Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Space Pirates


by water_dragon 0 reviews

the next chapter(Hooray!) chapter four(Hooray!)

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-12-05 - Updated: 2006-12-06 - 643 words

The Government rep sat on a sat on a swivel chair watching his prisoners. Three sorry looking men, one of them glared at him, a scar scraping across his face. "Where is he girl?" the rep asked quietly. None of them answered. David and Phil looked at the floor. "No? Where is your captain?" Again no one answered. "I demand your answer!" He was getting angry now. Still they did not respond.
The blonde Russian girl entered with her head bowed. The rep glanced at her, "You girl, what is your name?"
"Anna sir." He gestured to a small cupboard in the corner. She delicately made her way across and opened it.
"Bring me XXV." Anna obeyed and brought him the small glass jar. It was filled with a transparent violet liquid.
The government rep held it up against an illuminated panel on the wall. "Do you know what this is?" There was no answer, he didn't expect any. "This is a serum that makes you tell me everything you know that I want to know." Silence, he considered turning around but didn't. "Would you like to try some?" This time he did turn around. He snarled, the prisoners, and the girl, were gone.

As they ran the alarm sounded, Paul swore. The army captain appeared behind them out of nowhere. "Stop or I'll shoot," he yelled. They kept running. "So be it," the man muttered and raised his gun. The momentum sent Anna crashing into Paul. He almost stumbled but caught himself just in time.
There was yelling behind them but still they ran. The rainforest came rushing up to greet them and they broke through. Anna coughed and stumbled. David grabbed her arm, "keep going." She coughed again and he covered her mouth. "Shhhhhh... " The blonde girls eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground. David's hand came away covered in blood and there were burn marks one her dress. David looked up horrified, "she's been shot."

Al paced back and forth across the clearing impatiently. "When is this prisoner coming?" Brooke was sitting crossed legged against a tree with her eyes closed.
"I don't know any more than I've told you. Therefore I don't know when he shall arrive."
"She," said a new voice.
"What?" Al looked around, "who said that? Maria, was that you?"
"No," Maria breathed pointing, "it was Her."

Brooke watched the prisoner cautiously as they walked, whatever she had expected it hadn't been this. The girl seemed to be no older than her, eternal youth she had said, something to do with the bonding. She had a face that seemed to indicate one of the pacific islands such as hawaii or fiji.
Even her clothes indicated Hawaiian ancestry. A light flowered sarong and a frangipani in her hair. Slightly out of place in the depths of Guatemala.
"When will we get there?" Maria asked crossly, she was feeling hot and bothered, "y'see I'm not particularly fond of bush-bashing."
"Soon," the girl said calmly.
"We're going to the largest pool," Brooke said helpfully.
"Wrong," said the girl, "my name is Linni by the way." Brooke withdrew into a silent sulk, she didn't like Linni and the way she was in charge and knew everything.
"Do y'think we could hurry up seeing I has a crew imprisioned and all," Al suggested pointedly.
"They're not imprisioned," Linni said.
"They're led by a very smart girl and are on their way right now."
"Who?" Brooke was very confused.
"I believe she's Russian," Linni looked at her slyly from under her eyelashes.
"No," Brooke gasped "I thought she'd been injected."
"The only thing 'The Injection' cannot defy is the impossible disease."

i know Linni's name is kinda wierd, sorry, the only other possible option was Likicookingpot which was one of my (male) friends characters... Princess Likicookingpot...
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