Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Angels Fall; Sometimes

Nightmare from Hell ( Literally)

by tstudt 0 reviews

Cordeila falls asleep and has a hellish dream, one which confuses her. I'll do a better summary in a bit, i just don't have time right now.

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Drama, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Angel, Anya, Buffy, Cordelia, Dawn, Drusilla, Giles, Riley, Spike, Tara, Wesley, Willow, Xander, Other - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-12-08 - Updated: 2006-12-08 - 985 words

A brunette of about 23 walked out of her office. Her black sling backs clicking against the tile, black gauchos flying behind her. "Where are you, you little monster!" In her hand was a contract that she had just finished writing up with dart holes in it. She stomped up the spiraling stairs. "CONNER!" She yelled.

A boy of about 17 was sitting in a less than clean room, cloths were strewn everywhere, blankets were thrown everywhere, and the bed was bare. "WHAT?" He hollered at her as she showed up in his doorway.

"Playing darts with my contracts isn't okay." She threw the stack of papers at him. "I worked a whole week writing this thing up." Her hand went to her forehead, trying to rub away the migraine she had. "Look, I know I may be over reacting but, please, please, please don't mess with my stuff." A long sigh escaped her rose red lips as she turned and began to walk away. Conner stood up his hand clung to his left side where a bloody towel was pressed against a small bullet wound.

"If you would've looked closer at the holes you would've noticed that they weren't dart holes, they are bullet holes."

Cordy turned around and noticed the blood. She quickly rushed over to him. "Why didn't you tell someone?" She asked a worried tone racked her voice. "Wes! Get your skinny white butt up here now!"

Not long after a man, dressed in a tan suit and glasses came huffing up the stairs, he stopped a few feet from Cordelia. "What do you want now?" He asked pushing his glasses up to the top of his nose.

She looked over at him annoyed. When he looked up and saw the blood. "What the hell happened here?" He asked.

"Guys stop fussing it's almost healed." Conner said replacing Cordy's hand with his. "And that night you all went to that big corporate party....some guys tried to break in. They shot at me, and at Cordy's office. That's what happened to your contract. That's how this happened." He said indicating the wound on his side.

"Oh, okay....umm...have you seen your father?" Cordy asked standing it her full height. "Because I need to talk to him." She added, even though she didn't need to explain, both of the guys shook their heads.

Gunn had already left earlier that day, Wesley turned to Cordelia. " Fred went upstairs to bed, I'm gonna go." He said sighing and standing up. He grabbed his coat from the hanger and waved goodbye to Cordelia."

"See ya." She said waving back. She began to shut down her computer and put things into her oddly well organized desk. She turned off her desk lamp and pulled her coat off the hanger, slowly putting it on looking about her office at the bullet holes she hadn't noticed until today. She walked out of her office and locked the door. Her migraine had subsided. She walked over to the light switch and turned all of the lights off. She headed out the door, and locked it behind her, knowing Angel had a key to get into the building.

Once she reached home she threw off her coat and made her way to the phone. "Hi, I'd like one large pepperoni pizza please." She gave the man her address, phone number, and name. She hung up the phone, and left a trail of clothing toward the bathroom; she turned the water on to a warm setting and poured in some bubbles. She sighed, letting the water run until the tub was ¾ of the way full. She stepped into the tub, and slid into place as the warmth surrounded her. She turned on the radio and listened to some soothing music.

Cordy stepped out of the bathroom tying her robe around her, her towel was wrapped around her wet hair. She entered her bedroom and pulled on her pajamas, drying her hair to the best of the soaked towel's ability. The doorbell rang; she answered the door, paid the man and took the pizza. She sat down on her comfortable couch turned on the T.V. and opened the box of pizza. The cheese was melted to perfection and trailed as she pulled a piece away from the rest.

After eating a couple of pieces of the delicious, hot, cheesy smelling, pizza she slowly drifted off to sleep. The I Love Lucy theme song was just starting. Suddenly Cordelia was dead asleep.

Her dream started off like her dreams normally did. It was completely blank there was nothing there. But soon enough she was plunged into a strange world. She was sitting in a golden chair, demons surrounding her. "What the hell is going on here? And why is it so hot?" She looked around her more closely. "Oh, umm ya what am I doing here?"

"SILENCE" A voice boomed from one of the many demons surrounding her. "You Cordelia Chase are awaiting judgment."

"But I'm not dead yet!" She shouted. As she struggled to get out of the chair, chains clasped around her wrists and upper arms, which made her struggle even more.

"You must await your judgment" The demon said, she could now make out that it was the demon right in front of her.

"Judgment for what?" She asked.

"For......" And she slowly came out of sleep as the morning light hit her face. She looked at the clock and jumped up knocking her knee on the coffee table.

"OUCH!" She said rushing to her room and quickly getting dressed in a long brown skirt, brown flip flops, a turquoise tank and a jean half-jacket, she ran a brush through her hair, grabbed her keys and coat, and flew out the door to her car. Making her way to work which she was now officially late for.

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