Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Agetian Ninjas and Other Household Pests

Fox in the Henhouse

by Monoshiri 2 reviews

Orochimaru, the Unseen University Library, and when you just *know* the Apocralypse is coming...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Horror - Characters: Orochimaru - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-11-26 - Updated: 2006-11-26 - 213 words

Orochimaru held the unconscious Librarian at arms' length and studied him dispassionately, before concluding that an orange orang-hair rug in his office back in Oto would just be tacky and dropping him to the floor in a heap (literally, gravity never having been an orangutan's ally in the looks department).

Besides, the ape had fought him with surprising vehemence, and Orochimaru had to respect someone who got past his jutsus and tried to twist his head off via the ears. But then who wouldn't have struggled with all their might to keep him from such a treasure trove?

He looked around, disregarding the lack of visible space and allowing his chakra to tell him the true shape of Unseen University's Library. As the murderous energies brushed them lightly, the books fluttering on their shelves and dragged at their chains in terror, like so many pigeons recognizing a hungry cat.

Knowledge equals power.

Orochimaru closed his eyes to breathe in the scent of untold centuries of magic-learning, and smiled the completely happy smile of a child who has, contrary to all expectations, woken up on Christmas morning and found the promised pony.

The expression was enough to drive anyone, ninja or wizard, out of his mind with terror.

"Now then...where should I begin?"
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