Categories > Cartoons > Biker Mice from Mars > Old Friends

When First We met!

by RavenChild 0 reviews

Vinnie remembers the first time he meets his best friend after moving to the moon, Titan.

Category: Biker Mice from Mars - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-12-05 - Updated: 2006-12-06 - 1391 words

Chapter 2: When First We met!

Now that the three female mice have been formerly introduced, Throttle, Modo, and Charley are more at ease with their presents. The white mouse with long blond hair in a pink jacket introduces herself as Janice. The shorthaired brunette in a blue jacket is Mandy, and the redhead wearing a green jacket is Kerry. Janice announced that she would take Vinnie back to Titan, while Mandy and Kerry will stay behind. They have offered to help Throttle and Modo battle any Limburger problems until Vinnie's return.

Throttle and Modo watches as Vinnie rides off with Janice before showing the girls around the garage. Charley, however, still stares down the road with a distant look on her face. She never seen Vincent so upset over anything. He appeared to be practically in tears as he tried to explain to them that he had to go visit a sick friend.

Mandy stops following the others and looks over her shoulder to see Charley still standing in the same spot. She ponders for a moment then comes to a conclusion on what could be on this human's mind.

With a smirk on her face she walks casually up to Charley. "Yet another victim of the grace and charm of the Great Vincent Van Wham." Mandy joked.

Charley broke out of her trance and glared at the female white mouse. "What would you know?" She snapped.

"A lot, actually." Mandy replied. "You'd be surprised how easily some girls fall in love with a charmer like Vince."

"Let me guess, you were one of them?" Charley smirked sarcastically.

"Eh, you could say that in a way, sure." The white female mouse honestly admitted. "Hard to believe, though, that Vincent once was a shy mouse that barely spoke to anyone."

"I don't believe you." Charley huffed.

"Oh, it's true. If it weren't for Julie, Vinnie just still might be a shy mouse that wouldn't talk much." Mandy said with a sadder tone to her voice.

Charley turned once again to face Mandy. It finally occurred to her that this 'Julie' is a very important person from Vinnie's past.

"I take it that Julie is the sick friend Vinnie is going to see?" She asked.

"Yeah." Mandy answered solemnly. "Come, Kerry and I'll get you up to date with the story of Vinnie and Julie."

Mandy escorted Charley back into the garage so they could all sit down and talk about what is going on.



Vinnie and Janice arrive at the cloaked ship. Janice brings up the remote control and aims it to where the ship should re-appear. With a click of a button the cloaking device is turned off, and the ship comes into view. Without a moment to waist, the two bikers aboard the ship.

Janice takes her place at the controls, while Vinnie sits quietly in the seat next to hers. She glances over to her friend in concern. Janice can relate with how he is feeling. How she wishes she could say something that will help the situation, but there isn't a good way to say you're sorry about your friend's health conditions. With a sigh of regret, Janice engages the engines, and with the help of the controls, lifts the ship off the ground before blasting it to outer space.

Usually Vinnie would talk and joke about anything, but this time is different. His thoughts are on one person, his friend. Not only that, but his best friend from the other side of Mars. The moon, Titan, is a place where he once lived when he was younger. He faced off into the distance as he remembered his first arrival to his new home with his mother many years ago.



Another immigration starship takes port at the loading bay on Titan. Many white mice begin to exit the ship with bags and suitcases. A young mouse walks off the ship with her child holding her hand. She pauses to bend down so she is eye to eye with her son.

"Here we are, Vinnie. This is Titan." She says to the little boy.

"Why did we have to come here?" He begins to whine.

"You know why. I already explained it. There isn't enough work or space for proper homes to live in that are decent enough for the white mice community. Not only that, but there are too many desert gangs running free and terrorizing our old village. That is why most of the white mice are moving to this moon." The mother explains.

"Now perk up. This is a whole new adventure for us, and I'm not about to miss it." She purrs while standing up. She turns and smiles at some of the handsome male mice unloading part of the cargo. Vinnie's mother blows them a kiss and takes her son's hand again before walking off.

Vincent rolls his eyes over his mother's actions and lets out a little groan as the head off to grab their luggage.



Vinnie quietly sits as he watches a group of kids playing on motor-less bicycles in a dug out pit. He sighs as he wonders if any of them would be his friend. Unfortunately, Vinnie is far too shy. He is afraid that they might reject him.

"Whatcha sitting around for?" Came a young voice sneaking up behind him.

Vinnie let out a yelp as he nearly jumped out of his skin. He turned to see the owner of the young voice. That is when he sees a young female mouse with curly white hair. She is about the same age as he.

"I asked you a question. Are you stupid or something?" She bellowed down at him.

"Ah..." Vinnie was unsure of what to say to this girl. In his mind, she seemed a little to intimidating for him.

"That's what I thought." She stood crossing her arms and rolling her eyes skyward.

"Look, lets try this again. My name is J-u-l-i-e." The young girl said in a mockingly tone. "What's your n-a-m-e?"

"Um, Vincent." He managed to squeak out.

"Well, how come you won't play with us? Do you think you're too good for us?" She asks.

"I, um..." Vincent just didn't know what to say at all. There are just too many questions, and all he can think is why she would be talking to him in the first place.

"Oh, never mind. Come on." Julie grabs Vinnie's hand and starts dragging him down to the pit.

Meanwhile, Vinnie's mother grins as her plan worked. Finally her son is joining the other children as they play.

"That was very cleaver getting my little girl to talk to your son." A male mouse leans over to her.

"Why thank you. A Van Wham doesn't get by in life with just looks alone." She replies.

"Oh? Is there a 'Mr.' Van Wham, by any chance?" He asks in a flirting way.

"He's, uh... On vacation." She answers calmly, and yet a hint of regret in her tone. Her eyes glared for a moment as she thought back to the father of her child. Quickly she shook her mind of that negative time in her life, and brought her attention back to the male mouse beside her.

"How about you? Is there a 'Mrs.' in your life?" Valerie says in a soothing and flirting way.

"Actually, she passed away about six months ago." He responded with a sad look.

"Oh... Oh, I'm so sorry." Mrs. Van Wham said with sympathy.

"It's alright, she was very sick for quite some time. I'm more concerned with my daughter. She is simply too young to understand with what had happed to her mom, and why she had passed away."

"Yes, it is very difficult for a young mouse to understand the concept of life and death." She said in an understanding way.

"Would you, by chance, want to join me for dinner one night?" He suddenly blurts out.

Mrs. Van Wham gives him a startled look for a brief moment before she relaxes and gives him a smile. "Why sure, that would be wonderful."

After exchanging a warm smile, the two of them turn their attention back to their children and watched them as they played recklessly in the pit.
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