Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

Consequences Of Blasting A Bauble

by Emilie_D 1 review

Taking care of Harry.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-11-15 - Updated: 2006-11-16 - 3102 words - Complete

Minerva groaned, realizing that this was another complication. Rita Skeeter was willing to cross even the Ministry in pursuit of a story.

Meanwhile, Molly, ever the mother, dried both of the students with her wand.

"Thanks, Mrs. Weasley," said Hermione absently. She turned to Minerva. "Can Harry stay here? They said that he has to rest for a few days and take potions. No one will find him, and he likes it here."

Minerva looked at Zelda, who nodded. "I shall speak with his aunt. I'd like to imagine that she's concerned about him. If it's acceptable to her, Harry can come here to recover for a few days."

"We'll come to see him here," said Ron, "but we need to do more research. We thought we had this one under control. It was amazing that we found one, but if it hadn't been for you and Zelda, Michael, Harry would've been a goner."

"We should have remembered that Harry had bezoars, but we didn't even think of it until you said it, Zelda," Hermione said. Her eyes were wide and frightened as she realized how close they had come to losing Harry.

"Tell us what it was and how you found it," Michael said quietly. The sight of children forced to do such dangerous work made him furious, and remembering Harry's pitiful condition as he carried to St Mungo's sickened him.

"We still haven't found the Hufflepuff cup," Hermione began. "But we went to the library at Hogwarts, and looked for everything we could find about Rowena Ravenclaw's life and career."

"What did you find out?" asked Zelda, her eyes brightening with interest. Even under such dire circumstances, she loved stories.

"Rowena Ravenclaw came from a wealthy and prominent wizarding family. She rejected marriage to a noble, dimwitted wizard to pursue her life-long dream of teaching magic to others," Hermione said dreamily. "She was clever enough to get away with it, too. She didn't have wealth, but it was rumored that she was greatly admired by Salazar Slytherin, who gave her a remarkable treasure."

"Really, Miss Granger, raking up centuries old scandals?" said Minerva. "We know for a fact that Slytherin married someone else and produced children."

"Yes, but Ravenclaw never married," replied Hermione. "And by the way, there was another fascinating story hinted at in a book I found in the restricted section, about Godric Gryffindor."

"Miss Granger," Minerva snapped in a low voice. "This is not relevant to our discussion."

"Oh, you've heard it?" asked Ron brightly. "Michael, it seems our own original Gryffindor was gay."

Michael chuckled wickedly. "Ah, the hidden history of my people," he murmured, winking at Zelda.

"He was /married/," Minerva offered despairingly. As Headmistress she felt that she must discourage speculation on the sex lives of the Hogwarts Four. "I know which book you're referring to, by the way, and it is a most suspect work."

"Well, it may have been written two hundred years ago, but the story about Ravenclaw was right on the money," Ron declared. "Somehow Voldemort got his hands on Rowena's bauble and made it a Horcrux."

"Wait! What was the bauble?" asked Zelda.

"It was a flawless, polished crystal, magically affixed to a solid gold base. Large enough that she used it for scrying," said Hermione. "We don't know how Voldemort learned of it or found it, but he did. He came to Hogwarts years ago, Harry said, to ask for a job. He said he wanted to teach Dark Arts at Hogwarts, but he must have known Dumbledore would never allow it."

"It was after Armando Dippet retired," Minerva confirmed. "Of course Albus never considered it. He said afterward that Riddle had some other motive for coming to Hogwarts that day, but he never learned what it was."

"Well, Harry talked to Firenze," declared Ron. "Most centaurs don't like wizards, but he's helped Harry before. He said that before he was born there were rumors of evil things being concealed in the grounds of Hogwarts."

Molly and Zelda exchanged glances at the mention of Firenze, remembering their brief visit to his world.

"How could you possibly find one small artifact? The grounds of Hogwarts are immense. No one knows everything that is concealed within them," exclaimed Minerva.

"Hagrid knows more than anyone alive about the Forbidden Forest," Hermione said. "We haven't told him what we're looking for, and at first he didn't want to help us, but finally he did." Her face fell. "He's terribly upset at what happened to Harry. We need to go and see him soon."

"He is aware that he must assist Mr. Potter," said Minerva. "But I must speak with him about this. Thank you for reminding me."

"Where did you find it?" asked Michael.

"We thought it would be in the middle of the forest," said Hermione. "But we discovered that the entire grounds of Hogwarts must be magically enlarged, and totally Unplottable. It's very difficult to navigate in the Forbidden Forest."

Minerva smiled at her student's ability to figure out deep magical mysteries. This was indeed a remarkable young woman.

"Hagrid suggested that we try to skirt along the boundary, staying near the road," said Ron. "Avoiding the spiders, you know." He shuddered before continuing. "We think we were as far from the castle as we could be. We found a really ancient road and what looked like an old gatehouse, set against a solid stone wall. The gate was gone, so no one can approach Hogwarts from the outside. But the house was thick with magic, and the crystal was sitting on the mantel, glowing. Anyone could see it from outside. When we tried the door, it opened up, but we couldn't go in."

"Harry told us that the entrance might demand blood," Hermione continued. "Ron made a cut on his arm, and he smeared the blood on the lintel, so we could pass. There were no Inferi, although we expected them. The crystal was incredibly beautiful; you should've seen it. We hated to destroy it. We couldn't even get close to it, so Harry told us to stand back, and he did Incendio. He was standing pretty far away, but the crystal exploded with incredible force and this vapor came out of it and moved straight toward Harry. It surrounded his head. He did a Shield Charm, but that made it cling tighter to him. He was forced to inhale it."

"How did you escape the grounds of Hogwarts so you could Apparate?" asked Molly.

"Hermione grabbed Harry's ankles and dragged him to the door. The mist didn't come outside, instead it kind of evaporated. Harry was really sick, and... I guess I went sort of crazy," confessed Ron. "I dunno how I did it, but I pointed my wand at the bloody stone wall and screamed, "Alohomora!" and there was a magical opening. We dragged Harry through it, it crashed shut behind us and we were outside the grounds and could Apparate here."

They all sat in silence, trying to grasp how close they had come to disaster. Finally, Minerva stood up and said, "I shall return to St. Mungo's and see how soon Potter can be released Will you be able to receive him immediately?"

"Any time," replied Zelda. "But if we're dosing him with potions, get precise instructions, please. I hope he's stabilized."

"Certainly," she said. She turned to Ron and Hermione. "Now, will you two go to Hagrid? I cannot see him yet, but he must certainly be distraught over what has happened. Reassure him that his help did not cause this, and say that I'll send for him as soon as I can."

Hermione and Ron rose, and Molly went with them. "I must go home and talk with Ginny and Arthur," she said.

"We'll be here when you need us," said Zelda. When they had gone, she turned to Michael. "I feel twenty years older than I did this morning."

"Damn it, Zel," he burst out. "That poor kid! He can't get a break. No one feels the least bit of guilt that they expect a kid to save all their lives. How can so many people be such... /sheep/?"

"I know. I despise most of their wizard population without even knowing them. And why isn't their stupid Ministry of Magic dealing with Voldemort?" She began clearing the table, crashing the dishes together noisily. When a moist nose prodded her bare leg, she realized that Rowena was worrying over her ill humor.

"Am I upsetting you, Sweetie?" she cooed. "It's not you. You're a good girl. This must be confusing for you." She abandoned the dishes and went to sit the couch. She patted the spot next to her and the dog curled up next to her and put her head in Zelda's lap.

Michael watched the two of them, immensely pleased. He had worried about Zelda, a woman living alone for years, but after the old family dog died, she refused to get another. The fact that this dog was a link to Severus reassured him that these two would last. He finished cleaning up the kitchen without comment and sat down with her, wondering what could possibly happen next.

Before long, the door flew open and Minerva and Molly appeared, supporting a black-cloaked figure between them. Michael went quickly to them and pushed back the hood, revealing a white-faced Harry. He studied the boy clinically, then effortlessly picked him up and carried him to the couch. Zelda unfastened the cloak and tossed it aside.

"Michael, I'm okay," Harry whispered, struggling to stand.

Zelda pushed the throw pillows to one side, and said, "Shut up, Harry, and lie down." She saw that he was sweating and shaky, and hoped they knew what they were doing, letting him go so soon.

He grinned weakly and did as she bid him. "Zelda... Thanks."

"You're welcome, and thank you for not being an idiot and dying," she replied. "Can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm okay," he muttered. "Michael, thanks for helping me. They told me you met Mad-Eye. Did he hex you?" He seemed to be falling asleep as he spoke.

"It's all good, Harry," Michael said gently. "Do you want to go to bed, or rest here for a while?" He felt the boy's wrist for a pulse as he studied the pale face.

"This is... nice," he said. Something warm and heavy settled against his feet, and he looked blearily down and saw a big dog curling up with him. "What...? Zelda, where'd the dog come from?"

"Long story. I'll tell you when you're better," she said. "Will she bother you? I'll move her." She reached for a blanket and gently covered him.

"No," he muttered, his green eyes closing. "Let her stay." He felt safe and cared for, and allowed himself to relax into healing sleep.

The four adults watched closely as he fell asleep, and headed for the kitchen table where they could speak.

"Is he really well enough to leave St. Mungo's?" asked Michael. "How on earth did you manage to get him out of there?"

"It was necessary," Minerva replied tersely. "Aside from the threat of publicity, I could not be assured of his safety there, while he is so weak."

"Speaking of weakness, where are his potions?" Zelda asked practically. "I want detailed instructions."

Molly pulled a small satchel off her shoulder and set three bottles on the counter. "Here are written instructions," she said. "This purple potion should be given in this cup, a full cup every four hours, for the next two days. The small green bottle is for pain, one spoonful as needed, every two hours, for as long as a week, if he needs it. The red, six drops on his tongue, every six hours. Also for two days."

"When does the clock start on this?" asked Zelda. She hoped she could keep track of the times.

"I'm glad you asked," the witch replied. "Here's a clock I've enchanted to alert you at every dosing time. Even after the first two days are over, he'll need to rest frequently."

"That's wonderful, Molly," Zelda said admiringly. "It's idiot proof, isn't it?"

"I'll do the first shift, if you'll do the second, Zel," suggested Michael. "I have to leave tomorrow for work, and I'd like to get some sleep first."

"That's fine," she said. "But before Molly goes, I wonder if you two could go and get something for me." She explained, and Molly took Michael on a quick Apparating trip while Minerva sat with Zelda, watching Harry sleep.

"It is dreadful, the burden on his shoulders," said Minerva wearily. "The pattern was set long before his birth, and he is enmeshed in it now. But I worry..."

"I suppose they'll think I'm a bitch, but would you tell Ron, Hermione and Ginny that I said they can't visit him until tomorrow afternoon?" Zelda said seriously. "He needs rest before he has to start reassuring his friends that he's okay."

"Very wise. He would not even be out of St. Mungo's for two days, except that he is safer here."

"Have Ron and Hermione go back to the library and do more of their clever research," suggested Zelda. "They can do that much without Harry, and when he's stronger they can talk it over with him."

Michael and Molly came back in, and Michael was carrying a large box. "Mission accomplished," he said cheerfully, as he set it on the table.

Minerva spotted the Portkey on the counter, and Levitated it back to the hook on the wall. The two witches then headed for the door. "We'll be in contact soon," said Minerva, just before the door closed behind them.

Zelda went to Michael and gave him a long, wordless hug.

"Get some sleep, Zel, and I'll wake you when it's your turn," he said, going to pull a comfortable chair up in the living room.

She went back to the couch for a moment to look down on Harry as he slept. Rowena put up her head and looked at her. "Stay here and make Harry feel better," she whispered. She petted the dog, kissed Harry's cheek and headed for bed.

At last she was alone in her room. Her thoughts went to Severus, of course. He'd have been desperately worried if he'd been there, but he might have been able to heal Harry without all the travel and drama, she mused. She changed hastily into a nightgown and threw herself on the bed, letting her exhaustion overcome her worries.

The next thing she knew, Michael was shaking her. "Wake up, babe, it's your turn. Come and see what happened to the cabin."

She slid groggily from the bed and put on her robe. "How's Harry?" she asked.

"Taking his potions and sleeping. His color's good, pulse is strong and his breathing is normal," he said reassuringly. "But the amazing thing is that the storm front passed, and the weather chilled down. The cabin changed to keep it warm in here. Look over there."

In the corner of her bedroom, Zelda realized that a small stove had appeared and was keeping the room perfectly temperate. She could see dancing violet flames in it, and it was so comforting and lovely that she wanted to cry. But she had to take care of Harry, so she followed Michael into the main room.

Rowena had not moved from the couch, but she raised her head and her tail wagged at the sight of Zelda. A brief glance at the room showed that a similar modification had occurred, and there were two small wood-burning stoves warming the main room.

Harry was sleeping quietly, so she left him in peace and turned to Michael. "What about the potions?" she asked.

"Molly's clock is incredible," he said. "I wish we had 'em at the hospital. I kept falling asleep, but when the clock chimes, Rowena barks, so you won't sleep through it. The potions are on the coffee table, with the instructions. I gave him the pain potion a few minutes ago."

"Will he wake up to take them?"

"Enough," he replied. He kissed her forehead and headed for his room. "See you in the morning."

"Night, Michael," she whispered.

She sat down in the chair that was close to Harry's head. His face was dreadfully pale, in contrast to his black hair, and the scar on his forehead shone in livid contrast. He undoubtedly had all the pride of a teenage boy and thought himself capable and mature, but he was so young it made her want to cry. She couldn't sleep, so she got her laptop and began catching up on her work.

After almost two hours the clock chimed, and Rowena barked softly. Harry was sweating and moving restlessly, and she felt his forehead cautiously. When he started, his eyes opened and he looked frantically around the room, relaxing only when he realized where he was.

"Harry, are you in pain?" she asked gently.

"It hurts," he admitted fretfully. "Zelda, what's happening? I can't remember anything." He stared up at her fearfully.

She knelt by his side and poured out the green potion. "Take this, love, and we'll talk when you feel better." She held the spoon to his lips, and he swallowed obediently. He fell back onto the pillows, and she said, "Can I do anything else for you now?"

He shook his head, already beginning to doze off, but when she leaned forward and kissed his forehead lightly, he captured her hand in both of his and held it. "Don't leave," he whispered.

"I'll stay right here," she murmured. She smoothed his hair back from his forehead with her free hand.

Two hours later Rowena barked again, and Zelda realized she'd fallen asleep on her knees, next to the couch. Harry had relaxed his grip on her hand, so she pulled gently away and staggered to her feet. It was time for purple and green, she saw, and repeated the earlier process. Harry swallowed them obediently, barely opening his eyes this time, and as soon as he'd taken them, Zelda moved stiffly to the chair, curled up and went back to sleep.

The next time the dog barked it was the red potion, and Zelda could see that it was almost dawn. She gave Harry his potion, and leaned over, petting Rowena gratefully. "What a good girl you are," she said. Then she sank back into her chair and went to sleep once more.
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