Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > The Black Swan

the death of Kartiana

by gecko 0 reviews

and now it trult begins.

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: R - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-11-26 - Updated: 2006-11-26 - 789 words


"Katriana! Where are you going? Where are you taking my sister?"
The doctor who was leading one of the little native girls down the hall finally stopped to look at the other one that was trying to block her path.
"It is just the routine health check. You had yours yesterday it is your sister's turn." She said patiently "After Zacharias, Lasiandra, and Michel, lost there gift to read minds then we have to monitor the two of you closely to avoid the same thing happening to you."
Katriana looked at her twin sister.
"It is ok Alliana. I read her mind already. She is telling the truth, as far as she knows anyway."
"If your sure sis." The doctor frowned at the two girls
"Alliana would you like to come with your sister?" The blank face of the six year old lit up.
"Can I?" she asked.
"Why not?" the doctor asked, "maybe the two of you can even do another simulation with out the boys. You do enjoy that don't you?" both girls smiled at the doctor.
"Yes we do." they said in unison

Ally closed her eyes against the memory. Her heart ached at even the briefest though of where her sister had been in her life. It was this lab, this lab that her sister had done her last simulation in. This lab that ended up claming her first hunt, and this lab that was the last thing she saw before she died.

The two girls only two years apart were the more stealthily pair on the team. They could mimic the exact movements of who ever they chose. No one had ever heard them coming and even if they where heard the person never lived long enough to do anything about it. Now how ever they where making no attempt to hide them selves. There was no one to hide from.
"Where is everybody?" Lira whispered as they explored the abandoned building.
"Don't know. Be careful the silence is bugging me. It is too quiet." Lira winced
"So clichéd"
"It's true." Ally pointed out.
"Still clichéd."
"Shut up." Ally frowned, freezing on the spot "I heard some thing."
"Also clichéd. What did you hear?"
"Gunfire, is Zack stupid enough to walk in even though I told him not to?"
"It might not be Zack, Ally. It could be some one else. By the way, what did he say this time that pissed you off so much?"
"As if you didn't hear it!"
"Nope. You give me too much credit."
"He said I should say behind on this mission." Ally frowned again. Concentrating hard she muttered "Yep defiantly gunfire about half way across the compound and coming this way."
Lira looked over at her foster sister as they resumed moving.
"The missing guards?"
"Probably. Maybe the scientists that we where told to find and bring back as well."
"Ah. So why did Zack say that?"
"You're jumping around in the conversation again Lira. Because of what happened the last time I met a scientist. I don't think he wants to bring back damaged goods. Two more hallways and we should be able to see what's going on. You game?" Lira grinned.
"Always." Shifting forms like the chameleons they took so much pride in being they took on the color and texture of the area around them. They rounded the last corner and raced into a miniature war zone. The guards that had been missing from the halls where in covered positions facing away from the two teens. The 8 missing scientists where huddled behind them. What they where shooting at quickly became apparent.
"Government guys" Lira spat.
"No, army government guys" Ally corrected. "Ten to one they knew we where here and decided to take our job with out permission."
"I won't take that bet, sorry. So what should we do? Snipe at them?"
"Establish our claim. Snipping works. You first or shall I?"
Lira grinned at the though
"I'll go first if it is all the same to you. You grab the teck-geeks and get out of here."
"Deal. See you soon. And don't kill too many! We might get into trouble."
"Fine! You don't hurt and scientists." Lira said pointedly before she stepped out of hiding and began her latest sniping spree. She blew out knees and shot through hands. Quickly they realize it was back down or get shot. Lira then turned on the guards. And after a quick grin the platinum blond girl pulled out a gas pellet that Mich had made that knocked them out one by one.
"Nighty-night boys," she whispered "sleep well." Then she turned and raced after Ally who had the eight tecks in tow.
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