Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Three Cheers for a Chemical Romance

A Clumsy Knight In Shining Armor

by A_Chemical_Tragedy 1 review

Gerard feels romantic one particular night, but will all go well when he ventures up Charlotte's roof for a classic Romeo and Juliet scene?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2006-12-28 - Updated: 2006-12-29 - 508 words

Gerard was too tired to walk all the way back to his house, so he decided to go on the wild side that night and break into Charlotte's house. Charlotte's house wasn't a far walk from Mikey's apartment so he was there in no time. As he walked up to her front door he saw a glowing bluish light coming from the living room. He was guessing she fell asleep watching TV or something.

Her house was a small, oddly shaped, two story house. Her bedroom was on the second story, he remembered her explaining that the window always had to be open or else they would melt from the insane heat. Vines clung to the outer walls of the house, they looked strong enough to hold his weight. So it was settled. Charlotte's night in shining armor scaled the walls of her house, aching from his sores but a small thing like that wouldn't stop him from getting to his queen. Except maybe, a few loose roof tiles.

The tiles were pretty visible but the moon was covered by a cloud as he walked across the loose tiles. He thought he heard a weird noise but decided he was just imagining things. WRONG!!

"Whoa!" Gerard started falling backwards towards an early grave as he saw it. He slipped and was now falling backwards on his knees. It hurt like hell and he knew it would only get worse. As he fell down he hit his head on the gutters, quickly trying to grab his last chance at dear life. And he got it.

"Gerard? What the hell?" Charlotte climbed out her window and slowly moved to Gerard.

"Hurry, Charlotte I can't hold on anymore it's cutting my hands really deep!" She was there. Charlotte's hand grabbed Gerard's hand. It was slippery from the blood that came from the cuts. He swinged his leg to the side in an attempt to help hoist him up. She grabbed his leg as well and pulled Gerard up to safety.

"Oh, my gosh Gerard! You're such an idiot why did you do that?" She pulled him into a hug and kissed him after they pulled apart. Her eyes were red and watery. It scared her to think she could've lost him had she not been fast enough.

"It's okay babe, I'm here, I'm not EVER leaving you." he carried her bridal style until he got to the window where she had to crawl through herself. Gerard followed.

"Sweetie, we have to fix that cut on your head. Come on," she lead him towards the bathroom. She washed the blood off, first, then, quickly dried it, and wrapped a bandage around it.

Gerard wrapped his arms around Charlotte and kissed her cheek. He picked her up and threw her on the bed. That night, they didn't want anything from each other, except to know that the other was right there.

Since this chapter is super short the next one is gonna be super long...or like 3 chapters at once, i dunno yet
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