Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Could This Be Any More Tragedic?

Were one big happy family AGAIN.

by BenjisRiotGirl79 1 review

Benji and Katie are on full flame. Joel and Maggie are getting heated up to be there.

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-12-10 - Updated: 2006-12-11 - 1403 words

-Benji's point of view-

Katie told me her plan about the gifts she's giving everyone. She told me to go get cash something while she shops fro my surprise, but he's not the only one I'm shooping for.

-Katie's point of view-

I love doing nice stuff for those I love. It's suppose to show them that I love them. I told Benji to go get Cash something because of course he's family to us too. So of course he counts.

-Joel's point of view-

I got everything ready for Maggie tonight. If she doesnt come then I'll give it to Benji for Katie. He told me what he plans on doing. I hope she'll agree. But I know she will never see it coming. Well, I have to go make a phone call, so excuse me.

-Maggie's point of view-

"Yellow?" I answered. "Hey Buzz." I could tell Joel from Benji...What did Joel want now? "Hi." I said coldly. "Do you think you could come over...We need to talk." He was right... We did need to talk. He waited paitenly. "Wont Hilary be there?" I asked snotty like. "We broke up last week." He said a little hint of sadness in his voice. "Oh...Well give me 5 minutes." I said and hung up. I could tell he was smiling, Because I was. "What am I getting myself into?" I said quietly to myself. I got freshened up a little bit and left a note for Benji and/or Katie.

-Benji's point of view-

I'm about to replace that promise ring if you get what Im saying. I /Love/ her so much. "What are you doing here?" a voice said from behind me. "Cash doesnt wear rings." Katie said coming up from behind me rapping her little arms around my waist. Damnit. I couldnt look for anything. I need Joel with me instead of Katie. "Uh...Just looking." I semi-lied. "You like girly things sweetie?" she laughed. "You know us girls...We love to shop." I joked back. "You know it. But I dont really fansy it that much unless its for you or Maggie or Joel. I knew a smile came across my face. She's such a good person. "Baby...If you could have anyring in here, Which one would it be?" I asked. "Umm..." she started looking around a little then she stopped. "This one." I came over to her to look at the one she had choosen. I had to admit...It was pretty damn gorgeous. It was wicked sweet.

-Joel's point of view-

DING DONG "Coming!" I shouted through the door to Maggie. I knew it was her. No questions. "Yo." She smiled. I think I just had a heart attack. "Come in." I said moving out of the way for her to move inside the house. "Hey, Im glad you came." I said truthfully. "Me too." She said a little unsure. "You want something to drink?" I asked. "No thanks. What do we need to talk about?" She asked. "Us." I said simply.

-Maggie's point of view-

"Okay. Start." She said. "Listen, I love you." I said. I hope I didnt put that out there to fast. She stared at me for a while. Then she kissed me. "Maggie, Why did you do that." she got what I meant. "I love you too. But one question." She stated. "What?" I asked. " Why didnt you come back for me?" She asked. That one caught me off gaurd. "Uh..Um..I thought you wouldnt want to see me anymore. Like if you found someone else, I didnt want to go there and get my heart-broken." i said truthfully. "Joel thats stupid! I waited for you until this day." she said and stared at me. "You dont have to wait anymore." And I kissed her. And it didnt stop. It went to make-out to...The DIRTY. I woke up the next morning to a note. "What the fuck?" I whispered to myself. Joel, Katie called me and wanted me to help clean the house because there was an accident. I wanted to stay but I needed to help. If you want you can come over when you get up, or I will call you when Im done. I Love you,
I smiled.

-Benji's point of view-

"Owe! Fuck fuck fuck shit damnit!!" Katie screamed running downstairs to the kitchen. "What! What is going on?!" I said panicing. "She got cut with the glass." Maggie said behind me scaring the shit out of me. Not literally. "Baby...Let me see." I told her. She showed me her hand. "Oh my god. Katie theres barely anything there! You had me worried!" I said a little angery. But I loooked at her and she had puppy eyes again. "But it hurt!" she whined. "Go to the bathroom. I'll meet you in there." I told her and she went. "Oh my God. She is not that wimpy. she carried Cash the other day." I said to Maggie which appealed to have a amused look on her face. "Shes just weird like that." She laughed. "BENJI!" I could hear her calling me. "I'll be back." I said in the terminator voice.

-Katie's point of view-

I wasnt really hurt. But I like Benji babying me. Once he got into the bathroom, I shut and locked the door. I know its kind of kinky but I like it that way. "What the hell?" He was confused. But once he saw my face expression he got the idea. "Docter sexy, The paitent says she needs the special treatment." I said in a seductive voice. "Oh really." He returned the seductiveness. It got really "Heated" in the bathroom. we might need to sterolize the bathroom when we get done.

-Maggie's point of view-

Katie planned this out. Thats probably why I looked amused. It worked. Its times like these where I wish I had Joel. Speak of the devil. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey baby." Joel's hot voice said. "Hey. what are you doing?" I asked. "Nothing. What about you?" He asked curiously. "Listening to Benji and Katie have sex in the bathroom." I laughed. I could picture Joels face expression. "Ew. so do you still want me to come over?" he asked. "OF COURSE!" I shouted. "Ouch. That was kind of loud." He said. "Sorry. But you need to be on the way like right now!" I demanded. "Okay. I love you. Bye" " I love you too. Bye" and we hung up. I wonder how long their going to be up there?

-Benji's point of view-

"That was great. But why?" I was confused why she wanted me now. "Because I wanted to and I love you. Is there a problem?" she sounded a little mad. "No! I was just wondering. I love you too." I kissed her. "Benji?" She asked. "Yeah baby?" I asked. "I want to be with you forever and have a family with you." she said seriously. I smiled. Me too. "I want the same with you." She smiled.

-Katie's point of view-

We got dressed and went downstair only expecting Maggie but not with Joel making out on my couch. "Getting cozy?" I already knew about them. Maggie told me this morning. They brokae apart to look at me and Benji. "Sorry." Joel apologized. "Dont apologize. Theres nothing to apologized for. Just make sure you got to your room and use a condom."I laughed and benji did too. Maggie looked worried and Joel smiled. Then I realize, I didnt use one. "Maggie, Can I talk to you?" I asked inplying in privacy. "Yeah." And she got up and followed behind me into the kitchen. "What was that look about?" I asked her. "I didnt use a condom last night. But turn this one me. I saw that look too. Whats up?" she said raising an eyebrow. "I didnt use on either." I said. We talked a little while about it and decided to go get a pregnancy test. We walked out together into the living room were Joel and Benji were talking. "We'll be right back." We kissed our babies and Left. "What will you do if you are?" Maggie asked me. "I dont know. What will you do?" I asked her. "I dont know." and we got in my car and started on the road to our new lives.
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