Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Fate and Destiny

The Set-Up

by Dessmonda 6 reviews

We visit Jay, Atlanta and everybody else and findout that something...unique is going to happen.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-11-18 - Updated: 2006-11-18 - 1856 words

Authors Notes: Wow! I didn't take a month to post this. So here you all go another chapter, and we finally find out who's disappointed in Jay. Cookies to everyone who guessed correctly! holds out cookies

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters you recognize, I do however own Atlanta's family...

The Set Up

Jay struggled against the ropes that had him bound. There had to be some way to escape! He felt humiliated, of course Jay knew that it was the prefect time for an attack but he had been so lost in thought...Jay had no idea how long he had been tided up in this dungeon like place. His best guess was a day-two at tops. He had a lot of time to think things over and sometimes that wasn't the best thing. So far he had wondered about many things but mostly were his team out looking for him? Did they even care...did Theresa care? And why had Atlanta left? Her sudden departure wasn't like her.

Jay's thoughts were interrupted once more as he heard footsteps. He looked up in time to see the god of time enter with two of his giants, one on either side of him. "Like I said before Jay," the go of time began in a commanding tone, "I'm very disappointed in you. Letting your little friend run off like that!" he smiled evilly, "What were you thinking? Giving me the upper hand, I appreciate it very much."

Jay tried to yell out at Cronus, but he couldn't, Cronus had tied him up and sealed his mouth shut. So Jay was forced to endure these taunting sessions and was powerless to do anything. Cronus had taken his beloved sword and his PMR, forcing Jay to sit there all tied up and hopeless as Cronus taunted on and on.

This wasn't how it was suppose to happen. Atlanta wasn't suppose to leave, and he wasn't suppose to be tied up. He was suppose to be back at the brownstone with all of his friends trying to think of a plan to capture Cronus and Cronus was not suppose to capture him! Tonight was, about Sunday Jay guessed and he was suppose to be back at the brownstone with his Theresa!

Jay blinked suddenly, had he really just thought all of that? What was he thinking, he used the word suppose way too many times. Replaying his thoughts in his head, Jay realized the other thing he had said. He had called Theresa, HIS Theresa. Was that really what happened when you seemed to lose all hope? You thought of the thing that mattered most to that how Archie had defeated the seeper? Jay blinked slowly and moved his head to look around the so called room. Nothing, just him, a door and almost no light. The room was really dark, Jay squinted trying to make out more detail. He just hoped that the others would find him soon...

"What do you mean we can't go find Jay?!" Theresa screamed at Hera. Who, with all things considered, appeared fairly clam.

"I know you want to go find Jay, and believe me Theresa I find the possibility that Cronus might have him unsettling. But you have to be patient, for only five of you to attack without knowing what condition Jay is in would be suicide." Hera explained gently.

She was greeted with five unhappy faces. Each of the five felt powerless to do anything, what could they do? It seemed that Cronus had found his window of opportunity. All Odie knew was there was still one thing they could do, but it would take a lot of careful planning.

"Guys," the African-Canadian spoke up immediately gaining the attention of everyone in the room, "there is one thing we could do. I can't believe it took me this long to realize it. We know that Atlanta doesn't want to come back but what if she didn't have a choice?"

His words were greeted with silence. "You mean kidnap Atlanta?" Herry questioned slightly puzzled, and by the looks of everyone else he wasn't the only one.

Odie nodded, "It's the only thing that we can do at the moment. Like miss. Hera said if we go after Jay now it would be suicidal. However if we were to rescue Jay with six of us then we might be able to defeat Cronus if we catch him off guard."

Archie jumped up from where he was sitting. "What are we waiting for then?! Christmas!" He was delighted at the prospect of seeing Atlanta again.

"We just can't barge in and expect her to come back," Theresa tried to reason with Archie, "besides it's going to talk some planning." Lowering her voice so that only Archie could hear her she carried on again, "You are not the only person who misses her. We all do, especially me. Archie, Atlanta is my best friend and with out her I'm stuck to deal with you all by myself!" She hissed before looking at Odie, "What's are plan of action?"

"You all have school for the next week." Hera spoke calmly, "I do not know what trouble Jay is in and I am worried but Atlanta is safe for now. You five need to attend school so no one will get suspicious, it also gives you four and a half days you plan. You may do what every you want to on Friday AFTER school."

All five heads nodded in unison. As soon as Hera left the reaming five people decided to head back to the brownstone and let the planning begin...after all they had about a school week to plan.

"So anyone have any ideas on our plan?" Archie asked, once they were all situated in the living room.

"Uh, guys? In case you didn't realize I was serious earlier. We could/should kidnap Atlanta." Odie responded calmly as his friends just looked at his as if he was a sociopath.

It took some convincing but eventually everyone else had agreed to kidnap Atlanta and hope she would come back and help them fight. Theresa knew that it was Jay's only hope...and that's what worried her. Yes Atlanta and her had become close-even best-friends but Atlanta never back down from a challenge in the short time period that Theresa had gotten to know her. So for Atlanta to just leave like frightened her it really did. She knew that Atlanta must have had some other reason of leaving, and not just because Archie and her had a fight. If one person could help her collect her thoughts on Atlanta it was-

"Miss Artemis!" Theresa called to the goddess as she saw her walking down the hall. Said goddess had stopped walking and turned to face the redheaded teen.

"Yes Theresa?" The goddess responded clearly confused.

"I know it's none of my business but I was wondering if-"

"If I could tell you something about Atlanta?" The goddess of the hunt cut Theresa off, now smiling. Theresa nodded her head, taking it as a good sign that Artemis was smiling. "Well then come with me."

Theresa did as she was told and followed her, into what she guessed was Artemis' solarium. She had though that Hera's reminded her of a forest, well Artemis' was a forest. A forest at night to be exact, it was quite calming. She looked up at the ceiling, which fittingly looked like the night sky, thanks to Jay and his love of the stars she made out the constellation Orion.

"Well, sit down," Artemis said kindly, gesturing to the spot beside her. Theresa sat cross-legged and the soft grass. Once she was seated Artemis continued, "I may not answer every question that you ask me, maybe because I don't know the answer or possible because I feel that you do not need to know. I don't mean to sound mean, but Atlanta is entitled to her privacy. However I think it was cleaver of you to come see me."

With that being said Theresa took a deep breath and collected her thoughts. "I know this is going to sound odd since we have lived together for awhile, but we never actually never talked about our families. What do you know about Atlanta's family?"

Artemis smiled and nodded her head clearly pleased with Theresa's question. "Atlanta lives in the Northwest Territories with her mom, stepfather and four brothers. Hayden and Henry are twins and the oldest, Mac is the same age as Atlanta. All three of them are her stepbrothers, then their's Ryan her half brother. From what she has told me, the two of them are really close."

Theresa nodded, obviously pleased with the information. "Next question, how did she feel when she first arrived?"

"Well I don't think that's something I should should ask her that yourself." Artemis replied solemnly looking slightly apologetic. "Next question, because I know you have more."

"What would have caused her do go back?" Theresa asked quietly, this was the one question she really wanted answered.

"Well I suppose a mixture of things, she wouldn't just leave because of one thing. It was probably different events all lead up to something bigger. Figure out what those events were and you have your answer." The goddess replied, almost as if she didn't want to answer the question at all. Theresa couldn't tell if Artemis new more and was leaving something out or not.

The next question was just for fun and because Theresa really wanted to know. "I believe that we all know how Archie feels, but does Atlanta even notice?...I don't need details!" She added quickly after seeing the shocked look on the goddess' face.

The goddess of the hunt nodded and began choosing her words carefully.

Atlanta sat on her bed unaware of her friends intentions to get her back. At the moment she had never felt so...alone. Sure she was living with six other people. Atlanta laughed at the irony. Sighing, she stood up and walked over to her dresser where she pulled out a pair of jogging pants and a sweater. She quickly changed and headed downstairs.

"Mom, I'm going outside and to the park for a run!"

"Okay sweetie, just be back in two hours or call."

With that Atlanta opened, walked out and closed the front door not realizing she was walking into a perfectly set-up trap.

"Everyone know what their suppose to do?" Odie asked through their communications device. Everyone responded with a small 'yes'. "That's good," Odie replied urgently, "because her she comes."

Author's Notes: So yes it was seems he likes to make appearance. Just so you all know originally it was Atlanta who was kidnapped but I think I've read story about that, and I couldn't remember Jay ever being kidnapped. Also I am looking for a beta-reader...if interested please send me an email or review stating so! Also I ask that you have posted at least one story. Thank-you all in advanced.
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