Categories > Cartoons > Biker Mice from Mars > It's War

Chapter 15

by whipblade 0 reviews

It's WAR! Carbine is about to find out something about Throttle.

Category: Biker Mice from Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Warnings: [!] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-10-31 - Updated: 2006-11-01 - 998 words - Complete

Biker Mice from Mars
It's War!
Part 15
By: Whipblade

Throttle looked up with haze filling his vision. Beside him Flea still blinked back the spots of a rip. The two of them sensed more than saw the group of mice return to the Score Board.

"Throttle?" Carbine called seeing the unfamiliar dazed expression on the tawny mouse.

"He just finished getting Ripped by Flea." Mace's voice muffled by the ice pack he held to his head.

"Poor boy." Carbine sneered.

Mace couldn't help but hear the harsh sarcasm in her voice. "Stoker told ya?"

Her brown eyes glared at the rusty red mouse. "Everything."

Mace didn't look away. "Sorry you had to find out like this."

Carbine walked to the sitting area. Plunking down on the edge of the solid wood coffee table she looked to Mace for answers. "What did Stoker see you and Throttle doing?"

Mace smirked but didn't blush. "Kissing."

"That was it?" Carbine was indeed shocked. Stoker's reaction seemed like he caught them in bed.

"That was it." Mace shrugged. "Okay, so I groped his ass too. But still, that was all." He kept his voice low so the other mice who returned to the hang out didn't hear them. "I'm sorry Carbine, he really does love you."

Not impressed with the news of Throttle loving her she snapped, "Sorry doesn't cut i--"

"Don't touch Flea!" Mace shouted seeing Vinnie getting close to the still dazed young mouse. He ignored Carbine completely.

Vinnie froze in mid-step he turned to look at the beaten mouse. "Why?"

"Flea'll rip you too. He isn't fully trained yet." Mace warned as he noted Throttle blinking trying to get his wits about him.

"Oh." Vinnie hopped up into his hammock. "I hope he can tune things out." The white mouse muttered kicking off his boots.

"Vincent..... away." Throttle whispered trying to make sense of everything around him.

Vinnie frowned. "Away?"

"Get away." Throttle hissed his eyes squeezed shut as if in pain.

Rolling out of the hammock, Vinnie sighed moving to the sitting area. "I take it the kid can't tune anything out." He sat in the lazy-boy chair across from Mace.

Stoker turned around to see the rat. "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE!?" fists balled he took a step towards Mace.

Modo grabbed Stoker by the hair, pulling his ponytail. "He's here because of you." Modo growled.

"He's a rat!" Stoker protested.

"Mace is one of us Stokes" Vinnie waved a dismissive hand. "Like it or not."

Mace's head lowered.

Vinnie patted the red mouse's knee.

Looking up at Vinnie curiously, Mace swore the white mouse winked at him. "Yeah, if you say so." He muttered weakly.

Carbine shook her head. "You're a mouse, all that matters." She stood up and walked away from the red mouse she still saw as filthy rat.

Stoker crossed his arms, keeping a wary eye on Mace.

"He was out cold when he got here." Rimfire put in to help calm the old war hero. "He never saw the way."

Stoker frowned. He had to admit he liked Rimfire's answer. "Fine. Just make sure he's drugged or something before he leaves. I'll offer to punch him out if need be." He smirked at the last part.

"No one's punching Mace." Carbine stated. "That's my job."

Mace looked up slightly worried.

Throttle tucked Flea into his bed before carefully making his way to the kitchenette, grabbing some aspirin he downed them dry. "Don't touch me yet." He warned Rimfire who offered a glass of water.

"You were fine after you ripped Mace." Rimfire stated setting the glass down on the counter, backing away.

"I know." Throttle retrieved the glass. "That was when I ripped. I just did a training session and was ripped. Big difference." He grunted draining the glass dry.

Stoker turned to his tawny rookie. "Takes a lot of energy to train, I left you in a bad state to begin with."

Throttle's lip curled in disgust. "You sorry now?"

"Nope. Just saying your plenty stupid." Stoker replied easily, walking to his bike.

Throttle quickly put his glass down. The urge to throw the china at the old mouse was far too strong. Keeping his mouth shut, Throttle instead headed to his lady... well the General. "Carbine?"

"Outside, now." She ordered leading the way.

Throttle followed like a whipped puppy.

Mace watched them leave shaking his head. "Five dollars she breaks up with him."

"You're on." Vinnie smiled.

"I'll bet five she doesn't." Charley laid her money down on the coffee table.

"I'm with Charley on this one." Rimfire said dropping his five pieces on the pile.

Vinnie pulled out his wallet and put in ten.

Mace cocked a brow.

"You don't have any." Vinnie shrugged.

"Owe you." Mace stated.

"I'll just take the winnings." Vinnie smirked.

Mace chuckled. "I want ten out of it then."

"Just ten?" Vinnie asked surprised.

"Yeah, just ten." Mace nodded.

Modo smiled putting money down too. "Five for them staying together."

Stoker dropped a twenty down. "They break up, she does the breaking."

"Stoker?" Charley looked surprised at the brown mouse.

"Sorry sugar, but this one isn't going away easily." Stoker glared at Mace.

Mace found his bandaged hands suddenly interesting.

"What happened anyways?" Rimfire asked.

"If their willing to talk, they will." Stoker grunted.

"Bad mouthed Carbine." Mace muttered low. "Was apologizing for it."

Flea chuckled from the bed. "That's what you call it now?"

"Shut up and sleep!" Mace snapped embarrassed.

Giggling Flea stayed in bed, but didn't sleep. He was listening to all the thoughts and conversations around him. One in particular was taking place on the roof. "Are you still taking bets?"

"Yep!" Vinnie called with a smile.

"My moneys on Throttle breaking up with Carbine." Flea called over to the group not that far away.

They all laughed.

Mace smirked sadly "he isn't that stupid Flea, she's a good girl."


To Be Continued In....

Is he really that stupid????
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