful look on her face.

"Of course I'll pick you guys! We had barely met and you guys were so nice to me! I even puked on Jen's new shoes!" I hugged her again. "Where are they anyway?"

"They went out for bagels with the band. They'll be back." Right as the words had left her mouth, I heard Jen's southern accent yell down the hall. "Anna!"

The two other girls came running down the hall and all four of us collapsed onto a nearby couch. Giggling, we seperated and regained composure. It was then that I noticed 4 guys and a middle aged woman walking towards us.

"Anna, I'm Kate." she said, shaking my good hand. "I cannot appoligize enough for what has occurred. We'll of course pay for your bills, and hope you will consider being a part of the dance troupe. You can pick the three that will join you-"

"These girls of course!" I interupted.

This cause another commotion of thank yous and hugs. Once we settled down again, the band began to introduce themselves.

"I'm Spencer," said the blonde, handing me a bagel. "This is Ryan," he said gesturing to a boy in an interesting teeshirt with a print I couldn't makeout.

"And I'm Jon" interupted the dark haired one. "I'm the bassist. We hear you had an interesting introduction to our lead singer here." he said giving Brendon a nudge.

"That was not my fault!" he said, his face turning slightly pink. "If you guys hadn't decided you were hungry, I wouldn't have been alone." he added weakly.

We all laughed at his pathetic attempt at an explaination. He caught my eye and winked, but I pretended not to notice. He maybe incredibly gorgeous, but flirting with my employer was not in my plans. If things didn't work out, my dream job that was being offered on a silver platter would be tarnished beyond repair.

A nurse came by and ordered me back to bed. Everyone crowded into the room and we all talked and joked like old friends. Soon, Kate said she had to leave. After saying goodbye, I told the girls they should go shopping or do some sightseeing. The boys began to talk of a movie, and Spencer and Jon decided to go. Soon it was just Ryan, Brendon and I. Right as Jon and Spencer were out the door, Ryan decided last minute to try and catch up. He glanced at Brendon, who waved him off. Things went silent, and rather awkward.

"You can go with," I told him.

"Naw, I don't really care about seeing that movie anyway," He replied.

"I was refering to shopping with the girls," I laughed.

He grinned. "You think I need to buy something?" he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, go buy me some clothes. These aren't exactly my style." The awkwardness was fading.

"And what is your style?" he inquired playfully.

"Oh, anything that involves underwear." I laughed at his reddening cheeks. "You really are a virgin aren't you?" I teased.

"How old are you?" he said changing the subject.

"Well, what day is it? My 19th birthday is or was on the 23, depending on the day." I still hadn't figured out how long I had been in Nevada.

"That's right! You've been out for quite a while! It's actually the 22nd. So, still 18." he laughed. "We should throw you a party, if we can get you out of here soon."

"I hope so. I want a shower." I was pretty sure I probably didn't smell very good, but atleast the hospital covered that up.

"Perhaps that could be arranged," he got up from his chair and left the room. A few minutes later he came back with some good news.

"They said you can be out by 4. It's only 12 now, so I'm going to go and I'll be back to pick you up around 5, okay?" he looked like he felt bad about leaving.

"You really don't have to worry about it. I can take a cab." I replied. I really felt bad that they were picking up my hospital tab.

"No, I want to. Then you can come back to our place. You don't need to be in that hotel room anymore." he said. "Then we can keep an eye on you. We don't need you puncturing your other lung," he laughed. He really did have a cute laugh.

"Alright, I'll see you later this afternoon then." I settled back into the pillows.

"Here," he said, placing a piece of paper on the bedside table. "This is my cell number. Call me if you get bored or something," he said with a wink.

"I'm already bored. There will be no point in you leaving if I call when I'm bored." I said laughing. He laughed as well, squeezed my hand and waved goodbye. I noticed a TV and flipped threw the channels, settling on some lame soap opera. I laughed at all the wrong times, and made fun of the over-dramatic characters. Soon, I fell asleep.
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