Categories > Original > Drama > Save Me

At Gray's House

by darks00 4 reviews

Ask me what the summary is, and I'll bump you on the head, lol. I mean, come on, it's in the chapter's name! Hee hee.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Published: 2006-12-20 - Updated: 2006-12-21 - 974 words

It was a quiet walking to Gray's house with Gray, Kylie and Adam. Gray and Kylie were holding hands, Adam was wrestling with his heavy backpack, and I was missing the cracks on the sidewalk, trying to distract my poisonous thoughts. It was Adam who broke the silence.

" long?" He asked me.

"How long what?" I returned.

"How long have you been abusing yourself?" Adam said, simplifing his question.

I sighed. I hate talking about this. It made me uneasy. "After my sister died."

"You managed to hide this for three weeks?" Kylie asked, shocked.

I nodded my head. "You know, if my brother's knew I was avoiding them..."

"Wouldn't they abuse you just as bad as they do now?" Gray asked me. "And trust me. I'm making a promise right here. I promise to not let you get hurt by your brothers. I promise to do the best I can for you, and Kylie and Adam are going to agree with me, right?"

Kylie and Adam agreed, and flashed a smile. I love my friends. I really felt like I was loved, and I belonged here. I realized that when I hurt myself...I'm not just hurting myself, but everyone around me. How could I let two guys, my brothers, decide my future? I'm not going to let them control my life.

We finally reached an average sized grey house. Gray opened the door. "Mom, we're home! I'm bringing some friends over, okay?"

"Hey, Honey," Mrs.Niles (his mother) said with a smile.

She came into the boot room, quickly rubbing her hands together. "That's fine. You know I love it when you bring your friends over."

Mrs.Niles is a very nice women. She basicly became my mom after my real mother died. She was a very pretty women, and you could tell Gray was her child. She had the same eyes and features, but had dirty blonde hair.

Me and the others took off our shoes, and went into the living room.

"Sorry to leave just when you get here," Mrs.Niles apologized, "but I have to go pick up Jimmie up right now."

Jimmie is Gray's younger half brother. Mrs.Niles probley picking him up from his elementary school, which is father away from our high school. I know what you're thinking. Where's Gray's father? The truth is, no one knowns. After Gray was born, he dissapeared. Ran off. Then Mrs.Niles got re-married, and had Jimmie. He's usually busy working at his office, but he treats Gray like his own flesh and blood. Gray loves him.

Mrs.Niles left in a hurry, for Jimmie is very impatient and hates waiting. We all chucked our backpacks to the floor, and all sighed at the same time. It's been a long day.

"Linkin, I don't mean to sound like your mom or anything," Kylie began, "but we better keep an eye on you. You mean very much to all of us, and we hate seeing your hurt, ok? We want you to know you are loved, and we never want you to leave us. Exspecally by you doing your own murder."

"I appreciate your concern, guys." I said with a smile, feeling a little bit better, "I really appreciate it."

My three friends returned the smile. I was home. Kylie gave me a pen and a paper.

"What's this for?" I asked her.

"To write. Write a poem, or something. It usually helps people who are depressed." She said, shrugging. "Try it."

"You sound like a parrot, you know that? Everyone tells me that."

"Did you try it?"

I thought for a second. I was embarressed to write in front of people, so my friends left the room for a sec. I began to think about my feelings towards my brothers. I began to draw knives, sissors, and tears. What the hell was I drawing? Now I really do sound and look depressed. I sighed, and studied the paper. I threw that paper into the garbage cam. and got a fresh one. Then I began to WRITE my feelings towards my brothers:


Don't close your eyes
That can't save you now
Neither will your lies
Or your put downs

How could someone
As heartless as you
Still be living something?
You can't live without a heart but you do

Save me
From you
Set me free
You don't know what I've been through

I'm reaching my hand out
Expecting someone to help me
I begin to shout
But it's too late, too hard to breathe

Love herself couldn't heal my pain
But I'm trying anyways
Trying to keep sane
Breaking down every day

I go home
and cry
all alone
Secretly wishing to die

I've been abused
From you to me
I've been used
Congradulations, you succeeded

In killing this spirit of mine
Making me lose the will to live
Time doesn't heal wounds, not time
And to you all I do is give

You take everything away
All that I've ever loved
You treat me like a stray
All I want is to be loved

Someone, please save me
Someone, please save your soul
Please let you see
That the devil is eating your soul whole

Save me from you
Save me from me

I put the pen down, and re-read my first poem. Hmm, this is fun. It really distracts your mind and gets it out there. It's like your soul being set free. Wierd. Now that I read it, it sounds like I'm being so dramatic. I turned the paper over, to write another poem. I think I found my new hobby!


xxDarkness' Kidxx

I hope you guys read the chapter before this, just so you guys know. Thanks. And thanks for reading this. I greatly appreciate it! You guys rock!
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