Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Dimension Traveler

Magical Mayhem

by Crystalmonkey 1 review

During the summer, Harry dables in combining magical and muggle technology. The results fling him on a dimension hopping journey, through books and television series spanning time and space. Multit...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Sci-fi - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2005-08-08 - Updated: 2005-08-08 - 1224 words

Name: Dimensional Traveler
Author: Paul
Keywords: Harry, Dimensional Travel, Crossover
Summary: During the summer, Harry dables in combining magical and muggle technology. The results fling him on a dimension hopping journey, through books and television series spanning time and space. Multitude of crossovers.
Disclaimer: I do not own the series involved in this story, including but not limited to Harry Potter or Cleopatra 2525. I did not make any money off of this story, I am simply trying to get a fan base for the series.

Chapter Two - Magical Mayhem

"What do you guys know about magic?" was Harry's first question, testing them to see whether he should reveal everything or only a small part.

"Magic like what that David Blaine guy does when he floats and stuff?" Cleo asked him with a confused look on her face.

"No, magic as in "I just chanted a spell and blew up those betrayers" magic. I don't know what happened to the magical community of this time, but in my time they were a seperate society. Muggles, that would be non-magical folk, don't have a clue we exist. So everything we wizards and witches did had to be secret and away from the muggles.

"Hel, ask him if he will help us with our war. In return, we will promise to try to help him return to where he is from. Magic could be the key to ending this."

Harry heard all of this, but Sirius' death had taught him to hide his abilities or be used. It looked like they wanted his help in exchange for their assistence, but it's better not to take chances.

"Harry, would you be willing to help us win this war? We can't promise you a way home but we will do all that we can." Hel said with a hopeful look on her face.

It may have been his "People Saving Thing," but he knew he couldn't just leave these people. Especially if he wanted their help getting back home.

"Alright, I'll try and help you. But I'm not simply a weapon fighting your war, I'm a human being."

With this said, Harry raised his hand as if to shake Hel's hand. Cleo, it seemed, had other ideas as she rushed forward and gave him a hug.

"Welcome to the team." Hel said with a smirk.


It took a lot of practice to get used to falling down the long shafts, but just like flying on a broom Harry was a natural. He didn't use a web shooter like they did, or rocket boots, but instead slowed down with a 'wingardium leviosa' anchored to the "floor" of whatever level he was aiming for. For traveling up, a variation of the summoning charm he read about that summer allowed him to pull himself towards a target, similar to a grappling hook.

While the team was in freefall, Voice began speaking to Hel.

"I've recieved a code 5 alert from the detention center. It appears that one of the prisoners managed to overpower a guard and unlocked the cells. Only two prisoners seem to have escaped. The one who overpowered the guard, and an accomplis. You must find and recover them, without my help."

"Voice, the last time you said that was when...oh no. Don't tell me..."

"Exactly. Get your team on it. Oh, and Hel? Good luck."

With that last message, Hel quickly informed the group of what had happened.

"It seems that the detention block has reported a breakout by two prisoners. Voice wants us to go over there and check it out. She's also stopped communication with us, so take a guess who was one of the 'escapees'." Hel said with a sarcastic tone.

"She got out? I thought that voice finally got that taken care of?" Sarge said sounding exacerbated.

"Who got out?" Harry asked, not understand who they were talking about.

"Her name is Raina, and we've fought her too many times to count. She can take control of people's minds, and I'd bet you anything that she took over one of the inmates and used him to help her escape." was the angry reply from Sarge.

All of this was confusing to Harry, but what he understood was that this... Raina was performing a sort of Legilemence and Imperio attack on people to read and control them. It would be the first time his mental shields would be put to the test, but his scar hadn't hurt at all that summer, which he took as a good sign.

"Let's do this." said Sarge as they used their rockets to speed up towards the detention level.


When they got to the cafeteria, it was a scene out of a horror movie. Blood and bodies were everywhere as the guards resorted to using their weapons to fight back the angry mob.

Harry, who hadn't seen something like this before, had to force himself not to puke. He had encountered death, like what happened to Cedric. He had even seen violence, fighting Voldemort every year made that certain. He just hadn't seen such absolute... death on a large scale before.

"Where did the prisoners head off to?" Hel said towards one of the guards.

In answer, he raised his hand and pointed towards a hallway that led to the only other entrance.

With a nod towards the rest of the group, Hel started walking towards where the guard had indicated.

It was a very quiet walk, as most of the prisoners in this section were lying on the floor of the cafe, that was only interupted by the rhythmic march of the group.

When they reached the end of the hallway, after having passed several guard stations, they came upon a shaft.

"How the heck did Raina get past all of these guard stations. The only way she could would be to have her powers back, but last time I checked the Bailies took care of that for us." Sarge asked in a contemplating manner.

"Maybe she didn't have to bypass all of the guards. Maybe they let her walk right out of here." Cleo said to Sarge.

Sarge looked like she was going to say something when Cleo interupted her.

"Listen Sarge, I saw this crappy movie where a guy had a friend among the guards. He got past all of the guards before turning on his friend and shooting him. Raina may have made nice with one of the guards and he, out of the kindness of his heart, helped her to escape."

Every knew that Cleo meant Raina offered to sleep with the guard if he took her and a 'friend' outside the block. The only problem was that they still didn't know who this 'friend' was.

Hel turned back and looked at everyone.

"Guys, come take a look at this."

On the floor, at the edge of the shaft, was a piece of paper. It wasn't just any paper though, it was a visitor's pass. On the pass was written the name /Doctor Richard Cleptan/.

"I'll be damned. That's one of the original people that helped get Raina her powers!" Hel exclaimed.

It became clear to everyone that the next time they encountered Raina, she was going to have her powers back and boy would she be upset.

Oh how right they were...
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