Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Demolition Lovers

I want it to end!

by ThePatient 1 review

Niki is abused by her father and cheated on by her boyfriend! What will happen when she runs away from home?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-12-25 - Updated: 2006-12-25 - 695 words

BEEP, BEEP, BEEEEEEEP!! I woke with a start. Another shit day at work where my "friends" laughed at me and my boss treated me like dirt. I lay on my bed running my fingers over the wounds I had inflicted on myself last night. I hate my life I thought as I rolled over I wish it would just end! My abusive father came into my room. My heart stopped on terror.
"Are you going to work or not you bitch?" He shouted, "If not then don't think I'm paying for you to go out and slut around with some stupid lads!"
I got up and turned around to go to the bathroom.
"Hey!! Where do you think your going?" Father screamed at me, "Get back in here you little slut!"
I felt a blow to my head. Blood trickled down my face. "What have you done??" I screamed.
"I don't care about your brainless head you bitch!" he yelled as he repeatedly kicked me. I curled up into a ball trying to protect my head. The blows kept coming to my back and arms.
"STOP!! PLEASE STOP!!" I begged sobbing. He gave me a few more kicks before he pulled me up by my hair,
"Now get ready and go to work!" He breathed, "Or you will have more where that came from!"
I got ready and went out so it looked like I was going to work but I had really packed my bag with all I needed and was running away. I was half way down the street when I heard someone behind me. Someone grabbed my hair.
"Do you think I'm stupid girl?" Said a terribly familiar voice in my ear. The same voice that had being screaming at me that morning, "You run away from home and you'll have no where to go! I'll hunt you down girl! Hunt you down and kill you if you leave! Do you understand me?"
Even though tears poured down my face I tried to seem strong, "Anywhere's better than your filthy hell hole!" I said as I released myself from his grip and started to run. I heard him swearing as he started to run after me. It started to rain.....No not rain, pour down. I didn't care I just had to get away from the monster who had abused me for 16 years since mother died. Mother always used to protect me when I was little but then she died and no one cared. I was alone and my father took advantage of that by making me do all the house work and cook his tea. If it was not done or not up to scratch he would beat me up. So all I wanted to do was run! Run right out of this godforsaken place and forget everything! The only way I could do that was to die. I reached an unfamiliar park. I hid behind the bushes, opened my bag and pulled out a knife. I was sobbing uncontrollably now. At least it will be over soon, I thought. I rested the knife against my stomach, my long, straight, black hair covering my tear stricken face. I lifted the knife, about to plunge it into my stomach, when someone grabbed my hands and I heard a yell "NOOOOOOOOOO!!"
"ARRRGGGGGG!! GET OFF ME!! GET OFF ME!!" I screamed, "LET ME GO!! GET OFF!" I fought all I could but the stranger had tackled me to the ground and was trying to remove the knife from my hands. All I could think was how I wanted my life to be over and how I wanted it to end! I finally gave up the fight. It was obvious I was going to lose!
"Way to go Gerard!!" I heard someone shout far away, "Are you going to get off her now or are you going to crush her to death?" Said the same person. Crush me! Crush me! I thought!
"Oh yeah sorry!" A huge weight lifted off me. I tried to sit up but knew instantly that was a bad idea! I collapsed onto the ground hitting my head and passing out.
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