Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Harlequin Romance

The End

by razorblade16 0 reviews

hope is abused by her boyfriend she thinks she'll never get out of her small hometown till the day she meets my chemical romance and falls for gerard. if you review i'll post the next chapters..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2006-12-21 - Updated: 2006-12-22 - 1128 words

Hope ran down the sidewalk to where she worked, "ray's home style diner". She burst through the doors. "you're late." Tracy said. "I know, I know. Um dave isn't here is he?" "no you're lucky he would've fired you." Hope walked up to get her apron from tracy. "hope did joe hit you again?" "no I um opened a door and it hit my eye." "you're lying. I know you tracy why are you lying for him?" "I'm not it's just that......" dave burst through the doors and yelled "there's a concert in town so we're gonna be busy so get ready." "what kind of band?" tracy asked. "um rock I think." Dave shrugged his shoulders and went to the back. "hope did you here that!!! It could be that band that I love!" "what that my chemical romance??" hope asked pouring a customer another cup of coffee. "yea yea that one! Oh and don't you have like all their cds?" hope smirked. "you know me too well, trace." "I know."

Hope snuck to the bathroom to fix her hair just in case she did think the lead singer was pretty cute. She brushed her semi-short black hair, added more eyeliner, and more concealer on her eye. She walked out and saw 5 men sitting at a table on her side of the diner. Tracy slid up to her "that's them!!!" "yea I know well I gotta go they're waiting." "yea ok go I'll stay here!!" tracy was so excited. Hope walked up to their table "hi what can I get for you guys?" all of the men looked up at her. "um well I'll have a coke." The man who hope knew to be ray said. "yea and I'll have iced tea." The one that was frank said. "me too." Mikey of course said. "me three." Bob said. "and you...what can I get for you?" hope asked the man she knew was Gerard. "um I don't know what would you recommend?" Gerard asked looking her right in her eyes. "um well the sprite is good." Hope said. "hmmm ok I'll take your word for it." Gerard smiled and so did hope. Hope went to put the order in.

"hey Gerard why were you flirting with her?" frank asked. "I mean she is cute and seems sweet. But did you see her eye?" "maybe she opened a door and hit herself you know how much I do that." Frank said. "yea but Frankie you're stupid she seems smart." "yea I guess." Frank replied. Hope arrived with their drinks. She passed them all out "so do you want any food from this wonderful establishment?" she asked not trying to flirt with Gerard. "um I want a taco." Frank said. "um you're frank aren't you?" hope asked. "um yea why? Have the cops talked to you?" frank joked. Gerard smacked him. "and you must be ray." Hope said. "yep." "and you're bob and you're mikey." "yep we are." Then hope looked at Gerard and smiled "and you're Gerard." "yes I am." He put out his hand and she shook it. "nice to meet you." "you too." They smiled at each other. "a hem. I would like my taco now if you're finished bathing in the hotness that is Gerard?!?!" frank joked. "um what yea taco coming up." Hope ran back to the kitchen. "man Gerard you are so flirting with her!" ray said. "no I'm not. I mean she's cute." "uh huh sure!" mikey said. Hope came back and gave frank his taco. "bless your heart." Frank praised. "hope you're on your break!" dave yelled. "ok thanks." "hey do you wanna sit with us?" frank asked. "um yea I guess." She sat next to mikey and she faced Gerard.

"you know you and Gerard should really get together." Frank admitted. Gerard just stared at hope. But hope couldn't just sit there "um I have a boyfriend." Frank sat up "oh I don't want to sound rude but um did he do that to you?" Gerard smacked frank again. "um yea he did this morning I was online getting some pictures of you guys for my little sister who's in the hospital and he slammed my head into the edge of the computer and I blacked out and I didn't wake up till 9:00 which made me late for work." Hope realized that she had just opened up to five strangers about her and joe. "oh that...I cant even finish that." Frank said. "doesn't he love you?" Gerard asked. "um he says he does I guess he does." "do you love him?" Gerard asked. "um I did when we were in high school but now that I live with him cause my parents kicked me out he's changed I really don't love him anymore." "why'd your parents kick you out?" "cause when I was 15 I got addicted to pot, then when I was 16 I got snake bite, then when I was 17 I ran away from home and when I went to go back they had changed the locks and hung a sign on the front door that said "if you are hope, our daughter don't come back you've made us suffer enough." And so I never went back and joe let me stay with him." Hope explained.

Gerard sat speechless "um what keeps you around this town?" "this job pretty much." "so there's nothing else?" "no I lost my family and my boyfriend and I only have one friend but she's leaving town next month." "oh so we're on tour." "yea I know. My little sister wants to go to a concert so bad." "why cant she?" Gerard asked concerned. "she's in the hospital." "why?" "she has cancer she's only 13 she probably wont make it to her 14th birthday which is in three weeks." "well how much does she like us?" "oh my god! She loves you guys she says you guys helped her through a lot of her toughest times." Gerard started to smile. "I've got an idea." "what is it?" hope asked. "how about tonight we go and give her a private concert?" "oh my god she would love that!!!" hope jumped up and hugged Gerard. "and how about after that we go to your house and get all your stuff and you come on the road with us." Hope stood there. "you're kidding right?" "nope the guys would love it too." "hey did you make this taco?" frank asked. "um yea." "I want her with us if she can cook this good I mean holy crap!!!" everyone laughed. "um yea ok well we could go to my house now and then go to the hospital." "ok let's go." Gerard dropped some money on the table and everyone left.
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