Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Harlequin Romance


by razorblade16 0 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Other - Published: 2006-12-21 - Updated: 2006-12-22 - 556 words

They drove up to hope's house "oh no." "what?" Gerard asked. "joe's home." "we can take him!!!" bob said. "ok come on." She opened the front door and Gerard followed her and the other guys stayed out by the car. "ok this way I think he's sleeping." They walked to her room. "ok here we are." She opened her closet and got out four suitcases. She laid them out on her bed. "ok Gerard if you could help me this bag is for jeans, this one is for t-shirts, this one's for shoes, and this one's for socks...and you all that good stuff." "ok and um yea ok." Hope laughed "he's so innocent." She thought. "um and I'll go into the bathroom and get all my make-up and stuff." "um ok." Gerard yelled from inside her closet.

Hope walked into her bathroom holding a small bag she quickly put all her make-up and some other things in the bag. She walked out and saw joe standing in front of her. "what are you doing home?" "um I'm just cleaning up some things...I'm on my break." "yea I know you are." "damnit!" Gerard yelled. "who's that?" joe walked into her bedroom. Gerard stood there with jeans around him. "hope who's this!" "this is Gerard." Hope replied slipping in front of Gerard. "why are you touching hope's jeans?" joe asked. "um she's coming with me and my band for awhile." "no she's not." Joe moved closer and hope moved closer to Gerard. Hope wanted to at least try to protect Gerard even though she knew that joe would push her right out of the way. "please joe just let me go." "why I love you." "joe if you love me let me go please." Hope started to cry. Joe's expression softened. "fine but don't think you can come back." "thank you." Joe walked out of her room and hope jumped into gerard's arms. "thank you so much Gerard!" "you're welcome."

They finished packing up hope's stuff and she called the hospital to let them know what they would be doing that night. "what did they say?" Gerard asked. "they said that was fine and that all grace has been talking about for the last two weeks were about my chemical romance's concert." "aw I bet she's sweet." "yea she is." "we should get going right?" "um yea let's go." Gerard and hope walked out to the car. They drove to the hospital and they sang stupid songs that frank made up the whole way there. Hope realized she hadn't had this much fun in a lot of years. And she also realized that she was falling for Gerard. She stopped singing and just watched Gerard drive she focused on his green eyes, and his black hair. He looked over at her and smiled. "what?" she asked. "nothing but can I tell you a secret?" "um yea." Hope leaned closer to Gerard. "I like you. And I think you're cute." Hope sat back down and Gerard just smiled. She leaned back towards him and said "I like you too and I think you're hott." They both laughed. Then Gerard whispered in her ear "so you wanna get together?" "sure." Gerard kissed hope's cheek and she back down. She was going out with Gerard from my chemical romance.
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