Categories > Cartoons > Biker Mice from Mars > Old Friends

A True Friend!

by RavenChild 0 reviews

Throttle and Modo, as well as Mandy and Kerry go up agains Limburger's goons. Meanwhile, Vinnie is reunited with his friend. R&R please and thank you.

Category: Biker Mice from Mars - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-12-15 - Updated: 2006-12-15 - 1425 words

Chapter 5: A True Friend!

It was as Throttle and Modo suspected. Greasepit, Carbuncle, and a couple of Limburger's goons are setting explosives in the nearby park. After a few bombs are set, Carbuncle pushes a button to set them off. When the flying debris clears, the goons start hulling up the soil and placing them in the alien looking dump trucks. It clearly shows that Limburger ordered them to continue on the same job that the Mice have chased them away from this morning, but why? Throttle pondered on that thought. Why, indeed, would they go back to a job knowing that the Mice would easily chase them away again? The whole thing smelled like a trap.

"So what are we waiting for?" Kerry asks impatiently.

"A plan." Throttle plainly stated.

"Can this plan come a little quicker? I'm getting bored here." Mandy complains.

"Easy there li'l lady. Throttle knows what he's doing." Modo says standing up for his friend.

Both girls let a frustrated sigh. Throttle and Modo couldn't but to smirk on how these girls remind them a little of Vinnie.

"Ok, here's the plan." Throttle speaks up. "Now keep in mind that this could be a trap, so you two go around and come up behind for a sneak attack." He says to the girls.

"What are you two going to do?" Kerry inquired.

"We will keep these goons distracted while you two come around the back." Throttle speaks clearly.

"Cool plan. I like it." Mandy cheers.

"Do you lovely ladies have weapons on your rides?" Modo asked out of concern.

Mandy and Kerry looked at each other and smirked. With a few pushes of the buttons on their crankcases lasers weapons and blaster guns appear around the front end of their bikes.

"Does this answer your question Modo, dear?" Kerry calmly asks.

"Alright then." Throttle grins. "Lets Rock..."

"...And Ride!" Both boys cry out.

The girls look at each and smile once more.

"No wonder Vinnie enjoys hanging with these two." Kerry says.

"And you were worried in coming here." Mandy chuckles.

"Well let's show these boys what we ladies from Titan can do." Kerry starts to rev up her engine and heads off in one direction.

Mandy also revs up and heads in the opposite direction.

Throttle and Modo come barreling down the hill with their guns shooting at the bad guys. Many of the henchmen scattered to avoid the Mice's blasts.

"Carbuncle," Came Limburger's voice through the walkie-talkie.

"Yes, your cream cheesiness?" Carbuncle replies into the walkie-talkie with a nervous tone.

"I hear gun fire. I take it the Biker Mice have taken the bate." Limburger ponders.

"Yes, boss."

"Good then start with plan 'caging the rodents'." Limburger orders.

Carbuncle quickly pushes a big red button on the computer table he had set up earlier. Before the Mice could react a cage appears from the ground underneath them. The walls of the cage fold up from all for directions. Throttle and Modo crash into the first wall and they find themselves lying on the floor of the cage. The Mice start to get up to try and stop the roof of the cage from dropping, but it was too late. They now have to admit that they are trapped.

"A cage..." Throttle addressed the obvious.

"How original." Modo finishes in a joking manner.

"Shell we bla... Arrg!" Throttle didn't get to finish his sentence. An electoral charge hits both boys, knocking them out cold.

The girls come up from behind Limburger's goons and fire their weapons. Greasepit fires a bazooka at them. The blast from the missile causes Mandy and Kerry to swerve temporal out of control. When the smoke clears the girls can see the bad guys driving off. They become very concern as the see the boys being dragged unconscious in the cage.

"What do we do now?" Mandy asks sounding a bit frustrated.

"We rescue them." Kerry responds with a smirk.



Vinnie, Valerie, and Janice stop in front of a large beautiful house. In fact most of the houses in the block were large. The neighborhood is certainly the wealthy part of Titan. Vinnie gets off his bike and takes off his helmet. With a deep breath, he takes in the scenery before him. He looks up at the house and gives a faint smile.

"Home sweet home." He murmurs softly.

Valerie and Janice dismount off their bikes and start walking up to the door. Vinnie follows them. As they walk in through the front door a familiar figure sits in the living room, waiting. Janice looks over to notices the figure first.

"Hi Julie. How are you feeling?" She croons.

"Tired, but fine." Julie responds softly. Her face appeared slightly sunken in. The once long wavy white hair now seems to droop along side her face.

"I brought something for you." Janice smiles.

"Oh?" Julie pretends that she hasn't a clue what this 'something' is.

Janice makes a gesture at the door to guide Vinnie forward. Julie smiles as she sees a familiar figure. However, a shadow is covering the right side of Vinnie's face. Slowly he walks up to her, into the light. As soon as Julie can see his whole face she frowns in shock. She holds up her left hand in the air. From her point of view she is covering the right side of his face.

"Just like in my dream." She whispers.

"Heh, well at least the rest of me is still intact." Vinnie chuckles.

Julie bravely grins back at him and lowers her hand back down to her lap.

"Mommy?" A small voice called out.

Vinnie and Julie look over to see a small seven-year-old female mouse. Her fur and hair is pure white. And her eyes glisten of innocents with a hint of 'knowing'. Just like her mother once appeared when she was a child.

"Hey baby-doll, your home early." Julie croons weakly. "How was school?"

"It was fine." The little girl replies.

"Is that little Marina?" Vinnie asks in a surprised tone.

The little girl looks suspiciously at the tall male mouse.

"Well, she was only a baby when you last saw her..." Julie smirked.

"Hey sweetheart, you remember me don't you?" Vinnie asked little Marina hopefully.

"You look different," Marina finally speaks. "Not like the pictures."

Vinnie finds himself touching the metal mask on his face. He briefly frowns, but then smiles warmly at the young child. "Sometimes things like this happen when you are in a war, sweetheart."

Valerie and Janice looked at each other and smiled. They both felt that Julie and Vinnie could use some time alone.

"Come sweetie, why don't we let Vinnie and mommy have some space so they can catch up." Valerie chimed sweetly, taking the child's hand.

"Yes, let's go start making a special dinner for them. Doesn't that sound like fun?" Janice sang softly.

"Ok," Marina turns to her mom. "You get better now, ok mommy. Vinnie is here."

"I'll try sweet-pea, thank you."

"I can't believe how much she has grown." Vinnie says as he still marveled how Marina looked now. "She is looking so much like you."

"She does have her father's nose though." Julie stated with a frown.

"You mean the /rat/?" Vinnie growled.

"He's a mouse, Vinnie, just like you are." Julie sighed.

"Any mouse who treated you they way he did, isn't a mouse at all in my books." He said in an angry tone.

"Hey, I was young, foolish, and in love. He was a hunk of a mouse... How could've I not fallen in love with him?" Julie looks up at her best friend to see a sad serious look on his face. Her eyes fell down to the ground. "I should have listened to you in the first place. Maybe then he wouldn't have hurt me the way he did?"

"That was in the past, and I took care of him, remember? He won't trouble you anymore. I made him promise that. And if he ever forgets, all he has to do is look in the mirror and remember that the great Vincent taught him a valuable lesson." Vinnie assured her.

Julie took his hand and placed it gently on her cheek. She looked up into his eyes again. With another faint smile she says, "What would I do without you as my friend, Vinnie?"

Vinnie gave a cocky smile and responded, "Like most people that don't have the V-man in their lives... you'd be totally bored."
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