Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Blessing or Burden (Joel & Benji Madden plus others)

pt 61 Waldorf Here We Come

by Reign_Madden 8 reviews

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Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-11-14 - Updated: 2006-11-14 - 2862 words

Gerard p.o.v

By the time we got back to the bus it was already getting light. No one said a word as we piled onto the bus and went about getting ready for bed.
'We should pack Reign's things up and take 'em over to Paul.' Ray says speaking for the first time since leaving the hotel.
'I'll do it' Frankie offers grabbing the suitcase and picking up some of Reign's clothes before disappearing into the living area.
I stripped off my clothes and vanished into my bed pulling the curtains and settling into the comforting darkness.

Frankie's p.o.v

I folded Reign's clothes and neatly placed them in her suitcase. I looked around grabbing her belongings, her comb, her toothbrush from the bathroom and various other things that belonged to her.
I looked around one more time when a picture of Reign caught my eye. I pick up the picture and smile despite myself it was of us eating at that low-key restaurant in New York, we had a blast that night. And to think Adam nearly fucked that up for good. I screw the picture up and throw it in the trash. I zip up Reign's suitcase and take it over to Paul.

9.00 am
Benji's p.o.v

'Hello' I croak answering the phone.
'Dude what the fuck happened? Is everyone okay? How's Reign?' Tony's familiar voice blares down the phone.
'What are talking about?' I ask rubbing my eyes.
'Are you fucking brain dead, it's all over the fucking tabloids My Chemical Romance and Good Charlotte in hotel rape drama' he says mechanically, I knew he was reading it I could hear the rustling of the paper. 'Is Reign okay?'
'Oh God yeah she's fine everyone's fine' I say remembering the events of the previous night. I get out of the bed so I don't wake Reign and head for the bathroom. 'You know that Adam guy he kidnapped Reign last night and attempted to rape her.' I explain.
'Jesus Christ. The papers say an Andre Dawson got beat up pretty bad. Who's he?' Tony asks riffling through the paper again.
'That's Adam and yes Joel and I kicked his ass.'
'Glad to fucking hear it. Man I was so worried. Let me talk to Reign.' He says
'She's asleep right now' I say poking my head around the door checking.
'So what's happening now I take it you guys aren't coming to Boston?'
'We're going home for a couple of days, Reign needs somewhere stable.' I say perching on the side of the bath
'What about Gerard and the others where are they?'
'On there way to Boston, they have to finish the tour, they're gonna pick Reign on their way back to Jersey.' I say.
'Look I gotta go, kiss Reign for me okay'
'Will do' I say 'later'
I take a shower and pull yesterdays clothes back on, I unlock the connecting door and walk into Billy and Joel's room.

Joel's p.o.v

Even before he touched me I knew Benji was in the room.
'What's the matter?' I ask turning over
'Nothing, I just thought we should start getting up' he says
'Liar, what's really the matter' I ask opening my eyes.
'I'm...I don't know...I'm all over the place' he confess 'I've never felt this out of control before I don't know what I'm doing.'
'None of us do Benji' I say honestly
'We nearly lost her Joel, I've never been so scared in my whole life.' He whispers
'Its ok Benj I know exactly how you feel. Once we get out of this hotel and out of Buffalo and we're on the road home, we'll feel much better.' I reply
'I hope so.'
'Trust me.' I say turning over and closing my eyes.
'You better be right and get your ass up we have to leave soon' he says
'Five minutes man' I say into my pillow

Benji's p.o.v

I left Joel and walk back into room 118 closing the connecting door behind me. I looked over at Reign sleeping in the hotel robe and it occurred me that she didn't have any clothes at all. I quickly text Paul asking him to bring Reign a change of clothes and to please feed Ca$h, I'd forgotten all about him.
'Hey' Reign whispers startling me
'Your up' I say pocketing my cell and joining her on the bed.
'Yes' she says sitting up and wincing 'just really sore' she says smiling
'Did you sleep ok?' I ask
'I woke up a couple times but other then that it was ok.' She replies lifting the covers.
'What are you doing?' I ask watching her.
'Err...I'm just looking at myself' she says dropping the covers quickly
'Let me see' I say pulling the covers away from her legs
'No...It's ok' she replies holding the covers tightly
'Then let me look at you.' I say softly.
I tug the covers off her legs exposes the multiple blue and purple bruises that line her inner and outer thighs.
'Oh honey' I gasp running my hand gently along her right thigh.
'I'm fine, they just hurt a little' she says blinking back the tears. I lean forward and wrap my arms around her waist squeezing her gently.
'Ow' she winces pulling back 'don't squeeze'
'I'm sorry' I apologise. 'What hurts?' I ask attempting to undo her robe.
'Don't' she says holding my hands tightly
'Why not?' I ask taken aback at her abruptness.
'You'll only get upset' she says not letting my hands go.
'Let me see I won't get upset' I lie.
'Benji please...' she says and I could see the tears in her eyes.
'Open your robe Reign' I demand.
'Open the robe.' I could feel myself getting frustrated. What did he do to her? What was so bad that she didn't want me to see it?
I watch her shuffling around a bit before laying flat on the bed. Her hands were shaking as she opened her robe exposing her damaged torso.
'Jesus' I cry seeing the huge fist mark on her stomach and the various bite marks and discolouration that decorated her chest and stomach.

Normal p.o.v

'I told you' you whisper wiping the tears that we're falling sideways off your face.
'That fucking bastard' Benji utters standing up.
'Don't get mad' you beg doing the robe back up.
'How can I not get mad? Look what he did to you' he shouts.
'I'm ok Benji, really it's not as bad as it looks' you say getting off the bed and wiping your eyes.
'Don't give me that bullshit Reign' he says angrily. 'Your not ok so stop fucking pretending.'
'Your right I'm not and I probably won't be for a while but getting angry won't help.' You reason.
'Well it's helping me.' He retorts
'Is it?' you ask standing in front of him.
'Yes' he answers stubbornly 'look at what he did to you, I should have killed him.' He says wiping away the few tears that had escaped his eyes.
'Don't say that' you reply touching his face.
'It true though I should've.' He says swatting your hand away angrily and walking away from you.
'No it's not. What good would you be to us if you we're in Jail?' you ask
'I don't know' he says
'You wouldn't be any good and you know it' you reply honestly 'we'd be lost without you. We all need you especially me I need to be close to you.'
'Then get close to me' he says slightly irritated
'I can't when you're angry and you know it' you reply
'I can't suppress how I feel ok Reign, I just can't I'm not that kind of person.' He states.
'I know' you say walking over to him 'But I need you Benjamin now more then ever before. I need the Benji that I fell in love with, the Benji that makes me feel safe and secure.' You say wrapping your arms around his neck. 'The Benji that makes me laugh and forget all the bad things that have happened that's the man I need.'
'I don't know if I can be that guy right now.' He replies removing your hands from around his neck.
'Well let me know when he gets here' you reply watching him walk away from you 'I could do with him right about now.'
'Good Morning Reign' Billy shouts running through the connecting door followed by Joel.

Billy's p.o.v

I ran through the door and jumped on the empty bed, followed by Joel who tackled me.
'Get off man, I already told you I'm not gay' I say fighting Joel
'C'mon Billy gimmie a kiss' Joel jokes
'No way' I laugh looking at Reign and then at Benji.
'What's the matter?' Joel asks spotting the look on his twin's face
'Nothing's wrong' Reign says smiling
'You sure?' I ask pushing Joel off me completely
'Yes, Benji and I are just a little tired that's all. We just want to leave isn't that right Benj?' she says
'Yeah we err...wanna leave. I'm going to go downstairs...concierge guy.' Benji mutters leaving and closing the door behind him.
'What's up with him?' I ask
'Like I said he's just tired' she says avoiding my eyes.

Officer Manning stopped by at the hotel as promised. He informed you that Adam has made a statement confessing what he did, not only that but he was wanted in connection of two other rapes in Arizona. Officer Manning said he'd keep you updated on what was happening. You got your results back from the hospital and you're clean thank God, Adam didn't have sexual infections.
Two hours later and you were finally on your way back to Waldorf, which is about a seven hours journey.
Paul bought you a change of clothes and once you were dressed you and the guys caught a taxi back to the empty bus stand. Good Charlottes bus and Adam's RV which was cordoned off were the only vehicles left in the lot.
Now here you were on the bus driving through God knows where, Joel, Billy and Paul were doing what they did best which was compete playing the X-Box, you and Lisa were flipping through magazines and Benji was in the bunk area he hadn't said much since leaving the hotel.

Benji's p.o.v

We were on our way back and Joel was right I did feel a little better but I couldn't get the state of Reign's body out of my mind. Every time I looked over at her I could see the bruises on her body. I really was trying to hide the fact that I was angry but I couldn't and as I result I was blocking everyone out even Joel. I had barely said two words to anyone since leaving the hotel. I sit up deciding that I would make the rest of the journey a little more bearable for the others.
I snap out of my thoughts as my cell phone vibrates against my leg.
'Hello' I answer not recognising the number.
'Hey Benji, it's Gerard'
'Oh hey how are you?' I ask.
'We're alright man and you guys' Gerard answers.
'We're fine' I say unconvincingly.
'You don't sound it' he accuses
'It's nothing' I sigh 'I'm just a little angry about the whole situation that's all'
'That's understandable. Frankie's going through that phase right now, we can barely talk to him' Gerard confesses.
'It's just I can't help it you know' I say honestly
'Trust me I know, and let me guess Reign's giving you a hard time about it.' He replies
'Sorta but I don't blame her.' I reason. 'You wanna talk to her?'
'Yeah if she's around.'

Gerards p.o.v

'Reign' I hear Benji holler 'Phone'
'Hello' Reigns familiar voice sound down the line.
'Hey Doll Face'
'Gerard!' How are you? I'm missing you' she says all in one breath.
'I'm ok. I'm missing you too. You alright?' I ask
'Yes I'm a little sore but other then that'
'What did the doctor say?' I ask
'I'm fine no infections of any kind.'
'That's a relief'
'How are the others?'
'They're ok, just a little tired we just finished out set it was manic you would've loved it.'
'I bet.'
'Where are you now? I ask
'I dunno driving through somewhere.' She yawns and then laughs

Normal p.o.v

'Well I have to go but I'll call you tonight.' He says
'Ok' you sigh wishing that you could talk more 'Tell the others I miss them'
'I promise' he says 'One last thing.'
'Hug Benji for me' Gerard says
'Are you kidding?' you ask
'No I'm serious. Hug him for me.'
'Ok I will' you laugh.
'See you in eight days Doll Face we'll go back home to Jersey and create havoc' Gerard says
'Yay! I can't wait' you say smiling.
You hang up the phone and toss it onto Benji's bunk.
'Benji can you come in here for a second' you say poking your head into the living area.
'What?' he says when he reaches you. You wrap your arms around him and give him a quick squeeze.
'From Gerard' you say letting him go.
'Gerard sent me a hug' he says
'Yep I think he likes you' you reply with a laugh.
'And what about you?' he asks seriously.
'I like you' you answer honestly.
'Even when I shout at you.' He asks looking shamefaced
'Yeah even then'
'What about when I can't be the guy you "fell for"?' he asks doing the air quotes
'Even then.'
'What about when I am the guy you "fell for"?'
'Oh no I don't like you then...that's when I love you' you reply smiling.

Joel's p.o.v

'Sorry to interrupt' I announce walking into the bunk area.
'Your not' Benji says
'Look I said I was sorry. God all I need to do is take a leak.' I reply
'Joel you're not disturbing us' Reign says
'Fuck Sake. Give me a second all I wanna do is go toilet, you don't own the bus' I scream pushing Benji and walking past to the bathroom.

Benji's p.o.v

'That's your best friend' Benji says as Joel closes the bathroom door.
'Whatever that's your brother.' Reign retorts walking into the living area.
'Damn I forgot about that.' I say laughing.
'Benji is that you?' Lisa asks as I follow Reign into the living room.
'Yeah' I reply looking at her confused
'Oh good' she says not bothering to explain.
'Ohh look' Paul says 'Two hours to go and then we're home. Are you excited Reign.'
'Thrilled' Reign says dryly
'I thought you'd be happy to be going home' I say slightly unnerved by her lack of enthusiasm.
'I am but...I don't know...Blehhh!!' she replies screwing her face up.
'What kind of response was that?' Lisa asks laughing
'That's the Reign response when she's confused' Joel says returning from the bathroom. 'Her brain overheats and she makes strange sounds'
'I hope you washed your hands' Reign says ignoring Joel's comment.
'Of course I didn't' Joel says wiping his hands across Reign's face.
'You wait till I tell your mother' Reign teases.

Two Hours Later- Waldorf MD

Normal p.o.v

'Wake up Joel' you say as the bus rolls to a slow stop 'we're home'
'We are?' he says sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
'Well we're at the bus station and Josh's should be picking us up.' Benji says
'Ahh I can't wait to go to your house' Billy says 'I hope your mom's cooked man I'm starving.'
'I second that' Paul says.
'You alright?' Benji asks studying you.
'Yes' you say quietly.
'We're home' he says carefully wrapping his arms around you.
'I know' you reply.
'You don't sound too happy' he says into your neck.
'I'm just overwhelmed that's all' you say honestly.
'Me too. This bus station was the last place I saw you before you disappeared do you remember?' He says
'Of course I do.' you answer.
'Do you remember what I said to you?'
'You asked me if I was coming back and I said I loved you and I'd never leave you' you recall.
'It hurt so much when you didn't come home' He says 'I hated not having you here.'
'I know baby but I'm back now' you whisper stroking his hair.
'For good?' he asks pulling away so he could look in your eyes.
You look into his beautiful brown eyes, as they searched yours for answer. Just being in his arms was what you craved, for three whole years and in your heart of hearts you knew this was where you wanted to spend the rest of your life.
'For good' you say smiling as Benji's lips touched yours.
'I was hoping you'd say that' he says breaking away. 'Lets go the others are waiting.'
'Let them wait' you say kissing him again.
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