Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

A Gift For Harry

by Emilie_D 1 review

Severus Snape gives Harry Potter a birthday present.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-11-18 - Updated: 2006-11-18 - 3915 words - Complete

Harry glided slowly over the pond on his Firebolt, unable to believe what Neville had whispered to him. Why was Professor Snape here? He was back spying on Voldemort, and he'd never willingly go to a party. He looked ahead and saw a black-cloaked figure below. In seconds he landed and was forced to deal with Rowena's bouncing welcome.

"Let me know when you're finished," said Zelda softly. She pulled slowly out of Professor Snape's arms, winked at Harry and walked away from them. "I'll be over there. Come, Rowena."

Harry was alone then, facing his former nemesis. There was no expression on the older wizard's face, but his black eyes caught Harry's and held them.

"Happy birthday, Potter," he said coldly.

"Sir?" Harry gasped in disbelief.

Severus controlled his twitching mouth firmly. The boy was splendidly flummoxed. He held out a scroll and a small pouch.

Harry took them automatically, shaking his head as though his brain was buzzing. "Erm... Ah, thank you, Sir." He unrolled the scroll. It was over a foot long and covered with familiar, cramped cursive, the handwriting of the Half-Blood prince. As he read, his green eyes bulged in shock. "Summer homework/, Sir?" he choked. "Potions /and DADA!"

Severus smirked faintly. "I hope you will share this opportunity with your friends. In your spare time, of course, when you are not busy, ah... saving the world."

Harry could picture Hermione falling on this scroll as though it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. He could also picture Ron's face when he saw it. An ironic grin passed over his face. "Thanks, I think."

Next he opened the pouch and pulled out a small glass globe. The contents were cloudy, swirling like a viscous gas. "A memory," he said, flushing guiltily. He remembered the day he'd impulsively chose to violate this man's trust, and what he'd learned about his father in the Pensieve.

Severus was surprised to actually see remorse in the boy's eyes. "This was Zelda's suggestion," he said in a low voice. "I ask that you speak of it only with her."

Harry couldn't imagine what could be in it, but the simple fact that it was a gift, freely given by Severus Snape, stunned him. He stared curiously at Snape as though he had never seen the wizard before, and then nodded.

"Dumbledore's Pensieve is still in the Headmistress's office," Severus suggested. "Now, run back to your party." He nodded curtly to Harry and turned away, striding back to where Zelda waited.

Harry put his gifts into his pocket, mounted his broom and rode back to his party, filled with conflicting emotions.

Severus put his arms around Zelda and buried his large nose in her soft curls. "My girl, I have missed you," he muttered.

"Come sit down," she said softly. "I want to look at you." The lines on his face were deep and harsh, and the exhaustion in his eyes was evident. "You should eat something," she said.

"There is too little time, and I need you more than food. Aberforth feeds me when I am able to be at the Hog's Head." He smiled as she settled into his lap and began kissing him, and chuckled when Rowena pushed her nose under his free hand, demanding attention.

"We've both missed you," said Zelda, as she tenderly pushed the black curtain of hair back from his face.

They held each other in silence for a moment, but a sound from the trail made them turn around. Kingsley stepped into the clearing, Levitating a tray with food on it.

"Hello, Severus," he said with a genial smile. "I eavesdropped on young Neville, when he spoke to Harry. You'll still do anything to avoid socializing, won't you? But Harry and I thought you could use a bite to eat."

Zelda tried to stand up, but Severus held her firmly in his lap. She subsided, putting her arms around his waist, and let her head drop onto his shoulder.

"I have nothing to report," Severus said calmly. "And I must go back almost immediately." He picked up the bottle from the floating tray and tasted it. "Ah, butterbeer," he said. "Firewhiskey would be preferable, but one cannot have everything."

"That bad?" asked Kingsley sympathetically.

"Yes," replied Severus. "However, nothing unpredicted has occurred yet."

"Excellent. By the way, what did you say to Harry?" asked the Auror. "He seemed... thoughtful."

"I merely gave him a birthday present," replied Snape mildly, his eyes glinting coldly.

Kingsley choked slightly, trying valiantly not to laugh as he pictured Severus Snape giving presents to the boy who lived.

Run along now, Kingsley," Zelda ordered, moving off Severus's knees so he could eat. "Don't tell anyone he's here. I'll be back shortly."

Severus ate ravenously after the Auror had left them. Zelda's presence was deeply soothing to him as he devoured every crumb of food on the plate.

"You found time to do it. I'm so glad," she said.

"There were hours enough, sitting in the Hogs Head, to think of many things." He let his eyes roam down from her face to her breasts, running a long, thin finger across them. "I tried not to think of /you/, for instance, but when I am alone, I am merely... a lonely man." He reached for her, drawing her down into his lap. He then unzipped the back of her dress and pushed it down to her waist. Her bra followed, and she was mesmerized by the action of those thin, capable hands.

"What are you doing?" she gasped. "There's no time."

His hands roamed over her bare skin, cupping her breasts. He saluted each one with kisses and sucked briefly on first one nipple, then the other. "I know it," he whispered. "Oh, Merlin, how lovely you are, my girl." He lightly kissed her magical love mark before returning to kiss her mouth again.

Her body burned with desire. "You lunatic, how can I go back to Harry's party like this?" she asked, pressing against his eager hands.

"I can manage ten minutes, if you can," he offered. His black eyes glittered as he spoke.

"Eleven," she replied breathlessly, flinging her bare arms around his neck.

He Apparated straight to their bedroom and then Vanished their clothing. They fell to the bed in a frenzy of desire and made love desperately. Their hands reclaimed each other's body, caressing, squeezing and possessing. Each sensation was as exquisite as a mouthful of water to a man dying of thirst.

Then they had only a few short minutes to recover, locked in each other's arms, before Severus brought back their clothes. He returned them to the forest pool and there they inspected each other, making sure there was no evidence.

"I wonder if even Rowena knows we were gone," Zelda said, smiling and crying at the same time. "Take care of yourself, beloved wizard." He kissed her, and then he was gone.

She walked slowly back to the party, which was growing rowdier than ever. Everyone was sitting down at the huge table to eat, and Michael motioned her to a chair between himself and Harry. Conversations were going fast and furious all around them, and Michael whispered into her ear, "Who's been making out in the forest?"

She smiled weakly and whispered, "Behave!"

Under cover of the noise around them, Harry leaned close and said, "When can we talk about /this/?" He touched his pocket.

"After the party," she replied. "Your friends are a wild bunch, aren't they?"

"Yeah," he replied, smiling hugely. "Zelda, thanks, this is an incredible birthday."

"Did you really bring your stuff here?" she asked.

He nodded, but Fred and George, who promised the fireworks display of the decade when evening came, claimed his attention then.

Zelda turned to Michael. "We get to see wizard fireworks," she said, grinning. "I can't wait!"

"Is he okay?" Michael asked softly.

Her eyes clouded with concern. "He is, but he looks exhausted, and it's only been a few days. Michael, I think I'd go crazy if I couldn't talk to you about this."

He put his hand out and squeezed hers firmly, before they turned their attention back to the party.

The rest of the day was a blur to Zelda. The huge cake, the hilarious antics of the twins, the fireworks, all were wonderful. But remembering the stolen moments with Severus was what got her through the day. She made a special effort to seek Neville Longbottom out, however, remembering how upset he'd been at the sight of Severus, but how he'd moved to protect her.

"Neville," she said gently, having found him alone. "Thanks for earlier today. You didn't know who that cloaked wizard was, and you protected me. You're definitely a Gryffindor."

He blushed. "Thanks. But he could've taken me out ten times over, without thinking about it."

"And you stood up for me, anyway. Thank you." Slowly she said, "I gather you and Professor Snape have a history together?" Her blue eyes were gentle as she studied him.

"H-He's always hated me," Neville confessed miserably. "I bet I was the worst Potions student in the history of Hogwarts. He used to say..." he couldn't finish, but looked sadly up at her.

"Ouch," she said with a frown. "I know him, so maybe I can imagine. But now that you're growing up, can you understand that sometimes adults do things wrong? Please don't let what happened in Potions make you think less of yourself. You're a great guy, Neville."

A shadow fell over them. "You are a great guy, and a great friend. You've stood by me when almost no one else did," Harry said firmly, having heard the last part of this conversation as he approached them. "Hey, isn't this an amazing party? Mrs. Weasley threatened Fred and George with torture and death if they tried anything dodgy. It's the first time I've eaten with them in years, without worrying about Canary Creams and Puking Pastilles."

Neville laughed reminiscently. "Yeah. The fireworks were the best since fifth year, weren't they?"

"Come on, Neville, I want to show you how to play Muggle video games. You'll love it," said Harry encouragingly.

It was late when the guests finally began to leave. At last only Harry, Ron and Hermione were left with Zelda and Michael.

"Happy birthday again," Zelda said. "You're of age, whatever that means in your world, Harry. How does it feel?"

They had finished the last of the cleaning up; brought Harry's small mountain of presents into his room and were preparing to go to bed.

"Same as before," said Harry, shrugging rather dismally. "I feel like I can't have a life, until I've finished with Voldemort. Today was incredible though." He caught her eye and said, "Can I talk to you alone?"

They went outside, taking Rowena along.

"What is it?" asked Zelda, knowing perfectly well.

"Professor Snape gave me a memory, and told me I can only talk about it with you. Will you come to Hogwarts tomorrow and see it with me?"

She was taken aback. "I don't know that he meant for me to see it," she said, frowning slightly. "I don't know what it is. He chose it."

"It's just..." he hesitated. "I went into the Pensieve on purpose one time, into a memory he put there so I wouldn't see it. I saw my dad and his friends, and it was horrible. He and my dad hated each other... I don't want to go alone and see something else like that."

Zelda knew that Severus had good reason for hating James Potter and his friends, but Harry didn't need to know her opinion. "I don't know exactly what it is, but I'm sure it's not bad. Do you think he'd do that to you?"

He shamefacedly muttered, "No, I guess not. But please come with me."

"Okay," she said. He was still so young, and so alone and she knew she'd have a hard time saying no to him. She hoped Severus wouldn't mind.

"And, Zelda? Thanks for being so nice to Neville. When he heard that you and Professor Snape are... you know, he was scared that you'd be mean to him."

"I actually do know Severus isn't perfect, Harry," said Zelda softly. "But he's much more than the man you thought he was."

"Professor Dumbledore always trusted him. He used to tell me to call him Professor Snape. I guess he was right," said Harry.

"I get the idea that Albus Dumbledore was almost always right," Zelda said lightly. "Hey, as an official old person, I need some rest if I'm going with you to Hogwarts. Sleep well, Harry." She kissed his cheek lightly, called the dog and went inside.

She had much to think on as she fell back onto her pillows, but her last, worrying memory was the way Severus had looked that afternoon.

The next morning, Zelda woke early and brought Rowena outside. She was shocked when Harry banged out the door, showered and dressed. "You're up already? Do you want to go now?"

"I talked to Phineas Nigellus last night, and Professor McGonagall said we should go as early as we can. I made toaster bagels; they're ready in the kitchen. Coffee too," he said persuasively.

After a quick breakfast, during which Michael arrived on the scene, Zelda went and changed into witch's robes. She kissed Michael, who promised to hold down the fort, hugged Rowena, and then they were off, using the Portkey direct to Minerva's office.

They arrived suddenly, making Zelda stagger into Harry before she could adjust to being so suddenly at Hogwarts. "Sorry," she muttered, straightening her robes.

"Hello Zelda, you're looking very well," Minerva said, rising from her desk chair. "What a fine party, yesterday."

"Hey, Minerva, I barely had a chance to see you yesterday," she replied. "Did Hagrid have a good time?"

"I should say so," replied the witch acerbically. "He's undoubtedly still sleeping it off."

"Can we use the Pensieve now?" asked Harry eagerly.

"Of course," she replied. She opened the door of a black cabinet, revealing a large, shallow stone basin. She stepped back and said, "I shall be at a meeting in the staff room for the next two hours, should you need me."

Both women watched as Harry took out the small pouch. He held the small globe thoughtfully for a moment, then drew a thin, glowing circle on it and muttered, "Diffindo."

When a hole opened, he put his the tip of his wand inside and touched the swirling white contents, making a slender thread of white, which he directed into the Pensieve. It swirled like fog in the stone basin, beneath a silvery, flat surface.

"Are you ready?" he asked. His young face was serious as he looked at Zelda.

"What should I do?" she asked in a sternly controlled voice.

He smiled encouragingly. "Take my hand and we'll touch the memory at the same moment. It's okay, Zelda. On the count of three."

On three, Zelda felt herself falling forward and her vertigo kicked in. She whimpered and her hold on Harry's hand became a death grip. Then they were standing in the Potions classroom as students filed in. She didn't let go of Harry's hand immediately, however. "Can they see us?" she whispered.

"No," he said absently, looking curiously around. Suddenly he inhaled sharply and pulled his hand away. A girl and boy were walking into the room together, talking casually.

Zelda would have picked out teenage Severus anywhere, his hair was longer and oily looking, and he was very pale, with a slight case of acne. He looked painfully young and vulnerable to her. The pretty girl he was speaking to had long, red hair and her green eyes looked exactly like Harry's. They sat down next to each other, in a class of only nine people, and out of nowhere, a younger Horace Slughorn appeared before them.

"Welcome to your final year of N.E.W.T. Potions," he proclaimed grandly. "You are the cream of your year, and I look forward to guiding your achievements as you prepare for your glorious future."

Zelda watched the teenage Severus roll his eyes in disgust. Even as a teenager he had a tense, wary look to him, but he seemed quite relaxed, sitting next to Lily Evans.

She went to Harry. "Is anyone else you know in this class?" she asked cautiously.

He shook his head, but couldn't take his eyes off the girl who would be his mother. She was his current age in this memory. He wondered if they would've liked each other.

"Today, we shall begin brewing Veritaserum," Professor Slughorn announced. "It will take a full moon cycle for us to complete it. I hope that over the summer you all completed your reading assignment. You shall work in pairs."

Inevitably, Severus was paired with Lily Evans. As they took their position at their cauldron, he muttered, "I hope we'll make the antidote too."

"Pretty dangerous if we don't," replied Lily ironically. "All kinds of embarrassing truths might be revealed in a moon cycle from now." Her lips twitched in a secretive smile, as though she was pondering practical uses for Veritaserum.

Severus stared curiously, perhaps startled at her words. Then he headed for the cupboard to collect the ingredients.

As the class progressed, it was clear that Lily and Severus were the cream of the cream. Professor Slughorn hovered over them, trumpeting their excellence to the rest of the class. Most annoying to Zelda, he gave most of the credit to Lily.

"I don't know how you can stand that rubbish," Severus whispered to her irritably. "So what if he's in love with you, Evans? We all know it, so I wish he'd just shut it and go away. Does he have to hover, like that?"

"Ugh! I didn't need that picture in my mind," she said, grimacing. "It's not my fault he's such a creep." She shook her glorious hair back defiantly and returned to the potion instructions.

Severus was transfixed by the gesture, and for an instant Zelda saw hopeless longing in his young eyes. His hand rose slightly, as though to touch her hair, but then his control reasserted itself and he got back to business, his face serious again.

Zelda turned to look at Harry. His eyes had been fixed on his mother's glowing young face since they arrived in the memory, and his eyes were filled with emotions. "Harry, you okay?" she said, putting a hand on his arm.

"She never felt real before this," he whispered. "She's amazing, isn't she?"

Zelda smiled and nodded, but said nothing. Severus had indeed given Harry a generous gift.

Harry turned his attention back to his Lily's face, and they both watched in silence until the class was about to end.

Lily finished cleaning up their work space and turned to Severus. "Shall we meet Tuesday evening in the library, as usual?" she asked casually.

Severus scowled. "For Merlin's sake, Evans. Do you think Potter will actually allow you to study with /the enemy/?" he asked sourly.

Lily looked hurt. "Just because I said I'd go out with him, it doesn't mean he owns me," she snapped. "And what's this 'Evans' business, Severus? That's cold, coming from you."

A gleam of hope flashed in the black eyes, quickly gone. "I... well..." His voice trailed away awkwardly as they gathered their books.

"Hey, we need each other to get through this class," she coaxed softly, putting her hand on his arm. "We're the best potion-making team in the history of Hogwarts, Severus. Nothing should break that up. Tuesday, okay?" She smiled hopefully at him.

He gave her a faint, reluctant smile. "Okay, /Lily/. After dinner on Tuesday, then."

The pair headed for the door. Harry grasped Zelda's hand suddenly, and with a sickening lurch, suddenly they were thrust back into the Headmistress's office.

They were alone, and they stared confusedly at each other.

"Is that what it's always like? I'm disoriented," said Zelda. She swayed and grabbed the door of the cabinet for support.

"Yeah," replied Harry. There were tears in the green eyes. "I want to be alone for a few minutes, if it's okay."

Zelda nodded. She walked carefully across the office to the wall full of portraits. Dumbledore was awake and watching her. "Professor, in your life, did you ever read Muggle literature?"

"Something in particular, Mrs. Larsson?" he replied, looking deeply intrigued.

"/Lord of the Flies/," she replied abruptly.

A pained expression appeared on the portrait wizard's face. "Yes," he replied softly. "I did indeed read that book."

She nodded, and slowly said, "I met Neville Longbottom yesterday, and Luna Lovegood."

"Ah... I see," he said. "Our societies are very different, you know."

"Maybe, but human nature's the same everywhere you go, isn't it? Wasted human potential is a waste in both worlds and compassion is still compassion," she said passionately, fumbling for words. "Kids need latitude, so they can try things and learn from their mistakes, but over the years some horrible things have happened among your students. Things that damaged some vulnerable young people."

Dumbledore nodded. "You're really thinking of Severus," he said gently.

"Among others." Her eyes were troubled. "So many variables. If one bad thing hadn't happened then, would the result be better in our time? Or worse? It makes me furious and sick, Professor, the way they treated him. But my world's no better. I can't claim any greater virtue for Muggles."

"Will you feel better or worse, if I say that in one hundred fifty years of living I found no better answers?" he asked lightly. "We can try different things. It may help one thing, but harm another. The greatest power for good, I believe, greater than any other magic, is always love."

She sighed. "That's too ridiculously easy to say, but it's very deep, and I hope you're right. I found visiting Severus's memory very painful, but it's worth it if it helped Harry."

Dumbledore's eyes glanced over her shoulder and she turned to look at Harry. His eyes were red, and he had obviously wept, but he was calm and obviously had been listening to at least part of their conversation.

"What do you think, Harry?" asked Zelda. "Are you glad you saw it?"

"Yeah," he said fervently. "I'll never be able to remember her for myself, but it's as if I know her now, a little." He paused, and said quietly, "She liked him, didn't she... Professor Snape, I mean. They were friends."

"They were indeed," Dumbledore said gently. "Harry, many things happened among the students of that year, which it would only burden you to know. But I can say that whatever your father and his friends felt, your mother always wished Severus well."

"He's helped me a lot," said Harry, glancing guiltily down at the floor.

Dumbledore nodded, but said no more.

"We should go back now, or at least I should," said Zelda, rallying her spirits. "I'll take the Portkey if you want to stay longer."

"Okay. Tell Ron and Hermione I'll be back pretty soon," he said. "And thanks for coming with me."

She grinned. "Anything for you, Harry." She squared her shoulders, waved a cheery goodbye to Dumbledore's portrait, put a finger on the Portkey and disappeared.
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