Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

One More Week

by Emilie_D 1 review

Time marches on.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-11-19 - Updated: 2006-11-19 - 3984 words - Complete

Severus Snape arrived at the cabin early on a warm August morning. Michael, sitting with his sniper rifle in pieces on the kitchen table, turned quickly around at his entrance.

"Severus!" he said, rising hastily. "We didn't expect you..." The man looks terrible, he thought, shocked. The normally pale face was drawn and he swayed slightly on his feet as he came in.

"Where is Zelda?" the wizard asked. He listened for sounds of her, but heard nothing, not even Rowena. His heart began racing. "/Is she all right/?"

"She's not here. She needed to meet with her principal about the new school year, and she brought Rowena along for a vet appointment." Michael knew it was disappointing news, although the wizard's face remained impassive. "She'll be back tonight."

Severus scowled. How could she not be here? He wanted her! He took a deep breath and counted to ten. It was not Michael's fault, and furthermore, he must not let weakness overcome him. There was work to be done.

"Very well," he said coolly. "I do not dare to enter Hogwarts again. There are too many witnesses about, and the Dark Lord has his spies about the place. But I must consult Minerva. Must we wait hours for Phineas?"

"I think he'll be here soon," replied Michael calmly. "He stops in every few hours now, instead of twice a day." He turned and began assembling a quick meal for Severus. "Here, Zelda made this pasta salad yesterday. You look starved, man."

He sliced bread quickly, and added a bit everything that looked good from the refrigerator. Then he put the heaping plate of food in front of the wizard, and a tall glass of iced tea. He waited patiently until Severus had finished, sitting back in his chair with a sigh.

"Thank you," he said wearily. "If I had wanted Zelda to be here, I should have given her some notice, I suppose."

Michael frowned at this evidence of weakness. "Are you okay?"

"It seems not, since I am actually whinging in this pathetic manner. But I'll tell you my news when Minerva arrives."

"Severus, this is the first time she's left. I've wanted her to get away, but after missing you today, she won't leave again."

"Snape! The Headmistress wishes to speak with you," said Phineas imperiously. "Wait here. I shall tell her at once that you are here." The portrait wizard disappeared.

The men looked at each other curiously. Phineas had sounded unusually tense.

"I didn't know he was there," said Michael. "I've never seen him move that fast.

There was a hasty knock on the door, followed by Minerva and Molly.

"Severus! We've been worried about you," said the Headmistress. "What have you to tell us?"

"Today is the fourth of August. The Polyjuice Potion will be ready one week from today, so the attack will likely happen within twenty four hours after." He stared penetratingly into her eyes, challenging her readiness.

"Very well," she said coolly. "We shall be prepared."

"The Dark Lord claims to have over two hundred Inferi, most of which shall be sent to overthrow the Ministry. I hope they will be prepared there."

Molly said reassuringly, "Kingsley's helping there. He plans to be with us to defend Hogwarts, but he'll make sure Scrimgeour has prepared the Ministry in advance."

"Are you prepared to face Inferi at Hogwarts?" he asked. "Fire will repel them, but will infuriate any giants who are present."

Minerva smiled slightly. "There is news about the giants. We have taken thirty-two of them away. Eleven of them were to have helped take Hogwarts, and we believe that more wish to disappear before the battle."

"That is very good news," replied Severus. "Those giants who remain in their homes had best beware when the Dark Lord realizes how many have disappeared."

"What have you to tell us of the other side," asked Minerva. She had watched Severus closely, and saw strain in his very movements.

"The Dark Lord has effectively divided us, and we have planned and met separately until last night." He paused, trying to collect himself. "He wished to demonstrate his power over his minions, so he summoned an Inferius before the assembled Death Eaters. Bellatrix was ordered to go and bring back a Muggle, so she Apparated to London. She kidnapped an old street woman, and the Inferius was made to attack." He fell silent.

"Severus," Michael said softly, touching the wizard's shoulder briefly.

"They all cheered, as though watching a Quidditch match," he muttered quietly, his black eyes glittering strangely. "By the end, the poor woman was torn to pieces, and I... could do nothing but watch."

His listeners stared in horror. Severus felt defiled and guilty, although he knew that protecting his ability to spy was what he must do. However, the reality of it was worse than one could imagine.

"Have you consulted with Filius Flitwick?" he asked Minerva. "Inferi can be destroyed by fire, but the body must be completely incinerated. Attempting to injure an Inferius is useless, so ask him to find as many ways to burn them as quickly as he can." Besides attacking all of you, the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord will be countering your attempts to destroy the Inferi."

"Where will the giants go, while the rest of this is happening?" asked Molly, proud that her voice did not quiver.

"Inside the castle, destroying as many inhabitants as possible," replied Severus harshly. "He has not said so, but I believe there is a spy that the Dark Lord plans to have open the gates and the doors to the castle." He paused again, rubbing his forehead as though in some pain.

"Severus," Minerva said firmly. "Will we see you again before it happens?"

"It is best not to," he said. "Coming here was probably ill advised, but after last night..."

"I understand," she said. Obviously he was forced to go ever deeper into the world of Voldemort's madness, and it was taking a profound toll. "Will you stay long enough to rest? We should finish talking, but you need a little time."

"I cannot stay until tonight," he said, so weary that he gave away his deepest wish without thinking. "Perhaps if I could sleep for a short time..."

"Go," she said sternly. "You must take care of yourself. Your burden is formidable."

Severus forced himself to stand and went straight to the bedroom. Zelda's scent lingered in the air, and he relaxed a little. But it grieved him that if this were his last time here, he could not be with her. He filled the bath and flung off his clothes. He had always kept up the appearance of the greasy git for the Dark Lord's amusement, and he now felt so foul after watching that old woman's grisly death that he doubted he would ever be clean. He bathed thoroughly and dried himself magically. He then flung himself on the bed and buried his face in Zelda's pillow, falling into a nightmare.

A scrawny old woman, garbed in layers of ragged clothing, fought desperately to escape the gray, rotting hands of an animated corpse. When Bellatrix brought her to the graveyard behind Riddle House, her eyes were wide with shock. The jeers of the masked Death Eaters confused her, but at the sight of an Inferius walking toward her, she screamed and ran.

Voldemort pointed his wand at her and she flew back to the feet of the corpse. It took five minutes for her to die, but Severus felt he had aged twenty years, seeing the terror in her eyes. He had listened impassively as her screams died to whimpers, and finally to silence. Her eyes had been blue. He woke, sweating and shaking, and hoped he had not cried out in his dream.

The door opened slowly. "Who is it?" he asked sharply.

"It's me," said Zelda softly. She shut the door and ran to him. Her cheeks were wet as she buried her face against his neck. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left," she moaned.

"Zelda?" he said stupidly, still gripped by his nightmare. "Sweetheart, do not cry." He sat up and looked at her. An anxious frown and drenched blue eyes met his gaze.

"Molly and Michael found me. I came as soon as I knew. I'm so, so sorry I wasn't here for you," she babbled. She drew a deep breath and strove for calmness. "Okay, I'm better," she continued slowly. "Tell me what I can do for you."

Incredibly, he felt a ghost of a smile touch his lips. "You are all I want. Kiss me, my girl." He Vanished her clothes, wrapped the comforter around them both, and pulled her down into his arms.

"They told me what happened," she said between kisses, caressing his cheek. "Will you be all right? It's not your fault, there's nothing you could have done to stop it."

"I know it," he said harshly. "Logically. But I can never forget her." Zelda's touch was gradually bringing him back to sanity. Knowing she believed in him, he could put his guilt temporarily aside and focus on what lay ahead for all of them.

Zelda knew he would have no escape from his guilt. Her heart was wrung by understanding his increasing burden. "I love you, Severus," she whispered. "Always, my dear boy." She began kissing him again, running her hands possessively over his body. Always thin, he was rapidly becoming skin and bone, she realized. She nuzzled her face against the hair on his chest, desperate to comfort him, and proceeded to kiss him, working her way down his body.

He stayed still as long as he could, while her hands and mouth stimulated a raging erection. Somehow she had managed to drive away everything but their love, he realized with gratitude. He said softly, "Come here, pet." He flipped her onto her back and pressed her hands down over her head.

Her moist eyes began sparkling with delight. "Oh, I've missed your ridiculous wish to dominate me, Professor Snape."

His hungry eyes swept over her body, still and always startled at her existence in his life. She was so warm and real, absolutely perfect for him. He smiled faintly down at her and rubbed himself lightly against her soft belly. "My sweet, submissive little love," he said teasingly.

She squirmed enthusiastically and said, "Severus, please?"

"Ah, I enjoy it when you plead," he murmured smugly. He lowered his mouth to her nipple and bit firmly, then caressed it with his tongue. Her body bucked under him and she moaned, which thrilled him. His ability to pleasure her filled him with joy.

"Severus," she said softly, "Let me hold you."

Their eyes met. The love he saw there caused him to release her hands and cease playing with her. This was real and deep; she offered him a chance to anchor himself briefly to sanity and goodness. Groaning, he joined with her as she wrapped her arms around him and for a brief time the connection between them became their entire world. His sleep then was deep and restful.

Two hours later, they were dressed and prepared to face more of reality. They walked out of the bedroom still holding hands, and found Rowena waiting for them. She jumped to attention before Severus, whimpering, with her tail wagging briskly.

"You keep saying she's mine," said Zelda ironically.

Severus knelt and examined the animal. Her eyes were fixed on his face and she managed to lick his chin before he blocked her. He ran her hands over her, feeling firm muscle and healthy fur. "Good dog," he murmured. He stood up and surveyed the room. Minerva, Molly and Michael were still there, and Kingsley Shacklebolt had joined them.

"You look... rested," Michael said mockingly. "Come and eat something, man."

Over a hearty lunch, they discussed the problem of Polyjuice Potion.

"I do not worry about Amycus and Alecto fooling anyone, even under Polyjuice," said Severus. "They are incapable of carrying out a successful deception when sober, and most likely they will be half-drunk. Pettigrew is, regrettably, not as stupid. So which of you shall they become? What is simplest for you to deal with?"

Kingsley frowned thoughtfully. "Not Minerva. Why don't you use Pomfrey, Trelawney and Pince? Men will have a hard time being convincing as witches, and Alecto won't be convincing in any guise."

"Have Pettigrew become Sibyll," suggested Minerva, a wicked glint in her eye. "She was not teaching when he was a student, so he will not be familiar with her, er... mannerisms."

A sardonic smirk touched Severus's lips. "We shall test the power of the rodent's Inner Eye." He became serious then. "You must find a reason to send each of them to Hogsmeade, so that I can obtain the necessary sample to complete the potion."

"It shall be done," Minerva promised. "Will you be transformed as well?"

"I shall avoid it, if possible. I believe the Dark Lord is too full of pride to take on another identity, so it will only be those three, at Hogwarts." He looked at Kingsley. "Bellatrix and her crew plan to use the Polyjuice as well, but they have not told me who they will become."

"Worry about Hogwarts," said Kinsley in a soothing voice. "I assume that the snake, Nagini, will be at Hogwarts?"

"Nothing has been said. I wonder though... since he can possess her, if she will be at the Ministry so he can be in two places at once."

"Come sit outside," suggested Zelda.

They sat in the shade, in a small clustered circle of chairs.

Severus enlarged one and Zelda sat next to him. He pressed his leg against hers, since the comfort of touching her touch helped keep his demons at bay. Rowena lay down at their feet.

"Aberforth has agreed to speak with me," Minerva said. "If you can get word to him somehow, he can contact me, day or night."

Severus nodded. The sorrow of leaving this place was beginning to weigh heavily on him. He wondered if more demonstrations were in store for him, and if, perhaps, the Dark Lord was watching him, testing for signs of weakness. "Good. I dare not approach Hogwarts any longer, but I can get to Aberforth at times."

Zelda laid her hand over his, as though sensing his weariness. "Minerva, have you learned who your spy at Hogwarts might be?"

"Horace Slughorn concerns me, although he keeps to himself and I have seen nothing I can put my finger upon," she said. "And I wonder, I worry about Miss Tonks. In most respects she behaves completely normally and is admirably preparing to take over the DADA classes."

"When I go back to Hogwarts today, I plan to talk to her," said Kingsley. "I was one of her mentors through Auror training, and I'll know if something's amiss."

"She may be Imperiused to do one specific task," Severus warned. "If the Dark Lord has placed a Memory Charm on her, you may break her mind in attempting to discover it."

"We'll see," said Kingsley. "I'm more concerned about Slughorn. He's always been a wily one, and... well, I'll watch him closely."

"What of Lupin? Is he aware of what we are planning?" asked Severus in a neutral tone. "I dislike the thought of him attacking me in the name of defending Hogwarts. Fortunately, the full moon is tomorrow, so if werewolves appear anywhere in a week from now, they'll be in human form."

"We saw what happened to my son while Greyback was in human form," said Molly bitterly. "I hope he's the only one that's so deranged, but I worry."

"Remus and Miss Tonks shall be prevented from attacking you," said Minerva. "Mad-Eye too. He suspects something's up, having seen Michael and Zelda. In the next few days I shall have him speak with Albus's portrait."

"I'd like to be a fly on the wall during that conversation," quipped Zelda. "Make sure Dumbledore tells the guy to obey your orders, rather than running back to your wall for instructions."

"Thank you, I'll do that," replied Minerva ironically. "I must go back now. Severus will you walk with me for a moment before I go?"

He rose at once and followed her a short distance into the trees. The others watched them go, but heard nothing of their conversation.

"Molly, Kingsley, It's going to be horrible, isn't it? Is there... I mean, somehow will Severus be okay?" asked Zelda in a low, pleading voice.

They looked at each other, sadly, remembering the people who hadn't survived the first war. Tears came to Molly's eyes as she thought, first of her brothers, and then of the old woman who had died horribly the night before.

"Zelda," Kingsley said soothingly. "I can't spin you a fairy story. It's a treacherous position he's in, but he's one of the cleverest, most powerful wizards I've ever known. Only Albus Dumbledore impressed me more, and he had over a century of experience on Severus. Have faith in him, woman."

"If he does survive this, will the Ministry still be after him for Dumbledore's death?" she persisted.

"I'll do what I can to help him," he said, offering that patented Shacklebolt smile, which simply drew an irritable snort from her. He chuckled. "Sorry, Zelda. I'm perfectly serious though. Somehow we'll get him cleared. Hell, we'll try to get him the Order of Merlin, First Class, if you like. He deserves much more than that for everything he's doing."

She rolled her eyes. "Stay alive yourself then," she said lightly. The thought that so many people that she had come to know and care about might die in a week was more than she could stand to think of.

"Always a priority," he replied cheerfully. "But you'll see us again in the coming days, luv. Don't fret."

His breezy tone was meant to reassure, and incredibly, her heart was lightened by his confidence. The sight of Severus returning even made her smile.

"Zel, give me a minute with him," Michael said, going out to meet him.

"Michael," said Severus. "I am glad... I wanted to speak with you alone."


"Do not let Zelda get near this fight, under any circumstance," Severus said painfully. "And please, consider well before you venture into it."

Only the brief panic Michael saw in the black eyes revealed how much Severus feared for them. "How did you know?" he asked cautiously.

"The sniper rifle this morning," said Severus. "Michael, I watched a Muggle woman torn slowly to pieces last night. I could not live with myself if that happened to /her/, or to you."

"She's not stupid, you know," said Michael. "Neither am I. I've seen war, and if I should be there, I'll accept the consequences." His eyes met Severus's and he sighed. "Zelda hasn't experienced war, and even though she's a grown woman, I'll do anything I can to keep her out of it."

"Thank you. I must leave soon, and it is unlikely that we will meet again unless... until this is over." He met Michael's gaze squarely. "I must thank you for all that you have done to help us. I feel privileged to know you, Michael." He held his hand out.

Michael took his hand and squeezed it firmly, brushing a suspicious wetness from his eye with his other hand. Then chuckling, he planted a kiss on the startled wizard's cheek, hugged him warmly and said, "Buck up, Severus. I'll be best man at your wedding to Zelda yet!"

Severus was stunned. He had frozen briefly in shock, his eyes narrowed, but he realized that Michael's outrageous gesture was probably the most spontaneous gesture of affection he had ever received. He rallied, saying, "You are quite mad, you know. What if Zelda requires a flower girl? I cannot deprive her of your services."

They strolled back, understanding each other better than Severus cared to admit.

"Spend as much time as you can with Zelda. I'll distract the others," Michael said generously.

"I see Molly has gone, already. But by all means, exert yourself to entertain Shacklebolt," Severus muttered snidely. "Spare no effort. Why not question him about his personal life, in disgusting, intimate detail?"

"Already been tried, and he's a cagey one," Michael replied. "But I have no doubt that he'll fall victim to my fatal charm any day now."

Severus chuckled as they drew close to the others. "Ambition is an admirable quality. Carry on, Michael."

"Hey Kingsley, Snape wants to hang out with his /girlfriend/. Wanna come out and play with my toys with me?" Michael shouted mockingly.

Zelda burst out laughing at this. So did Kingsley. "Can I use the sniper rifle?" he asked. "If I can't, I'll take my wand and go home!" He bounced lightly to his feet and went to join Michael.

Severus held out his hand to Zelda and pulled her to her feet. Arms around each other, they walked slowly back to the cabin. Rowena trotted along beside them.

"Zelda, in the next days, if I can briefly escape, I shall come to you again. I must concentrate now, and cannot abide crowds," he said somberly. "You, however, help me to be sane."

She turned and leaned comfortingly against him. "I won't leave here again."

"Darling girl," he murmured, kissing her soft curls, "Come inside."

"Don't you have to leave?" she asked.

"Yes, soon," he said. "I need to hold you again first." He settled on the couch and held his arms out to her. Zelda saw that he was still exhausted, so she pulled some pillows to the end of the couch and said, "A short nap."

His infernal conscience said it was wrong, but he knew he needed rest, and here, he was blessedly safe. He relaxed onto the pillows and pulled her snug against his chest. He was almost instantly asleep.

Michael and Kingsley found them there an hour later. They stood, side by side for a moment, watching Severus snore into Zelda's hair, and then went silently to sit at the kitchen table.

"Cute, aren't they?" Michael said with a smirk.

Kingsley stared at him. "I've never heard anyone call Severus Snape 'cute,' Michael," he said. "And that sight's as incredible to me as a hippogriff cuddling with a kitten."

"I've never seen what Zelda calls the 'Complete Snape Persona,' you know," Michael mused. "I asked her once, but she just laughed and said he's adorable."

"Merlin," replied Kingsley, shaking his head and chuckling. "Snape's a lucky bloke."

"If he makes it through alive, will your Ministry still put him in prison?" asked Michael.

"Morally it's a vile thought, but with politics, who knows?" replied Kingsley. "It depends on how it all turns out, doesn't it?"

"I want to see them live happily ever after," Michael said. "I'm too old to believe in that bullshit, and it didn't happen for me. But I want it for Zelda and Severus."

Kingsley's dark eyes seemed to focus somewhere far away. "Is there an age limit on hope, Michael?"

"An experience limit, maybe. Hope usually leads to disappointment, doesn't it?" Michael said gloomily. "I know you have to leave now, but I'll be here most of the time, from now on. If I can help."

Kingsley stood up, Michael followed suit and they went outside.

"We'll be coming back and forth for the next week," said Kingsley. "Molly's planning to stow that wild teenager of hers with Zelda when the attack is imminent. She's a strong-willed thing. Don't let her pull anything on Zelda, when you're here."

They shook hands warmly, Kingsley left and Michael went back inside and began to work on his sniper rifle again. Just in case...
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