Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Between The Good and Bad

The Way House

by Silver_moon46 1 review

Kate is at Gerard and Mikey's house

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2006-11-22 - Updated: 2006-11-22 - 764 words

You find yourself at Mikey and Gerard's house. Last time you checked it was midnight and you are extremely tired. You shift your jade green gaze to look at Gerard, he's trying to write a song but, ha can't get the lyrics right. "Hey Gee can I help?" you ask walking over to the bed. He looks up at you and smiles "Yeah sure" he says handing you the paper.
"What's wrong with it?" you ask looking over the words there perfect in your mind. "It needs a beginning" he replies absent mindedly running a hand through his raven locks.
You nod looking at him trying to think of something, and then jump up grabbing his pen when you finally get and idea.
Well let's go back to the middle of the day that starts it
I can't begin to let you know just what I'm feeling
And now the red ones make me fly
And the blue ones help me fall
And I think I'll blow my brains against the ceiling
And as the fragments of my skull begin to fall
Fall on your tongue like pixie dust just think happy thoughts.
"How's that" you ask handing him the paper. His moss, honey hazel green eyes scanned the paper and then he smiled.
"You are a fucking genius" he yelled picking you up and swinging you around. "Gerard Arthur Way, what did I say about swearing in the house?" yelled his mom Donna from upstairs. "Sorry Mom" he said laughing. Mikey walks over and grabs the paper out of
Gerard's clutches, "he's right Kate this is great" he says smiling at you. You start to walk away throwing a "thanks" over you shoulder. You walk over to wear Fran and Ray are lounging and watching Night of the Living Dead, only to steal the chips from Frank and to sit in Rays lap. Even though you got of though a rocky start you and Ray were really good friends now.
The only add on to your new Friends is a guy named Bob, who you call Rock Man because of all of his muscle and what not
he has blond hair and blue eyes,
he plays drums, for Gerard's band. His girlfriend Mia Garwen is your best gal pal and you hang out a lot.
She's extremely pretty with black hair and brown eyes, she stands at a frightening 5'6" she's a little bitchy but
you got to love her.
They are taking off in the morning to go camping so, they weren't here. Ray had started playing with your hair,
and Gerard was adding the finishing touches to the song, now titled Head First for Halos. Mikey had long since fallen to sleep on the floor in front of the TV.
Not to long after the movie was over you had to move so Ray could go home, because he had to work and Frank got a ride
with him. "Bye Kate we'll see you soon." They said and as they walked out the door. When you went back to Gerard's room Mikey was still asleep on the floor and Gerard was standing with a pair dark red pajama pants and an old Iron Maiden shirt.
You smiled and walked up to him
"Thank you" you laugh and grabbed the close walking over to the bed and taking off your shirt and replacing it with the Iron Maiden one, before shimming out of your jeans and pulling on the pajama pants. You look up at Gerard and noticing his faint blush you laugh
"should I have gone to the bathroom?" you ask and laugh some again at his short no. you walk over to the couch and laid down only to have him pick you up and plop you on the bed.
"You get the bed" he says and turns to walk away "fine but......" you say
getting under the covers "But what?" he asks "Well you can sleep on the couch or you can sleep here with me your choice"
you yawn and roll on to your side and smile when he snuggles into your back and falls asleep.

Okay this is chapter 3 I hope you are enjoying this story so yeah...oh and by the way I don't My Chemical Romance,
I just wish I did, so that means the guys, the songs, the cloths all I own is the plot and the girlfriends off all the guys okay?

By: Moonlights Angel
This chapter is different then I saw it in my head but hey I tried R&R please
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