Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > ICE Cold

ICE Cold

by Hellee 6 reviews

"Archie, NO!" Atlanta screamed running towards him.....Theresa, Jay, Neil and Herry were battling three of Cronus' giants....

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Published: 2006-11-16 - Updated: 2006-11-16 - 1003 words - Complete

"Archie, NO!" Atlanta screamed running towards him. But she was too late; Archie had already been thrown into the icy depths of the ocean. The team had been bombarded by Cronus and his giants, unexpectedly. Cronus was mad, and he wanted revenge. Of course, last time he met the team, they had beaten him once again, but this time was the last.

Theresa, Jay, Neil and Herry were battling three of Cronus' giants. Atlanta ran to the edge where Archie had fallen and looked over. She couldn't see him, but she knew he had no hope of surviving the freezing water. A sudden scream erupted across the area and Atlanta turned to see Theresa being thrown against a wall by one of the giants. Jay immediately ran over to her and tried to revive her, but she was gone. Herry threw one of the giants at the other, and they feel to the ground. Neil started running to towards Jay, but Atlanta noticed Cronus lurking near him.
"NEIL!" she screamed and used her in-human speed. She tackled him to the ground as Cronus went to strike him with his scythes, instead, cutting Herry across the neck. He fell to the ground as Atlanta and Neil stared in horror as blood poured out of his neck.

Jay looked around for Odie, no sign of him anywhere.
"Where's Odie?" he cried. Neil looked around, but Atlanta kept her eyes on Cronus, who was moving towards them.
He stared at them on the floor and went to strike, but Jay got his last hit in. Cronus' head fell to the ground, landing near Atlanta and Neil. Atlanta screamed and Neil put his arm around her. Jay fell to the ground and sighed. It was over. But so were their friend's lives.

Jay, Neil and Atlanta slowly walked up the dorm stairs to their rooms. Any talk of the fight and their lost friends just upset them more. Atlanta turned on her bedroom light and stared around at her room. In a wave of anger, she swiped all her photo frames, books and her lamp of her desk. She picked up her desk chair and threw it at her door, making a loud bang. She looked around the trashed room and slowly sunk to the floor, tears escaping her eyes. A few seconds later, Jay and Neil appeared at her door. One look around the room told them what had happened. Jay rushed over to her and put his arm around her, and Neil sat down across from them.
"You'll be okay, we'll be okay," he whispered. Atlanta's tears kept falling. Neil was looking down at the ground.
"You don't get it Jay, it will never be okay, our friends died, and there is nothing we can do to bring them back," Neil said. Atlanta raised her head and looked at him. Neil looked back at them.
"It's the truth, you heard what Persephone said about death. Once the person is dead, you can't bring them back. She said even powerful magic won't work," he said. Atlanta looked at Jay and he sighed in defeat.
"Looks like it's just us from now on," he said. As he stood up, Atlanta noticed a tear fall down his cheek. Neil stood up and left too.

Atlanta sat against the wall for so long, and when Jay came back to her room at eleven, he found her like that. He sat down on Theresa's bed, while Atlanta looked at her hands, and twiddled her thumbs. Jay moved slightly on the bed.
"I know how you feel," Jay said. Atlanta looked up at him.
"I know you do," she replied quietly. She stood up and sat down next to him.
"It won't ever be the same without them, and I know that, but I feel like I let her down," Jay said. Atlanta took his hand.
"I should've seen what was going to happen. I knew something wasn't right when Archie left my side, but I let him go," Atlanta said. Jay watched Atlanta's face as she spoke.
"At least Cronus is finished," he said. Atlanta looked at him.
"Does that mean we have to go home?" she asked. Jay thought about it.
"Honestly, I'd rather stay here with you and Neil, but we'll see," he replied. They sat in silence for a few minutes until Jay stood up. Atlanta stood as well.
"I should get to bed," he said. Atlanta went up on her Tipp toes and kissed him on the cheek.
"Don't worry, we're in this together," she told him. He nodded and left her room. Atlanta looked around her trashed room and quickly put her things back into place. As she put one of Theresa's Harlequin books back, a photo slipped out onto the floor. She picked it up and smiled at the seven laughing faces. The good times were gone now, only to be replaced with the memories.

Once she had cleaned up the majority of her room, she opened her door and walked down to the bathroom. When she opened the door, she expected to see Neil looking at himself in the mirror, but instead, she only saw herself. She walked up to the mirror and looked at herself. The girl in the mirror wasn't the same as before. She wasn't happy anymore, wasn't enjoying life. Her life had gone down a steep hill after what happened to Archie. Nothing would bring him back, so why didn't she just go with him?
She grabbed her toothbrush and looked at a small poem on a pad on the bench written by Theresa. She picked it up. It wasn't finished.

Never give up,
whatever you do,
even in the darkest times

Atlanta put it back down. It was right. She couldn't just end her life from some freak accident; she had to live on strong, with Jay and Neil. What was once a happy family was now a sad house. Four died, three survived.

Please R&R, Hellee
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