Categories > Anime/Manga > Weiss Kreuz > Entwined


by schism-ism 0 reviews

A try at fleshing out Nagi, a little.... (possibly) eventual NagixOmi

Category: Weiss Kreuz - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Nagi - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2005-08-05 - Updated: 2005-08-05 - 406 words

Fast forward four years and enter a well-fed Nagi with a home. He was still small and quiet and a freak, but the latter could be counted for most of his company. Nagi had been taken in by Brad Crawford and, on a larger scale, Eszett; a powerful organization specializing in the gathering of those with supernatural "talents", no doubt with their own nefarious plans woven in. Something along the lines of world domination. Nagi didn't particularly care, as long as he was on the side that gave him the least trouble.

However, upon his introduction into Schwarz, Nagi was a little less flippant. Crawford had found him squatting in and abandoned building. It was daytime. Nagi didn't go out much during the day. A clever plan it'd seemed , until Brad found him. Crawford had a way of looking at people as if he were harvesting a crop. Calculating every aspect of their existence (or lack thereof) that might benefit him. /Because the best butchers wear Armani/, Nagi thought caustically.

With that gaze fixed on him, he was truly afraid for the first time in... years.

Not much more time for analogies, though because Crawford was talking. It seemed imperative that Nagi listen and, while it was nothing so blatant and cliched as Crawford 'making him an offer he couldn't refuse', he knew he didn't have much of a choice. In fact, he was being talked to as if he'd already agreed to whatever terms and stipulations his full belly and warm bed would come with.

Nagi was telekinetic. He was going to be trained to "utilize" his ability. Eh was going to be part of a team when his training had finished. Who with? That would be disclosed at a later date. (Nagi had taken that to mean Crawford didn't actually know yet. Everything was funnier in retrospect.) Did Crawford have an ability? Yes. What was it? Foresight. Fore-what? The future. He could see the future.

He'd had a sudden metal image of Crawford dressed as a fortune teller.

This was enough questioning, he's been told. It was time for him to make a decision. Would Nagi go and be cared for as he never had been, or would he stay and hid the way a roach from the light?

Crawford smiled (it was more of a smirk really) but it didn't reach his eyes.

Nagi's eyes narrowed and his face went blank.

"I'll go."
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