Categories > Original > Drama > My Sanctuary

Love's Blind

by darks00 3 reviews

Kenny is blinded by his new lover.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2006-11-04 - Updated: 2012-01-10 - 953 words

Chapter 15: Love's Blind


Amanda, my new girlfriend, (I love saying that!) and myself were just sitting by a near by park that was near my house. We were just holding hands, being comforted by silence.

"I love you, Amanda." I told her with dreamy eyes.

"Yeah." Amanda replied.

It didn't bug me that she never said she loved me back. I knew she loved me.

"So how's your band going?" I asked her, trying to get a conversation going on.

"Awesome. Your band better watch out," She teased, laughing.

"Ohhhh my band members are rocking. I think you better be the one watching out," I said, laughing back.

"So, your band members," Amanda said in thought. "Megra, Louse and Louy..."

"It's Megan, Klaus and Joey. It's not that hard to remember," I said in frustration. She did this more then once.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Amanda said, rolling her eyes. "I don't like your friends."

"Why not?"

"'Cause they're losers," she said.

I was offended, but I didn't say anything. I mean, we love each other. It doesn't really matter if she likes my friends or not.



I walked right into Klaus garage for our band practice.

"Ok, hurry up, guys," demanded Klaus. "My brother will be home any moment now."

Klaus stopped talking when I walked in.

"We started practice without you," Megan said with a sigh of annoyance. "You're a half an hour late."

"Sorry. I was with Amanda," I said with a smile.

Joey sighed. "Is that all you do in your time? See Amanda?"

"Nope. When I don't see her, I talk about her," I replied.

Megan ignored my comment. "Ok, Kenny, grab your guitar..."

"Sorry, but no." I said.

"Excuse me?" Joey said in surprise.

"You heard me. No. I quit! Find another guitarist!" I said in a cold tone.

"Kenny!?" Klaus said in surprise.

I didn't say a word. I just walked out of the garage.

Kenny Riot had left My Sanctuary.



"I can't believe he just left..." I cried out.

"KLAUS!" I heard Kyle call out. "KLAUS!"

"Oh, crap, my brothers home," Moaned Klaus. "Sorry to rush you out, but you know my brother..."

"We understand," Megan said while nodding.

"I'll walk you home, Megan."

"Sure." Replied Megan.



I wanted to say what was in my mind for a long time. Did Megan love Klaus? It was on the tip of my tongue to ask her. But what if I hurt her?

"Megan...can I ask you a personal question?"

"Uhhh depends what the question is."

"Do you love Klaus?"

Megan stopped walking, so I followed pursuit. She sighed.

"You saw us kiss, didn't you?"

"Do you love him?" I said again in annoyance that she's avoiding the question.

"I don't know."


Megan took a step back. I guess I must have scared her with my voice. It was my turn to sigh.

"I'm sorry. I know being a teenager is confusing. Love is confusing. It's messed up, and the four of us been through lots."

"I know. And as for Klaus...I really don't know. Honest to God."

I didn't say anything to that comment.

"You're not jealous, are you, Joey?" Megan asked, smiling as she gave me a playful shove.

"Ah, no," I lied. "Of course not!"

YOU IDIOT! My mind told me. You could have told her right there and then, but no. But then I thought: as much as I love Megan, do I deserve someone like her?

Maybe Megan will never be mine...

But maybe she was a lost cause. Maybe we just weren't meant for each other. But why did I feel so funny around her? That my stomach gets a knot inside? It's because you love her, my mind told me.

You love her.


The next day...

The group...well, I guess just the three of us, since Kenny quit...Were in my garage, practicing. The band went dull after there was no more guitar. People missed his stupid - yet funny- humour. I banged my head on my crash cymbal on my drum, just to make sure I was alive. I felt numb with all this chaos in my life at the moment.

"Owwww...." I moaned weakly.

"Well, let's practice," Klaus said in a very negative tone.

"One, two, a one, two, three four..." Megan began, also very weak as if she didn't really care.

It was just Klaus and me playing the hell out of our instruments, and Megan said muttering words in the mic. Not our best work. But then, we began to hear a faint guitar. And it wasn't Klaus' bass guitar. We turned to see Kenny, playing his guitar.

"KENNY!" We cried out in unison.

"Will you guys forgive me and take me back?" He asked in almost a whisper.

"Of course. I hate to admit it, Kenny, but we missed you," Klaus said, shrugging, and speaking for all of us.

"By the way..." Kenny said, rubbing his hand on the back of his head, "I dumped Amanda."

"Why?" Klaus asked.

"Well, she called you guys losers. I realized she didn't love me. She was just jealous of our band, and trying to break us up."

"Well, glad to have you back, Kenny," Megan said, then out of nowhere, she smirked. "You could have left the part of her calling us "losers" out."

Everyone laughed.

"Yeah, but I'm apart of you guys. So, join the loser club!" Kenny said, raising his hands with enthusiasm in the air.

"Yeah. We're getting t-shirts next month!" I joked.

Everyone laughed. Yeah, Kenny was back!


xxDarkness' Kidxx
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